package org.apollo.widgets; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSlider; import javax.swing.JToggleButton; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apollo.ApolloSystem; import org.apollo.AudioFrameKeyboardActions; import org.apollo.AudioFrameMouseActions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apollo.gui.ExpandedTrackManager; import org.apollo.gui.FrameLayoutDaemon; import org.apollo.gui.PlaybackControlPopup; import org.apollo.gui.SampledTrackGraphView; import org.apollo.gui.Strokes; import; import; import org.apollo.items.EmulatedTextItem; import org.apollo.items.EmulatedTextItem.TextChangeListener; import org.apollo.mvc.Observer; import org.apollo.mvc.Subject; import org.apollo.mvc.SubjectChangedEvent; import org.apollo.util.ApolloSystemLog; import org.apollo.util.AudioMath; import org.apollo.util.Mutable; import org.apollo.util.ODFrameHeirarchyFetcher; import org.apollo.util.PopupReaper; import org.apollo.util.StringEx; import org.apollo.util.ODFrameHeirarchyFetcher.ODFrameReceiver; import org.expeditee.gui.Browser; import org.expeditee.gui.DisplayIO; import org.expeditee.gui.Frame; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameGraphics; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameUtils; import org.expeditee.gui.MessageBay; import org.expeditee.gui.MouseEventRouter; import org.expeditee.gui.PopupManager; import org.expeditee.items.Item; import org.expeditee.items.ItemParentStateChangedEvent; import org.expeditee.items.Text; import org.expeditee.items.widgets.InteractiveWidget; import org.expeditee.items.widgets.InteractiveWidgetInitialisationFailedException; import org.expeditee.items.widgets.InteractiveWidgetNotAvailableException; public class LinkedTrack extends InteractiveWidget implements ODFrameReceiver, Observer, MultitrackLoadListener, PlaybackClockListener { private String virtualFilename; // immutable private TrackMixSubject masterMix; // immutable private OverdubbedFrame linkedOverdubbedFrame = null; // NOTE: Using meta data as name model data - since there are two views for the name cannot store in a single label private EmulatedTextItem nameLabel = null; private PlaybackPopup playbackControlPopup = null; // private SoundDeskPopup soundDeskPopup = null; private MouseActions mouseActions = new MouseActions(); private MasterControlActionListener masterActionListener = new MasterControlActionListener(); /** All the track information for playing / editing / rendering. * They ordered such that they are grouped by localfilename */ private List tracks = new LinkedList(); private int uniqueLocalTrackCount = 0; // the amount of different local filenames referenced by this track private long totalFrameLength = 0; private int currentPlaybackFramePosition = -1; private int selectionStartX = 0; private int selectionStart = 0; private int selectionLength = -1; private int state = NOT_INITIALIZED; private int pendingGraphFetchCount = 0; // used for discarding redundant graph fetches private String failMessage = null; // shown if in a failed state private String abortMessage = null; private static final Color FAILED_MESSAGE_COLOR = Color.RED; private static final Font MESSAGE_FONT = TrackWidgetCommons.FREESPACE_TRACKNAME_FONT; private static final Font HELPER_FONT = new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 12); private static final Color[] TRACK_COLOR_WHEEL = { new Color(66, 145, 255), new Color(255, 163, 33), new Color(155, 227, 48), }; private static final Color TRACK_LOAD_COLOR = Color.BLACK; private static final Color TRACK_FAIL_COLOR = Color.RED; private static final Color SELECTION_COLOR = new Color(0,0,0,100); private static final Stroke TRACK_BORDER = Strokes.SOLID_1; private static final Stroke TRACK_SELECTED_BORDER = Strokes.SOLID_2; private static final Color TRACK_BORDER_COLOR = Color.BLACK; private static final Color TRACK_SELECTED_BORDER_COLOR = new Color(253, 255, 201); /** States - mutex in this widget but not really .. for example since can be loading tracks and the graph at the same time... */ private static final int NOT_INITIALIZED = 0; // Not showing... private static final int LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH = 1; // Loading the track layout information private static final int FAILED_STATE = 2; // e.g. Bad graph... cannot use private static final int STOPPED = 3; // Graph loaded and ready to play. private static final int PLAYBACK_LOADING = 4; // Loading tracks from file/cache to play/resume private static final int PLAYING = 5; // Playing audio. private static final int EMPTY_STATE = 6; // e.g. No link set OR points to noththing to play /** For parsing metadata */ public static final String META_VIRTUALNAME_TAG = "vn="; /** * Constructor called by Expeditee. * * @param source * @param args */ public LinkedTrack(Text source, String[] args) { super(source, new JPanel(), 100, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT); // Read the metadata virtualFilename = getStrippedDataString(META_VIRTUALNAME_TAG); if (virtualFilename == null) { // virtualFilename is immutable. Must set on construction. virtualFilename = AudioPathManager.generateVirtualFilename(); updateData(META_VIRTUALNAME_TAG, META_VIRTUALNAME_TAG + virtualFilename); } masterMix = SoundDesk.getInstance().getOrCreateMix(SoundDesk.createMasterChannelID(this)); // Set widget as a fixed size widget- using width from last recorded width in the meta data. int width = getStrippedDataInt(TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG, -1); if (width >= 0 && width < FrameLayoutDaemon.MIN_TRACK_WIDGET_WIDTH) { width = FrameLayoutDaemon.MIN_TRACK_WIDGET_WIDTH; } if (width < 0) { setSize(-1, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_DEFAULT_WIDTH, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT); } else { setSize(-1, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, width, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT); } playbackControlPopup = new PlaybackPopup(); nameLabel = new EmulatedTextItem(_swingComponent, new Point(10, 20)); nameLabel.