02/11/14 01:27:13 (10 years ago)

Updating the design of the Exploratory Search overlays, along with a few related fixes.

Added the FontAwesome font (used for the ES Back/Forward/Home buttons). Copying and pasting the symbol characters from http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/cheatsheet/ to an Expeditee text item with "family: fontawesome" set is the easiest way to use it.

Added image-based buttons with icons for the main Exploratory Search actions. The label part of the buttons are still Expeditee text, but I wasn't able to simply use FontAwesome text items for the icon part, as this meant hovering over a button gave two distinct clickable regions (even when the text and the icon were positioned at the same coord, unless the icon item was loaded to the frame's list of items after the label), which seemed like it might be confusing to the user. Instead the icons are just part of the bitmaps, so it's a little harder to change the icon (setting the icon as a layer mask on the base button image in GIMP or Photoshop is the best way).

Changed the JFXBrowser initialization code so that the initial URL (grabbed from the text item source) is passed through the navigate() method, so search queries or URLs without a protocol can be used as the intial value.

Modified ExploratorySearchActions so that the startBrowserSession() action can be called from items that aren't text (needed so that it could be used on the image buttons). Also changed it so that the widget itself isn't created when the action is run, just its source text item, since the widget gets created automatically when the new frame is opened (and creating it in the action causes some issues with loading the initial page).

With the updated overlays, you'll need to re-copy the resources folder across to your local .expeditee folder.
I haven't changed the positioning of the @ao and @old tags in the ES stuff, so that might need to be adjusted.

1 edited


  • trunk/src/org/expeditee/items/widgets/JfxBrowser.java

    r854 r877  
    571571                        });
    573                         this._webEngine.load(url);
     573                        this.navigate(url);
    574574                } catch (Exception e) {
    575575                        e.printStackTrace();
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.