07/24/19 11:23:45 (5 years ago)

Renamed Frame.getItems() to Frame.getSortedItems() to better represent its functionality.

-> org.apollo.ApolloGestureActions
-> org.apollo.ApolloSystem
-> org.expeditee.actions.Actions
-> org.expeditee.actions.Debug
-> org.expeditee.actions.ExploratorySearchActions
-> org.expeditee.actions.JfxBrowserActions
-> org.expeditee.actions.Misc
-> org.expeditee.actions.Navigation
-> org.expeditee.actions.ScriptBase
-> org.expeditee.actions.Simple
-> org.expeditee.agents.ComputeTree
-> org.expeditee.agents.CopyTree
-> org.expeditee.agents.DisplayComet
-> org.expeditee.agents.DisplayTree
-> org.expeditee.agents.DisplayTreeLeaves
-> org.expeditee.agents.GraphFramesetLinks
-> org.expeditee.agents.TreeProcessor
-> org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions
-> org.expeditee.gui.DisplayController
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameCreator
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO
-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultTreeWriter
-> org.expeditee.io.JavaWriter
-> org.expeditee.io.PDF2Writer
-> org.expeditee.io.TXTWriter
-> org.expeditee.io.WebParser
-> org.expeditee.io.flowlayout.XGroupItem
-> org.expeditee.items.Dot
-> org.expeditee.items.Item
-> org.expeditee.items.ItemUtils
-> org.expeditee.network.FrameShare
-> org.expeditee.stats.TreeStats

Created ItemsList class to wrap ArrayList<Item>. Frames now use this new class to store its body list (used for display) as well as its primaryBody and surrogateBody.

-> org.expeditee.agents.Format
-> org.expeditee.agents.HFormat
-> org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions
-> org.expeditee.gui.Frame
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameUtils

Refactorted Frame.setResort(bool) to Frame.invalidateSorted() to better function how it is intended to with a more accurate name.

-> org.expeditee.agents.Sort

When writing out .exp files and getting attributes to respond to LEFT + RIGHT click, boolean items are by default true. This has always been the case. An ammendment to this is that defaults can now be established.
Also added 'EnterClick' functionality. If cursored over a item with this property and you press enter, it acts as if you have clicked on it instead.

-> org.expeditee.assets.resources-public.framesets.authentication.1.exp to 6.exp
-> org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions
-> org.expeditee.gio.input.KBMInputEvent
-> org.expeditee.gio.javafx.JavaFXConversions
-> org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingConversions
-> org.expeditee.gui.AttributeUtils
-> org.expeditee.io.Conversion
-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultFrameWriter
-> org.expeditee.items.Item

Fixed a bug caused by calling Math.abs on Integer.MIN_VALUE returning unexpected result. Due to zero being a thing, you cannot represent Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) in a Integer object. The solution is to use Integer.MIN_VALUE + 1 instead of Integer.MIN_VALUE.

-> org.expeditee.core.bounds.CombinationBounds
-> org.expeditee.io.flowlayout.DimensionExtent

Recoded the contains function in EllipticalBounds so that intersection tests containing circles work correctly.

-> org.expeditee.core.bounds.EllipticalBounds

Added toString() to PolygonBounds to allow for useful printing during debugging.

-> org.expeditee.core.bounds.PolygonBounds

Implemented Surrogate Mode!

-> org.expeditee.encryption.io.EncryptedExpReader
-> org.expeditee.encryption.io.EncryptedExpWriter
-> org.expeditee.encryption.items.surrogates.EncryptionDetail
-> org.expeditee.encryption.items.surrogates.Label
-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameUtils
-> org.expeditee.gui.ItemsList
-> org.expeditee.items.Item
-> org.expeditee.items.Text

???? Use Integer.MAX_VALUE cast to a float instead of Float.MAX_VALUE. This fixed some bug which I cannot remember.

-> org.expeditee.gio.TextLayoutManager
-> org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingTextLayoutManager

Improved solution for dealing with the F10 key taking focus away from Expeditee due to it being a assessibility key.

-> org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingInputManager

Renamed variable visibleItems in FrameGraphics.paintFrame to itemsToPaintCanditates to better represent functional intent.