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); String metaName = getStrippedDataString(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG); if (metaName == null) metaName = "Untitled"; nameLabel.setText(metaName); nameLabel.addTextChangeListener(new TextChangeListener() { public void onTextChanged(Object source, String newLabel) { if (state != PLAYING && state != STOPPED) return; setName(nameLabel.getText()); } }); _swingComponent.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if ((state != PLAYING && state != STOPPED) || e.isControlDown()) return; if (nameLabel.onKeyPressed(e, _swingComponent)) { e.consume(); return; } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { if ((state != PLAYING && state != STOPPED)) return; else if (e.isControlDown()) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT || e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) { AudioFrameKeyboardActions.adjustInitationTime(LinkedTrack.this, e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP || e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) { AudioFrameKeyboardActions.adjustVerticlePosition(LinkedTrack.this, e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP); } } else if (nameLabel.onKeyReleased(e, _swingComponent)) { e.consume(); return; } } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } }); updateBorderColor(); setWidgetEdgeThickness(TrackWidgetCommons.STOPPED_TRACK_EDGE_THICKNESS); } /** * Must set naem via this centralized method. * @param newName */ private void setName(String newName) { String modelLabel = LinkedTrack.this.getStrippedDataString(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG); if (!StringEx.equals(modelLabel, newName)) { updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG, newName); } if (!StringEx.equals(nameLabel.getText(), newName)) { nameLabel.setText(newName); } // if (soundDeskPopup != null && // !StringEx.equals(soundDeskPopup.nameLabel.getText(), newName)) { // soundDeskPopup.nameLabel.setText(newName); // } // Keep graph model consistant Frame parent = getParentFrame(); AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onLinkedTrackWidgetNameChanged( virtualFilename, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, newName); } public boolean shouldLayout() { return (state != EMPTY_STATE && state != FAILED_STATE); } /** * Sets the GUI and all the popups to reflect the current state. * Must be on the swing thread. * * @param newState * The new state. The same state then it is ignored, unless * its LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH - in that case the graph is reloaded. */ private void setState(int newState) { if (this.state == newState && newState != LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH) return; // no need to process request. //assert ((state == NOT_INITIALIZED && !isVisible()) || // (state != NOT_INITIALIZED && isVisible())); evaluate_state: switch(newState) { case NOT_INITIALIZED: // became invisible playbackControlPopup.stopButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.rewindButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setEnabled(false); tracks.clear(); break; case LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH: // Note: Can be invoked even if already in this state // Get the frame that this widget is linking to String linkedFrame = getAbsoluteLink(); // must be in famename form if (linkedFrame != null) { // Request a fetch from the model - eventually will return a result // and the graph image will be build pendingGraphFetchCount++; ODFrameHeirarchyFetcher.getInstance().doFetch(linkedFrame, this); // Once finished the callback will construct the model data / graph. } else { // No link - switch state to empty newState = EMPTY_STATE; break evaluate_state; // re-eval } playbackControlPopup.stopButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.rewindButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setEnabled(false); break; case FAILED_STATE: assert(failMessage != null); playbackControlPopup.stopButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.rewindButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setEnabled(false); setSize(100, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, 200, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT); break; case STOPPED: playbackControlPopup.rewindButton.setEnabled(true); playbackControlPopup.stopButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setEnabled(true); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setIcon(IconRepository.getIcon("play.png")); setWidgetEdgeThickness(TrackWidgetCommons.STOPPED_TRACK_EDGE_THICKNESS); break; case PLAYBACK_LOADING: playbackControlPopup.stopButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.rewindButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setEnabled(false); break; case PLAYING: