07/24/19 11:23:45 (5 years ago)

Renamed Frame.getItems() to Frame.getSortedItems() to better represent its functionality.

-> org.apollo.ApolloGestureActions
-> org.apollo.ApolloSystem
-> org.expeditee.actions.Actions
-> org.expeditee.actions.Debug
-> org.expeditee.actions.ExploratorySearchActions
-> org.expeditee.actions.JfxBrowserActions
-> org.expeditee.actions.Misc
-> org.expeditee.actions.Navigation
-> org.expeditee.actions.ScriptBase
-> org.expeditee.actions.Simple
-> org.expeditee.agents.ComputeTree
-> org.expeditee.agents.CopyTree
-> org.expeditee.agents.DisplayComet
-> org.expeditee.agents.DisplayTree
-> org.expeditee.agents.DisplayTreeLeaves
-> org.expeditee.agents.GraphFramesetLinks
-> org.expeditee.agents.TreeProcessor
-> org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions
-> org.expeditee.gui.DisplayController
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameCreator
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO
-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultTreeWriter
-> org.expeditee.io.JavaWriter
-> org.expeditee.io.PDF2Writer
-> org.expeditee.io.TXTWriter
-> org.expeditee.io.WebParser
-> org.expeditee.io.flowlayout.XGroupItem
-> org.expeditee.items.Dot
-> org.expeditee.items.Item
-> org.expeditee.items.ItemUtils
-> org.expeditee.network.FrameShare
-> org.expeditee.stats.TreeStats

Created ItemsList class to wrap ArrayList<Item>. Frames now use this new class to store its body list (used for display) as well as its primaryBody and surrogateBody.

-> org.expeditee.agents.Format
-> org.expeditee.agents.HFormat
-> org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions
-> org.expeditee.gui.Frame
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameUtils

Refactorted Frame.setResort(bool) to Frame.invalidateSorted() to better function how it is intended to with a more accurate name.

-> org.expeditee.agents.Sort

When writing out .exp files and getting attributes to respond to LEFT + RIGHT click, boolean items are by default true. This has always been the case. An ammendment to this is that defaults can now be established.
Also added 'EnterClick' functionality. If cursored over a item with this property and you press enter, it acts as if you have clicked on it instead.

-> org.expeditee.assets.resources-public.framesets.authentication.1.exp to 6.exp
-> org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions
-> org.expeditee.gio.input.KBMInputEvent
-> org.expeditee.gio.javafx.JavaFXConversions
-> org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingConversions
-> org.expeditee.gui.AttributeUtils
-> org.expeditee.io.Conversion
-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultFrameWriter
-> org.expeditee.items.Item

Fixed a bug caused by calling Math.abs on Integer.MIN_VALUE returning unexpected result. Due to zero being a thing, you cannot represent Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) in a Integer object. The solution is to use Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1 instead of Integer.MIN_VALUE.

-> org.expeditee.core.bounds.CombinationBounds
-> org.expeditee.io.flowlayout.DimensionExtent

Recoded the contains function in EllipticalBounds so that intersection tests containing circles work correctly.

-> org.expeditee.core.bounds.EllipticalBounds

Added toString() to PolygonBounds to allow for useful printing during debugging.

-> org.expeditee.core.bounds.PolygonBounds

Implemented Surrogate Mode!

-> org.expeditee.encryption.io.EncryptedExpReader
-> org.expeditee.encryption.io.EncryptedExpWriter
-> org.expeditee.encryption.items.surrogates.EncryptionDetail
-> org.expeditee.encryption.items.surrogates.Label
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameUtils
-> org.expeditee.gui.ItemsList
-> org.expeditee.items.Item
-> org.expeditee.items.Text

???? Use Integer.MAX_VALUE cast to a float instead of Float.MAX_VALUE. This fixed some bug which I cannot remember.

-> org.expeditee.gio.TextLayoutManager
-> org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingTextLayoutManager

Improved solution for dealing with the F10 key taking focus away from Expeditee due to it being a assessibility key.

-> org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingInputManager

Renamed variable visibleItems in FrameGraphics.paintFrame to itemsToPaintCanditates to better represent functional intent.

-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameGraphics

Improved checking for if personal resources exist before recreating them

-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO

Repeated messages to message bay now have a visual feedback instead of just a beep. This visual feedback is in the form of a count of the amount of times it has repeated.

-> org.expeditee.gui.MessageBay

Updated comment on the Vector class to explain what vectors are.

-> org.expeditee.gui.Vector

Added constants to represent all of the property keys in DefaultFrameReader and DefaultFrameWriter.

-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultFrameReader
-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultFrameWriter

Updated the KeyList setting to be more heirarcial with how users will store their Secrets.