-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameGraphics

Improved checking for if personal resources exist before recreating them

-> org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO

Repeated messages to message bay now have a visual feedback instead of just a beep. This visual feedback is in the form of a count of the amount of times it has repeated.

-> org.expeditee.gui.MessageBay

Updated comment on the Vector class to explain what vectors are.

-> org.expeditee.gui.Vector

Added constants to represent all of the property keys in DefaultFrameReader and DefaultFrameWriter.

-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultFrameReader
-> org.expeditee.io.DefaultFrameWriter

Updated the KeyList setting to be more heirarcial with how users will store their Secrets.

-> org.expeditee.settings.identity.secrets.KeyList

1 edited


  • trunk/src/org/expeditee/assets/resources-public/framesets/authentication/2.exp

    r1396 r1415  
    1 V 300
    2 p 40
     1V 302
     2p 400
    33U authadmin
    44D 07Dec2018[12:19]
    5 M authadmin
    6 d 27May2019[11:51]
     5M nobody
     6d 04Jul2019[13:20]
    77B 100 100 39 100
    2020m 0.0
    2121h -1.0
    22 p 40
     22p 400
    2323_sl F
    3535m 0.0
    3636h -1.0
    37 p 40
     37p 400
    3838_sl F
    5050m 0.0
    5151h -1.0
    52 p 40
     52p 400
    5353_sl F
    5656s 11Apr2019[10:56.20]
    5757d 0 0 0 100
    58 P 280 168
     58P 280 185
    5959T Create an Expeditee Account
    6060N 150
    6666m 0.0
    6767h -1.0
    68 p 40
     68p 400
    6969_sl F
    9292G 100 100 100 100
    9393K 0 0 0 100
    94 P 175 260
     94P 175 287
    9696x F
    106106M 300
    107107h 1.0
    108 p 44
     108p 444
    109109_ph Username
     110_sl F
    110111_ti 1
    115116G 100 100 100 100
    116117K 0 0 0 100
    117 P 175 320
     118P 175 347
    119120x F
    131132M 300
    132133h 1.0
    133 p 44
     134p 444
    134135_ph Password
    135 _sl T
    136136_ti 2
    141141G 100 100 100 100
    142142K 0 0 0 100
    143 P 515 320
     143P 515 347
    145145x F
    157157M 300
    158158h 1.0
    159 p 44
     159p 444
    160160_ph Password Again
    161 _sl T
    162161_ti 3
    167166G 100 100 100 100
    168167K 0 0 0 100
    169 P 515 380
     168P 515 407
    171170x F
    182181M 300
    183182h 1.0
    184 p 44
     183p 444
    185184_ph Email Again
    186 _sl T
    187185_ti 5
    192190G 100 100 100 100
    193191K 0 0 0 100
    194 P 175 380
     192P 175 407
    196194x F
    207205M 300
    208206h 1.0
    209 p 44
     207p 444
    210208_ph Email
    211 _sl T
    212209_ti 4
    217214G 100 100 0 100
    218215K 0 0 0 100
    219 P 394 458
     216P 394 469
    220217T Create Account
    221218X AuthCreateAccount
    231228M 205
    232229h 1.0
    233 p 41
     230p 411
    234231_sl F
    235232_ti 6
     233_ae true
    237235S P 773
    246244l 1467 1476
    247245c 1481 1482
    248 p 41
     246p 411
    250248S P 774
    258256l 1467 1470
    259257c 1481 1483
    260 p 41
     258p 411
    262260S P 769
    270268l 1455 1464
    271269c 1477 1478
    272 p 41
     270p 411
    274272S P 772
