

16:33 Changeset [85] by bjn8
Fixed subtle bug in iWidget when stamping out copies
16:22 Changeset [84] by bjn8
Fixed minor bug: widgets weren't able to have enclosed context when …
15:39 Changeset [83] by bjn8
Fixed widgets now always have their corners to only have the …
15:31 Changeset [82] by bjn8
Widgets now are always enclosed fully; fixes 2 minor bugs and improves …
14:17 Changeset [81] by bjn8
iWidgets now must have tag separators - following expeditees tag convention


10:14 Changeset [80] by ra33
Added some more unit tests Did a bunch of refactoring AND added a few …


09:13 Changeset [79] by ra33
Added @b and @v... Also changed @f... so that images can be displayed …
09:11 Changeset [78] by ra33
Added @b and @v... Also changed @f... so that images can be displayed …
08:17 Changeset [77] by bjn8
Renamed some things for better descriptions ... Removed an unused …


15:02 Changeset [76] by bjn8
Test commit - corrected a spelling mistake on an error message
15:00 Changeset [75] by bjn8
just added some ignore items for excluding apollos source folders


16:11 Changeset [74] by ra33
Fixed bugs... added some more features!!
09:06 Changeset [73] by ra33
09:02 Changeset [72] by ra33
Added lots of stuff


14:58 Changeset [71] by ra33
Removed last remnants of adjusting position of items to account for …
09:40 Changeset [70] by ra33
Made LOTS of changes... Added DisplayComet A whole bunch more stats …


17:45 Changeset [69] by ra33
16:21 Changeset [68] by ra33
New Date
12:03 Changeset [67] by ra33
Fixed a bunch of problems with rectangles and resizing the window, as …
12:02 Changeset [66] by ra33
Added divide and subtract... there are also text versions of the …


14:36 Changeset [65] by ra33
Navigation shortcuts dont add frames to the back up stack
14:15 Changeset [64] by ra33
DeleteFrameset now moves frames into a trash directory... this is to …
13:24 Changeset [63] by ra33
13:24 Changeset [62] by ra33
13:24 Changeset [61] by ra33
Commit project settings
11:49 Changeset [60] by ra33
11:48 Changeset [59] by ra33
11:17 Changeset [58] by ra33
Items that are completely off the screen to the left or above are no …
10:51 Changeset [57] by davidb
Removed uneccessary JUnit tags causing compile errors if missing package
10:49 Changeset [56] by davidb
Fixed bug with widgets movement and scaling
10:49 Changeset [55] by davidb
Fixed bug with widgets movement and scaling
10:40 Changeset [54] by davidb
testing commit
10:37 Changeset [53] by davidb
Test commit
10:35 Changeset [52] by davidb
test commit
10:34 Changeset [51] by davidb
10:25 Changeset [50] by ra33
A whole day of big changes. Adding the ability to have Text at the end …
10:00 Changeset [49] by davidb
test commit


18:52 Changeset [48] by ra33
Made both types of messages (normal and overwrite mode) output the …
18:32 Changeset [47] by ra33
Fixed bug caused by change to make items picked up from an overlay and …
18:06 Changeset [46] by ra33
Refactored to centralise code for messages and stats displayed for the …
18:06 Changeset [45] by ra33
Refactored to centralise code for messages and stats displayed for the …
16:58 Changeset [44] by ra33
Changed to JUnit 3.8
16:57 Changeset [43] by ra33
12:41 Changeset [42] by ra33
Added forced Garbage collection to DisplayFrameset method
12:34 Changeset [41] by ra33
Yellow highlighting for deleting text ranges wasnt working. Fixed a …
11:16 Changeset [40] by ra33
11:16 Changeset [39] by ra33
10:07 Changeset [38] by ra33
10:07 Changeset [37] by ra33
10:06 Changeset [36] by ra33
10:03 Changeset [35] by ra33
09:54 Changeset [34] by ra33
09:49 Changeset [33] by ra33
09:43 Changeset [32] by ra33
09:42 Changeset [31] by ra33
09:42 Changeset [30] by ra33
09:39 Changeset [29] by ra33
09:32 Changeset [28] by ra33
09:06 Changeset [27] by ra33
08:56 Changeset [26] by ra33
change so that overlay items that get picked up get anchored back on …


15:32 Changeset [25] by ra33
Added forced garbage collection into DisplayTree when memory gets low. …
14:03 Changeset [24] by ra33
Valid frameset names must not begin and end with a letter, and be all …
11:48 Changeset [23] by ra33
Fixed bug in session stats that caused an exception when there were no …


09:31 Changeset [22] by ra33


14:30 Changeset [21] by ra33


18:15 Changeset [20] by ra33
18:15 Changeset [19] by ra33
13:54 Changeset [18] by ra33
13:54 Changeset [17] by ra33
13:53 Changeset [16] by ra33
12:31 Changeset [15] by ra33
12:29 Changeset [14] by ra33
12:10 Changeset [13] by ra33


17:55 Changeset [12] by ra33
Remove non alpha numeric chars from frameset names
17:13 Changeset [11] by ra33
Added widgets to expeditee
17:02 Changeset [10] by ra33
Added Interactive Widget Items
15:14 Changeset [9] by ra33
New exception
15:12 Changeset [8] by ra33
Displaying better error messages when trying to create a frameset with …
12:26 Changeset [7] by ra33
New expeditee version
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.