-> org.expeditee.settings.identity.secrets.KeyList

1 edited


  • trunk/src/org/expeditee/assets/resources-public/framesets/authentication/4.exp

    r1396 r1415  
    1 V 228
    2 p 40
     1V 232
     2p 400
    33U authadmin
    44D 07Jan2019[14:34]
    55M nobody
    6 d 30May2019[12:55]
     6d 04Jul2019[13:23]
    77B 100 100 39 100
    2020m 0.0
    2121h -1.0
    22 p 40
     22p 400
    2323_sl F
    3535m 0.0
    3636h -1.0
    37 p 40
     37p 400
    3838_sl F
    5050m 0.0
    5151h -1.0
    52 p 40
     52p 400
    5353_sl F
    6565m 0.0
    6666h -1.0
    67 p 40
     67p 400
    6868_sl F
    8585M 300
    8686h 1.0
    87 p 44
     87p 444
    8888_ph Username
    8989_sl F
    110110M 300
    111111h 1.0
    112 p 41
     112p 411
     113_sl F
    113114_ti 2
     115_ae true
    115117S P 328
    148150M 300
    149151h 1.0
    150 p 44
     152p 444
    151153_ph Identity Number
     154_sl F
    152155_ti 3
    172175M 300
    173176h 1.0
    174 p 41
     177p 411
     178_sl F
    175179_ti 4
     180_ae true
    177182S P 382
    217222M 300
    218223h 1.0
    219 p 44
     224p 444
    220225_ph Password Piece Two
     226_sl F
    221227_ti 6
    239245M 300
    240246h 1.0
    241 p 44
     247p 444
    242248_ph Password Piece One
     249_sl F
    243250_ti 5
    262269M 300
    263270h 1.0
    264 p 44
     271p 444
    265272_ph New Password Again
    266273_sl F
    286293M 300
    287294h 1.0
    288 p 44
     295p 444
    289296_ph New Password
    290297_sl F
    310317M 205
    311318h 1.0
    312 p 41
     319p 411
    313320_sl F
    314321_ti 9
     322_ae true
    316324S P 618
    325333l 620 639
    326334c 1313 1314
    327 p 41
     335p 411
    329337S P 619
    337345l 620 621
    338346c 1313 1315
    339 p 41
     347p 411
    341349S P 622
    349357l 624 625
    350358c 1373 1374
    351 p 41
     359p 411
    353361S P 623
    361369l 625 635
    362370c 1373 1376
    363 p 41
     371p 411
    365373S T 626
    377385m 0.0
    378386h -1.0
    379 p 41
     387p 411
    380388_sl F
    394402m 0.0
    395403h -1.0
    396 p 41
     404p 411
    397405_sl F
    411419m 0.0
    412420h -1.0
    413 p 41
     421p 411
    414422_sl F
    428436m 0.0
    429437h -1.0
    430 p 41
     438p 411
    431439_sl F
    445453m 0.0
    446454h -1.0
    447 p 41
     455p 411
    448456_sl F
    462470m 0.0
    463471h -1.0
    464 p 41
     472p 411
    465473_sl F
    479487m 0.0
    480488h -1.0
    481 p 41
     489p 411
    482490_sl F
    493501l 624 636
    494502c 1374 1375
    495 p 41
     503p 411
    497505S P 634
    505513l 635 636
    506514c 1376 1375
    507 p 41
     515p 411
    509517S P 637
    517525l 621 640
    518526c 1315 1320
    519 p 41
     527p 411
    521529S P 638
    529537l 639 640
    530538c 1314 1320
    531 p 41
     539p 411
    593 ActiveTime:01:37:49
    595 55:59:214 974 141 kSHIFT
    596 55:59:413 974 141 kT
    597 55:59:669 985 141 kO
    598 55:59:820 994 141 kG
    599 55:59:955 1003 141 kG
    600 56:00:066 1012 141 kL
    601 56:00:186 1016 141 kE
    602 56:00:348 1025 141 kSHIFT
    603 56:00:436 1025 141 kA
    604 56:00:660 1038 141 kU
    605 56:00:763 1047 141 kT
    606 56:00:863 1052 141 kH
    607 56:01:085 1061 141 kCTRL
    608 56:01:245 1061 141 kA
    609 56:12:623 644 193 Ld
    610 56:12:691 644 193 Rd
    611 56:12:826 644 193 Lu
    612 56:12:843 644 193 Ru
    613 56:13:979 986 135 Ld
    614 56:14:115 986 135 Lu
    615 56:14:966 696 197 Ld
    616 56:15:012 696 197 Rd
    617 56:15:147 696 197 Lu
    618 56:15:187 696 197 Ru
    619 56:26:280 1069 243 Md
    620 56:26:299 1069 243 Rd
    621 56:26:419 1069 243 Mu
    622 56:26:426 1069 243 Ru
    623 56:27:534 1026 139 Md
    624 56:27:571 1026 139 Rd
    625 56:27:779 1026 139 Ru
    626 56:27:780 1026 139 Mu
    627 56:31:507 663 197 Ld
    628 56:31:581 663 197 Rd