    282280l 1464 1461
    283281c 1477 1480
    284 p 41
     282p 411
    286284S T 764
    298296m 0.0
    299297h -1.0
    300 p 41
     298p 411
    301299_sl F
    315313m 0.0
    316314h -1.0
    317 p 41
     315p 411
    318316_sl F
    332330m 0.0
    333331h -1.0
    334 p 41
     332p 411
    335333_sl F
    349347m 0.0
    350348h -1.0
    351 p 41
     349p 411
    352350_sl F
    366364m 0.0
    367365h -1.0
    368 p 41
     366p 411
    369367_sl F
    383381m 0.0
    384382h -1.0
    385 p 40
     383p 400
    386384_sl F
    400398m 0.0
    401399h -1.0
    402 p 41
     400p 411
    403401_sl F
    417415m 0.0
    418416h -1.0
    419 p 41
     417p 411
    420418_sl F
    431429l 1455 1458
    432430c 1478 1479
    433 p 41
     431p 411
    435433S P 771
    443441l 1461 1458
    444442c 1480 1479
    445 p 41
     443p 411
    447445S P 775
    455453l 1470 1473
    456454c 1483 1484
    457 p 41
     455p 411
    459457S P 776
    467465l 1476 1473
    468466c 1482 1484
    469 p 41
     467p 411
    525 ActiveTime:01:25:41
    527 49:46:377 540 328 Ld
    528 49:46:521 540 328 Rd
    529 49:46:712 540 328 Ru
    530 49:46:728 540 328 Lu
    531 49:51:681 705 241 kSHIFT
    532 49:52:097 705 241 kT
    533 49:52:316 716 241 kO
    534 49:52:508 725 241 kG
    535 49:52:652 734 241 kG
    536 49:52:762 743 241 kL
    537 49:52:873 748 241 kE
    538 49:53:036 756 241 kSHIFT
    539 49:53:132 756 241 kA
    540 49:53:324 769 241 kU
    541 49:53:442 778 241 kT
    542 49:53:547 783 241 kH
    543 49:53:741 792 241 kCTRL
    544 49:53:978 792 241 kA
    545 49:55:338 745 238 Ld
    546 49:55:433 745 238 Lu
    547 49:56:269 748 242 Md
    548 49:56:368 748 242 Rd
    549 49:56:477 748 242 Ru
    550 49:56:508 748 242 Mu
    551 49:59:950 699 238 kSHIFT
    552 50:00:169 699 238 kW
    553 50:00:346 716 238 kI
    554 50:00:483 721 238 kD
    555 50:00:623 730 238 kT
    556 50:00:702 735 238 kH
    557 50:00:795 744 238 kSHIFT
    558 50:01:563 748 238 kBACKSPACE
    559 50:01:641 744 238 kSHIFT
    560 50:03:755 728 235 Md
    561 50:03:848 728 235 Mu
    562 50:04:584 564 332 Rd
    563 50:04:741 564 332 Ru
    564 50:05:217 557 398 Rd
    565 50:05:311 556 398 Ru
    566 50:06:211 231 333 Rd
    567 50:06:305 231 333 Ru
    568 50:06:791 212 390 Rd
    569 50:06:885 212 390 Ru
    570 50:07:494 660 271 Md
    571 50:07:604 660 271 Rd
    572 50:07:760 660 271 Ru
    573 50:07:760 660 271 Mu
    574 50:08:298 567 391 Ld
    575 50:08:329 567 391 Rd
    576 50:08:465 567 391 Lu
    577 50:08:482 567 391 Ru
    578 50:10:777 702 257 Md
    579 50:10:824 702 257 Rd
    580 50:10:999 702 257 Ru
    581 50:11:015 702 257 Mu
    582 50:12:094 547 398 kLEFT_ARROW
    583 50:15:756 657 242 kSHIFT
    584 50:15:896 657 242 kS
    585 50:16:068 667 242 kI
    586 50:16:132 672 242 kN
    587 50:16:273 681 242 kG
    588 50:16:351 690 242 kL
    589 50:16:476 695 242 kE
    590 50:16:554 703 242 kSHIFT
    591 50:16:680 703 242 kL
    592 50:16:906 714 242 kI
    593 50:16:969 719 242 kN
    594 50:17:086 728 242 kE
    595 50:17:181 736 242 kSHIFT
    596 50:17:321 736 242 kO
    597 50:17:478 749 242 kN
