Changeset 457 for trunk/src/org

05/23/13 19:42:40 (11 years ago)

Classes that support a more sophisticated traversal of items on a frame, than the default: sort by 'y' and then by 'x' for any items with the same values of 'y'. Using these classes: i) items that spatially overlap in the y-dimension are treated as being part of the same line (and therefore ordered left to right, even it the second item's 'y' value is technically higher; ii) text items can be group by polygon shapes (typically a rectangle, other any polygon shape will do) and furthermore, enclosure can be nested arbitrarially deep; iii) arrows can be used to hook in 'out-of-flow' box/polygon area (specifically, drawing an arrow that ends in a box/polygon will cause the items in that box/polygon to be treated as if it was position at the (x,y) start position of the line

10 added

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