

15:10 Changeset [232] by ra33
Updated JFreeCharts
15:08 Changeset [231] by ra33
07:53 Changeset [230] by bjn8
Thought I might add a sample heavy duty widget


00:20 Changeset [229] by bjn8
Refector a little bit of code for reuse. Also fixed a bug with widgets


18:19 Changeset [228] by ra33
Added web browser control... next up... EMAIL!
18:18 Changeset [227] by ra33
16:53 Changeset [226] by ra33
Added PDF writers


20:05 Changeset [225] by bjn8
fixed bugs
19:56 Changeset [224] by bjn8
19:50 Changeset [223] by bjn8


16:23 Changeset [222] by ra33
16:22 Changeset [221] by ra33
16:21 Changeset [220] by ra33
07:36 Changeset [219] by bjn8
Cleaned up Display IO and the setCurrentFrame method - now anything …


22:26 Changeset [218] by bjn8
Fixed bug
22:01 Changeset [217] by bjn8
Fixed bug with parent event filtering
19:52 Changeset [216] by bjn8
An ant script..WARNING: Excludes charts because charts is currently …
18:47 Changeset [215] by bjn8
Fixed borders
18:04 Changeset [214] by ra33
Added charts
18:03 Changeset [213] by ra33
Added Charts
15:29 Changeset [212] by bjn8
Fixed subtle bug with loading data lines from an expeditee file
14:57 Changeset [211] by bjn8
11:46 Changeset [210] by bjn8
Changed tag parsing a little
10:49 Changeset [209] by bjn8
Tidied width and height restrictions ... now can set after construction
09:19 Changeset [208] by bjn8
Included simple tag parsing helpers
08:00 Changeset [207] by bjn8
Made some frame routines thread-safe Improved widget events


11:11 Changeset [206] by bjn8
Reverted back... but left latest changes in comments with TODO tags. …


14:53 Changeset [205] by ra33
Added all the category graph types
12:04 Changeset [204] by ra33
Added bar chart for single categories
11:27 Changeset [203] by ra33
Modified SimpleWidget1 to work with dataFrame
11:03 Changeset [202] by ra33
Fixed problem with Simple CalculateString command
10:34 Changeset [201] by ra33
10:33 Changeset [200] by ra33
Added the jars for the chart library
10:33 Changeset [199] by ra33
Added functionality allowing users to do PieCharts, also charts now …


11:56 Changeset [198] by ra33
added new package to separate widget classes from item classes
11:56 Changeset [197] by ra33
added a new class folder to separate out widget classes
11:44 Changeset [196] by ra33
Added Frame and Box variables to the Math calculations
10:26 Changeset [195] by ra33
10:25 Changeset [194] by ra33
10:25 Changeset [193] by ra33
10:24 Changeset [192] by ra33
10:24 Changeset [191] by ra33
10:23 Changeset [190] by ra33
Added some math stuff... able to group numbers inside a rectangle


12:48 Changeset [189] by ra33
12:42 Changeset [188] by ra33
Resizable, recolorable borders now available for IW's
08:30 Changeset [187] by bjn8
Fixed index out of bound bug - occured when my attribute was all white …


13:14 Changeset [186] by ra33
can now set interactive widget properties including link and border …
12:42 Changeset [185] by ra33
11:00 Changeset [184] by bjn8
Widgets are now linkable. Also made some improvements for popups - …


16:33 Changeset [183] by bjn8
Gave popups an option to have autohide on or off


18:15 Changeset [182] by bjn8
16:38 Changeset [181] by ra33
Work on Bridging the Gap between SimpleStatements and Actions/Agents


17:26 Changeset [180] by ra33
syncronised simple and actions
15:18 Changeset [179] by ra33
Made a few minor changes... Also For interactive widgets the border …
13:37 Changeset [178] by ra33
Added JavaExpressionParser library
07:35 Changeset [177] by bjn8
This is the JUnit 4.0 reliant class! It did not need those annotations.…


14:53 Changeset [176] by ra33
14:51 Changeset [175] by ra33
13:38 Changeset [174] by bjn8
Dissallowed widget edges from breaking


12:46 Changeset [173] by bjn8
Fixed final drawing pass for animated popups
12:06 Changeset [172] by bjn8
Improvements made for deleting widgets. Fixed a general bug with …
11:07 Changeset [171] by bjn8
Removed java 1.6 reliant method for DnD. Now only requires 1.5


17:51 Changeset [170] by bjn8
Fixed widget overlap rendering... now renders same as swing ordering
16:52 Changeset [169] by bjn8
Improvements for widgets and popups
16:52 Changeset [168] by bjn8
16:52 Changeset [167] by bjn8
Improvements for widgets and popups
16:51 Changeset [166] by bjn8
Improvements for widgets and popups
16:36 Changeset [165] by ra33
16:35 Changeset [164] by ra33
Added faster search tree
15:20 Changeset [163] by ra33
A couple of fixes to the newly added GetItemsFromChildFrame
15:08 Changeset [162] by ra33
Added faster versions of search frameset


16:37 Changeset [161] by ra33
Adding calculation stuff…
10:04 Changeset [160] by ra33
09:27 Changeset [159] by ra33
09:26 Changeset [158] by ra33
09:25 Changeset [157] by ra33
09:24 Changeset [156] by ra33
Added calculate action
09:23 Changeset [155] by ra33


10:05 Changeset [154] by ra33
Fixing bugs for Rob
10:04 Changeset [153] by ra33
New tests
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.