    598 50:17:569 758 242 kL
    599 50:17:729 763 242 kY
    600 50:18:276 772 242 kSHIFT
    601 50:18:652 781 242 kT
    602 50:18:793 786 242 kR
    603 50:18:903 792 242 kU
    604 50:18:981 800 242 kE
    605 50:20:639 706 227 Md
    606 50:20:732 705 227 Mu
    607 50:23:753 587 342 Rd
    608 50:23:894 587 342 Ru
    609 50:24:803 253 345 Rd
    610 50:24:897 253 345 Ru
    611 50:25:459 219 399 Rd
    612 50:25:568 219 399 Ru
    613 50:26:109 589 393 Rd
    614 50:26:257 589 392 Ru
    615 50:28:245 660 275 Md
    616 50:28:292 660 275 Rd
    617 50:28:448 660 275 Ru
    618 50:28:464 660 275 Mu
    619 50:29:583 565 405 kLEFT_ARROW
    620 50:30:625 254 281 Ld
    621 50:30:703 254 281 Rd
    622 50:30:860 254 281 Lu
    623 50:30:860 254 281 Ru
    624 50:34:787 708 285 Md
    625 50:34:858 708 285 Rd
    626 50:35:039 708 285 Ru
    627 50:35:039 708 285 Mu
    628 50:35:587 544 352 Ld
    629 50:35:665 544 352 Rd
    630 50:35:790 544 352 Lu
    631 50:35:806 544 352 Ru
    632 50:37:058 715 256 Md
    633 50:37:095 715 256 Rd
    634 50:37:283 715 256 Ru
    635 50:37:299 715 256 Mu
    636 50:40:472 876 220 kCTRL
    637 50:40:987 876 220 kCTRL
    638 50:41:019 876 220 kCTRL
    639 50:41:050 876 220 kCTRL
    640 50:41:081 876 220 kCTRL
    641 50:41:119 876 220 kCTRL
    642 50:41:150 876 220 kCTRL
    643 50:41:182 876 220 kCTRL
    644 50:41:213 876 220 kCTRL
    645 50:41:244 876 220 kCTRL
    646 50:41:275 876 220 kCTRL
    647 50:41:306 876 220 kS
    648 51:24:134 583 226 kSHIFT
    649 51:24:400 583 226 kU
    650 51:24:585 596 226 kS
    651 51:27:824 603 226 kBACKSPACE
     52520:55:434 79 398 kSHIFT
     52620:55:722 79 398 kT
     52720:55:898 90 398 kO
     52820:56:050 99 398 kG
     52920:56:194 108 398 kG
     53020:56:251 117 398 kL
     53120:56:338 122 398 kE
     53220:56:498 130 398 kSHIFT
     53320:56:593 130 398 kA
     53420:56:738 143 398 kU
     53520:56:890 152 398 kT
     53620:56:961 156 398 kH
     53720:57:194 166 398 kCTRL
     53820:57:394 166 398 kA
     53920:58:462 102 384 Ld
     54020:58:618 102 384 Lu
     54120:59:346 103 401 Md
     54220:59:434 103 401 Rd
     54320:59:578 103 401 Ru
     54420:59:602 103 401 Mu
     54521:01:922 69 473 kSHIFT
     54621:02:308 69 473 kE
     54721:02:899 80 473 kN
     54821:03:076 89 473 kT
     54921:03:193 94 473 kE
     55021:03:284 102 473 kR
     55121:03:436 108 473 kSHIFT
     55221:03:559 108 473 kC
     55321:03:724 120 473 kL
     55421:03:893 125 473 kI
     55521:04:009 130 473 kC
     55621:04:090 138 473 kK
     55721:04:201 147 473 kSHIFT
     55821:05:236 156 473 kT
     55921:05:922 161 473 kR
     56021:06:097 167 473 kU
     56121:06:162 176 473 kE
     56221:07:404 183 473 Md
     56321:07:514 183 473 Mu
     56421:08:149 431 452 Md
     56521:08:274 431 452 Mu
     56621:11:572 138 467 kCTRL
     56721:12:071 138 467 kCTRL
     56821:12:102 138 467 kCTRL
     56921:12:135 138 467 kCTRL
     57021:12:169 138 467 kCTRL
     57121:12:203 138 467 kCTRL
     57221:12:235 138 467 kCTRL
     57321:12:269 138 467 kCTRL
     57421:12:275 138 467 kS
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.