

16:52 Changeset [1278] by bln4
15:22 Changeset [1277] by bln4
Changes have been made to how mail is stored. Each user now has a …
15:19 Changeset [1276] by bln4
FrameCreator now has the option to extend an existing frameset rather …


16:54 Changeset [1275] by bln4
Directed mail bay to create framesets in FrameIO.MAIL_PATH
16:46 Changeset [1274] by bln4
Consistency of FrameIO path names
09:41 Changeset [1273] by davidb
Adding in missing JAR file


15:56 Changeset [1272] by bln4
Switched initialisation order of UserName and ProfileName.
15:41 Changeset [1271] by bln4
14:33 Changeset [1270] by bln4
On profile creation a new parameter has been introducted. By passing …
14:33 Changeset [1269] by bln4
14:33 Changeset [1268] by bln4


16:13 Changeset [1267] by bln4
15:56 Changeset [1266] by bln4
Alteration to authadmin password protection.
10:34 Changeset [1265] by davidb
Adding in a new target to run expeditee with the …


12:29 Changeset [1264] by bln4
Updated the authentication and multiuser framesets to have the …
11:13 Changeset [1263] by bln4
When starting Authenticator mode and the authadmin account has not …


11:15 Changeset [1262] by bln4
Actions for Davids presentation
10:46 Changeset [1261] by bln4
Actions for Davids presentation
10:39 Changeset [1260] by bln4
Actions for Davids presentation
10:18 Changeset [1259] by bln4
Actions for Davids presentation


18:38 Changeset [1258] by davidb
Changed how DisplayController width, height and size are retrieved. …
17:12 Changeset [1257] by bln4
Provide access to tutorials in new regime.
17:12 Changeset [1256] by bln4
Use SecureRandom to generate personal key.
16:52 Changeset [1255] by bln4
14:42 Changeset [1254] by bln4
14:10 Changeset [1253] by bln4
13:16 Changeset [1252] by bln4
KeyStore instantiation now specifically uses the SunJSSE provider as …
12:31 Changeset [1251] by bln4
Use UserSetting.Username instead of user.name system property; as …
10:36 Changeset [1250] by bln4
10:36 Changeset [1249] by bln4
Commented out apollo until we can fix the startup code related to it.
10:35 Changeset [1248] by bln4
10:35 Changeset [1247] by bln4
If you are not logged in yet, then it does not make sense to set paths …
10:34 Changeset [1246] by bln4
09:43 Changeset [1245] by davidb
ImageDirs and AudioDirs changed over to new DirectcoryListSetting; …


22:29 Changeset [1244] by davidb
After change to have resources-public and resources-private, some …


16:51 Changeset [1243] by bln4
Alterations to how mail works to work better in a cloud environment. …
16:48 Changeset [1242] by bln4
Support for new regime in the form of new fields and conditional …
16:46 Changeset [1241] by bln4
Renamed these settings
16:36 Changeset [1240] by bln4
16:36 Changeset [1239] by bln4
16:35 Changeset [1238] by bln4
16:21 Changeset [1237] by bln4
Transition from new regime to new regime. (Pt2) The organisation and …
16:19 Changeset [1236] by bln4
Transition from new regime to new regime. (Pt1) The organisation and …
16:18 Changeset [1235] by bln4
Transition from new regime to new regime. (Pt1) The organisation and …
16:15 Changeset [1234] by bln4
Transition from new regime to new regime. (Pt1) The organisation and …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.