

14:34 Changeset [1407] by bln4
Group level permission is now completely a thing. If a frame has a …
13:03 Changeset [1406] by bln4
You can now create groups. Make a text item of the format "Group: …
11:28 Changeset [1405] by bln4
Added Group attribute to frames. Some early logic on using the …
10:23 Changeset [1404] by bln4
Updated group about file.


16:39 Changeset [1403] by bln4
Added groups path. Will be used to store framesets whose contents …
14:29 Changeset [1402] by bln4
Permission is now a triple rather than a pair. The new second bit is …


16:29 Changeset [1401] by bln4
Refactoring on how labels are resolved.
11:39 Changeset [1400] by bln4
Can now encrypt specific items on an encrypted frame.
10:13 Changeset [1399] by bln4
Migrate EncryptedExpReader/EncryptedExpWriter to encryption package …
10:10 Changeset [1398] by bln4
Items can now have an encryption label. New functionality using this …


13:14 Changeset [1397] by bln4
Permissions for tabing (with tab index) on text items.
12:59 Changeset [1396] by bln4
Updated tab index for authentication frames.
12:41 Changeset [1395] by bln4
12:40 Changeset [1394] by bln4
EncPermission setting is now represented as a full mask. An invalid …
11:09 Changeset [1393] by bln4
Maintain caseing for settings.


15:36 Changeset [1392] by bln4
Obey the minimum font size when having to deal with _singleLine=true …
15:21 Changeset [1391] by bln4
Formatting and syntax corrections on feedback to user.
13:47 Changeset [1390] by bln4
Added setting for the default encryption permission. When not …
13:01 Changeset [1389] by bln4
Moved things out of the old NGIKM package and deleted it.
12:35 Changeset [1388] by bln4
Data is now contained in its own object. Functionally nothing has …
11:15 Changeset [1387] by bln4
When sharing contact details. If we can detect that the recipient is …


16:12 Changeset [1386] by bln4
16:12 Changeset [1385] by bln4
Added further instructions for adding contact information from another …
15:09 Changeset [1384] by bln4
Instructions for sending your contact details to a user can now be …
13:59 Changeset [1383] by bln4
The text boxes on the authentication frameset now have tab indexes so …
13:50 Changeset [1382] by bln4
Functionality for tab index. When a user is cursored over a text item …
12:56 Changeset [1381] by bln4
Property _tabIndex will be used to support functionality to tab …
11:54 Changeset [1380] by bln4
11:38 Changeset [1379] by bln4
Reimplementation of the functionality that limits a text item to one …
11:28 Changeset [1378] by bln4
10:17 Changeset [1377] by bln4
Rollback implementation of _maxWidth. After talks with David, this …


16:06 Changeset [1376] by bln4
Followup: credentials frame is now programmatically calculated rather …
15:52 Changeset [1375] by bln4
Mail now links to the senders credentials frame. More work required …
14:51 Changeset [1374] by bln4
Implemented EncryptionPermission attribute. EncryptionPermission is a …


16:42 Changeset [1373] by bln4
15:53 Changeset [1372] by bln4
14:58 Changeset [1371] by bln4
Updates to multiuser1
14:36 Changeset [1370] by bln4
Differentiating login from switch user screen.
12:20 Changeset [1369] by bln4
MaxWidth on text items is now a thing. Use this on text boxes in …
10:42 Changeset [1368] by bln4
Updated authentication frameset. New frame for submitting trusted …


16:11 Changeset [1367] by bln4
Feedback for various functions in the password recovery process.
15:10 Changeset [1366] by bln4
Updated framesets.
15:10 Changeset [1365] by bln4
Better logic for when and when not these actions can be ran.


15:38 Changeset [1364] by bln4
Two d's in the second goddess as well.
14:37 Changeset [1363] by bln4
It is now possible to complete the process of recovering access to a …


14:48 Changeset [1362] by bln4
Added ability to send one off secure messages.
14:11 Changeset [1361] by bln4
Make public so encryption/decryption can be done directly.
14:10 Changeset [1360] by bln4
Whoops, the mail path needs to be in here.
10:50 Changeset [1359] by bln4
Fix bug causing multiple messages to show up.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.