

13:55 Changeset [1233] by bln4
Removed debug comments
13:54 Changeset [1232] by bln4
Amendment to previous commit. org.expeditee.gui.Frame -> …
13:44 Changeset [1231] by bln4
See last
13:44 Changeset [1230] by bln4
org.expeditee.auth.AuthenticationTag -> Optionally choose not to use …
10:54 Changeset [1229] by bln4
org.expeditee.gui.Frame -> org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO -> When …
10:51 Changeset [1228] by bln4
org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions -> When manually …


16:34 Changeset [1227] by bln4
org.expeditee.auth.EncryptedExpReader -> …
16:28 Changeset [1226] by bln4


13:13 Changeset [1225] by bln4
Util.java -> Temporary (or will be moved) utility functions for …
13:10 Changeset [1224] by bln4
Browser.java -> Remove code using NGIKM for demonstration.
13:08 Changeset [1223] by bln4
CryptographyConstants.java -> Constants describing the encryption used.
13:05 Changeset [1222] by bln4
13:05 Changeset [1221] by bln4
MessageBay.java -> Ability to steal screen from MailBay
13:04 Changeset [1220] by bln4
FrameUtils.java -> Ability to detect the cursor is over something in …
13:03 Changeset [1219] by bln4
FrameIO.java -> Altercation of how frames are discovered during …
13:03 Changeset [1218] by bln4
13:02 Changeset [1217] by bln4
Frame.java -> Allows reversal of previously implemented -1 (denied) …
13:02 Changeset [1216] by bln4
DisplayController.java -> Ability to Enter and check if the MailBay is …
13:00 Changeset [1215] by bln4
Browser.java -> Temporary change to Browser.java to allow for starting …
12:59 Changeset [1214] by bln4
Jars required for Authentication code being developed.
12:59 Changeset [1213] by bln4
UserSettings.java -> Flag settings to determine if we are …
12:58 Changeset [1212] by bln4
Item.java -> Ability to query if a Item has a certain piece of data.
12:58 Changeset [1211] by bln4
12:57 Changeset [1210] by bln4
12:54 Changeset [1209] by bln4
12:53 Changeset [1208] by bln4
12:53 Changeset [1207] by bln4
12:52 Changeset [1206] by bln4
12:52 Changeset [1205] by bln4
More detailed error message.
12:51 Changeset [1204] by bln4
auth.KeyList.java -> Settings to store public credentials …
12:50 Changeset [1203] by bln4
MailBay.java -> Datastructure consulted to display mail messages to …
12:49 Changeset [1202] by bln4
Initial commit of functionality concerning multiuser login, further to …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.