    629 56:31:723 663 197 Lu
    630 56:31:747 663 197 Ru
    631 56:34:254 1038 189 Md
    632 56:34:314 1038 189 Rd
    633 56:34:523 1038 189 Mu
    634 56:34:538 1038 189 Ru
    635 56:35:068 1151 300 kSHIFT
    636 56:35:568 1150 300 kSHIFT
    637 56:35:599 1150 300 kSHIFT
    638 56:35:632 1150 300 kSHIFT
    639 56:35:666 1150 300 kSHIFT
    640 56:35:699 1150 300 kSHIFT
    641 56:35:732 1150 300 kSHIFT
    642 56:35:764 1150 300 kSHIFT
    643 56:35:798 1150 300 kSHIFT
    644 56:35:831 1150 300 kSHIFT
    645 56:35:863 1150 300 kSHIFT
    646 56:35:874 1150 300 kW
    647 56:36:380 1167 300 kI
    648 56:36:451 1172 300 kD
    649 56:36:645 1181 300 kT
    650 56:36:707 1186 300 kH
    651 56:36:810 1195 300 kSHIFT
    652 56:38:190 1182 295 Md
    653 56:38:307 1182 295 Mu
    654 56:38:894 625 191 Rd
    655 56:38:987 625 191 Ru
    656 56:39:764 627 249 Rd
    657 56:39:859 627 249 Ru
    658 56:41:702 1047 334 Md
    659 56:41:781 1047 334 Rd
    660 56:41:931 1047 334 Ru
    661 56:41:947 1047 334 Mu
    662 56:54:550 704 261 Ld
    663 56:54:765 704 261 Rd
    664 56:54:947 704 261 Ru
    665 56:54:955 704 261 Lu
    666 56:58:422 1052 309 Md
    667 56:58:451 1052 309 Rd
    668 56:58:627 1052 309 Ru
    669 56:58:627 1052 309 Mu
    670 57:09:933 848 208 kBACKSPACE
    671 57:20:206 1047 362 kSHIFT
    672 57:20:389 1047 362 kW
    673 57:20:678 1064 362 kSHIFT
    674 57:24:475 1085 362 Md
    675 57:24:619 1085 362 Mu
    676 57:25:366 720 212 Md
    677 57:25:459 720 212 Mu
    678 57:29:539 1023 282 kSHIFT
    679 57:29:997 1023 282 kW
    680 57:30:349 1040 282 kI
    681 57:30:428 1045 282 kD
    682 57:30:669 1054 282 kT
    683 57:30:748 1059 282 kH
    684 57:30:835 1068 282 kSHIFT
    685 57:33:967 1109 284 Md
    686 57:34:107 1109 284 Mu
    687 57:35:022 700 206 Rd
    688 57:35:131 700 206 Ru
    689 57:36:262 690 248 Rd
    690 57:36:363 690 248 Ru
    691 57:38:078 1136 307 Md
    692 57:38:203 1136 307 Mu
    693 57:39:158 660 256 Ld
    694 57:39:643 660 256 Lu
    695 57:42:876 881 215 kBACKSPACE
    696 57:43:086 874 219 kBACKSPACE
    697 57:43:396 865 219 kBACKSPACE
    698 57:45:393 600 212 kBACKSPACE
    699 57:45:589 590 219 kBACKSPACE
    700 57:45:819 582 219 kBACKSPACE
    701 57:49:485 1047 296 kSHIFT
    702 57:49:582 1047 296 kM
    703 57:49:806 1066 305 kI
    704 57:49:875 1071 305 kN
    705 57:51:391 1080 305 Md
    706 57:51:507 1080 305 Mu
    707 57:52:144 705 215 Rd
    708 57:52:195 705 215 Ru
    709 57:52:846 710 250 Rd
    710 57:52:931 710 250 Ru
    711 57:53:726 1142 372 Md
    712 57:53:788 1142 372 Rd
    713 57:53:923 1142 372 Ru
    714 57:53:947 1142 372 Mu
    715 58:00:035 1153 256 kCTRL
    716 58:00:538 1153 257 kCTRL
    717 58:00:554 1153 257 kS
     60323:59:891 1076 133 kSHIFT
     60424:00:098 1076 133 kT
     60524:00:530 1087 133 kO
     60624:00:739 1096 133 kG
     60724:00:868 1105 133 kG
     60824:00:971 1114 133 kL
     60924:01:059 1119 133 kE
     61024:01:203 1127 133 kSHIFT
     61124:01:267 1127 133 kA
     61224:01:452 1140 133 kU
     61324:01:516 1149 133 kT
     61424:01:661 1154 133 kH
     61524:01:787 1163 133 kCTRL
     61624:01:956 1163 133 kA
     61724:02:797 1163 133 Ld
     61824:02:891 1163 133 Lu
     61924:03:467 747 207 Ld
     62024:03:540 747 207 Rd
     62124:03:643 747 207 Ru
     62224:03:659 747 207 Lu
     62324:04:533 1049 204 Md
     62424:04:555 1049 204 Rd
     62524:04:691 1049 204 Mu
     62624:04:698 1049 204 Ru
     62724:05:310 731 267 Ld
     62824:05:362 731 267 Rd
     62924:05:476 732 268 Lu
     63024:05:477 732 268 Ru
     63124:06:052 1306 239 Md
     63224:06:076 1306 239 Rd
     63324:06:220 1305 239 Mu
     63424:06:236 1303 238 Ru
     63524:06:662 1075 125 Md
     63624:06:685 1075 125 Rd
     63724:06:787 1075 125 Ru
     63824:06:803 1075 125 Mu
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.