playbackControlPopup.stopButton.setEnabled(true); playbackControlPopup.rewindButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setEnabled(true); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setIcon(IconRepository.getIcon("pause.png")); setWidgetEdgeThickness(TrackWidgetCommons.PLAYING_TRACK_EDGE_THICKNESS); PlaybackClock.getInstance().addPlaybackClockListener(this); // listen to ticks break; case EMPTY_STATE: setSize(100, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, 200, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT); playbackControlPopup.stopButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.rewindButton.setEnabled(false); playbackControlPopup.playPauseButton.setEnabled(false); break; default: assert(false); } if (newState != PLAYING) { // safety PlaybackClock.getInstance().removePlaybackClockListener(this); } // If in empty state then clear mouse listeners to give expeditee events if (newState == EMPTY_STATE) { _swingComponent.removeMouseListener(mouseActions); _swingComponent.removeMouseMotionListener(mouseActions); } else { if (_swingComponent.getMouseListeners().length == 0) { _swingComponent.addMouseListener(mouseActions); } if (_swingComponent.getMouseMotionListeners().length == 0) { _swingComponent.addMouseMotionListener(mouseActions); } } state = newState; invalidateSelf(); FrameGraphics.refresh(true); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Subject getObservedSubject() { return null; // many } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setObservedSubject(Subject parent) { // many } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void modelChanged(Subject source, SubjectChangedEvent event) { // Note: no need to check for audio structure model changing since can only change // if in another frame. // Synch GUI with track state switch (event.getID()) { case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.PLAYBACK_STARTED: if (state == PLAYBACK_LOADING && linkedOverdubbedFrame != null && MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().isCurrentPlaybackSubject( this.linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID())) { setState(PLAYING); } break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.PLAYBACK_STOPPED: if (state == PLAYING) { assert(linkedOverdubbedFrame != null); int playbackFramePos = -1; // The stop event might be due to a pause: if (MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().isMarkedAsPaused( linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID())) { playbackFramePos = MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().getLastSuspendedFrame(); } // Has the user edited the audio such that the playback position is invalid? if (playbackFramePos > totalFrameLength) playbackFramePos = -1; // Set the playback position to the exact suspended frame pos. updatePlaybackPosition(playbackFramePos); // Transition into new state setState(STOPPED); } break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.VOLUME: // From obseved track mix updateVolume(); break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.MUTE: // From obseved track mix updateMute(); updateBorderColor(); break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.SOLO_PREFIX_CHANGED: // From mix desk updateSolo(); updateBorderColor(); break; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void onTick(long framePosition, long msPosition) { if (framePosition < 0) return; // Done // The frame position / ms position is according to the software mixers timeline - not // neccessarily starting off when the observed multi track sequences started. Thus must // determine the actual frame position relative to the current rack sequence being played // for this view: int fpos = (int)(framePosition - MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().getLastInitiationFrame() + MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().getLastStartFrame()); // Clamp if (fpos > MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().getLastEndFrame()) fpos = MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().getLastEndFrame(); updatePlaybackPosition(fpos); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void multiplaybackLoadStatusUpdate(int id, Object state) { // NOTE: Could switch to an unloaded state if (this.state != PLAYBACK_LOADING) return; switch(id) { case MultitrackLoadListener.LOAD_CANCELLED: setState(STOPPED); break; case MultitrackLoadListener.LOAD_COMPLETE: // Ensure that all tracks area dsiplayed and being loaded. for (Track t : tracks) setTrackState(t, TRACKSTATE_READY); invalidateSelf(); FrameGraphics.refresh(true); break; case MultitrackLoadListener.LOAD_FAILED_BAD_GRAPH: abortMessage = "Graph contains loops"; ((Exception)state).printStackTrace(); break; case MultitrackLoadListener.LOAD_FAILED_GENERIC: abortMessage = "Unexpected error"; ((Exception)state).printStackTrace(); break; case MultitrackLoadListener.LOAD_FAILED_PLAYBACK: abortMessage = "Unable to aquire sound device"; break; case MultitrackLoadListener.NOTHING_TO_PLAY: abortMessage = "Nothing to play"; // could be due to user slecting empty space break; case MultitrackLoadListener.TRACK_LOAD_FAILED_IO: // This is special... the loader does not abort... and it tries to load more. setTrackState((String) state, TRACKSTATE_FAILED); ((Exception)state).printStackTrace(); break; case MultitrackLoadListener.TRACK_LOADED: setTrackState((String) state, TRACKSTATE_READY); invalidateSelf(); FrameGraphics.refresh(true); break; } if (abortMessage != null) { ApolloSystemLog.println("Aborted playback - " + abortMessage); setState(STOPPED); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String[] getArgs() { return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected List getData() { List data = new LinkedList(); data.add(META_VIRTUALNAME_TAG + virtualFilename); String name = getName(); if (name != null) data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG + name); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG + getWidth()); Mutable.Long initTime = null; Frame f = getParentFrame(); if (f != null) { LinkedTracksGraphNode ltinf = AudioStructureModel.getInstance().getLinkedTrackGraphInfo(virtualFilename, f.getName()); if (ltinf != null) { initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(ltinf.getInitiationTime()); } } if (initTime == null) initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); // old meta if (initTime == null) initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(0L); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + initTime); return data; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public InteractiveWidget copy() throws InteractiveWidgetNotAvailableException, InteractiveWidgetInitialisationFailedException { Item source = getCurrentRepresentation().copy(); String clonedAnnotation = getAnnotationString(); source.setText(clonedAnnotation); // But since this is a copy: must allocate a new virtual filename of its own... // thus remove the vname meta List data = getData(); for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { String str = data.get(i); if (str.trim().startsWith(META_VIRTUALNAME_TAG)) { data.remove(i); i--; // continue - super safety to get rid of any hint of vname meta } } source.setData(data); return InteractiveWidget.createWidget((Text)source); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void onParentStateChanged(int eventType) { super.onParentStateChanged(eventType); Frame parent = this.getParentFrame(); String parentName = (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null; switch (eventType) { case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ADDED: // Resume any layouts suspended by this track widget FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().resumeLayout(this); // Update model. String link = getAbsoluteLink(); // Determine new initation time according to anchored position... Mutable.Long initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); // If the user is restricting-y-axis movement then they might be moving // this tracks Y-position only for layout reasons as opposed to repositioning // where in the audio timeline the track should be. This must be accurate and // avoid loosing the exact initiation time due to pixel-resolution issues if (parent != null) { boolean inferInitTime = true; if (AudioFrameMouseActions.isYAxisRestictionOn()) { Mutable.Long ms = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (ms != null) { Mutable.Long timex = FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getXAtMS( ms.value, parent); if (timex != null && timex.value == getX()) { initTime = ms; inferInitTime = false; } } } // Also must not set initiation time if the frame is simply being displayed inferInitTime &= (AudioFrameMouseActions.isMouseAnchoring() || AudioFrameMouseActions.isMouseStamping()); if (inferInitTime) { initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getMSAtX(getX(), parent)); } } updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + initTime); if (link != null) { AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onLinkedTrackWidgetAnchored( virtualFilename, parentName, initTime.value, link, getName(), getY()); // Wakeup the daemon to note that it should recheck -- in the case that a track is // added to a non-overdubbed frame the audio structure model will not bother // adding the track until something requests for it. FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().forceRecheck(); } // Fall through ... and load the graph case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ADDED_VIA_OVERLAY: // TODO revise - and in sampled track widget case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_SHOWN: case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_SHOWN_VIA_OVERLAY: // Setup observers SoundDesk.getInstance().addObserver(this); MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().addObserver(this); masterMix.addObserver(this); // Load the graph setState(LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH); break; case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_REMOVED: // If yanking this from the frame into free space suspend the layout daemon // for this frame if (MouseEventRouter.getCurrentMouseEvent() != null && MouseEventRouter.getCurrentMouseEvent().getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2) { Frame suspended = DisplayIO.getCurrentFrame(); if (suspended != null) { FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().suspendLayout(suspended, this); } } // Update model. AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onLinkedTrackWidgetRemoved( virtualFilename, parentName); // Cancel loading of audio if (state == PLAYBACK_LOADING) { assert(linkedOverdubbedFrame != null); MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().cancelLoad( linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID()); } // TODO: Temp workaround - why are these widgets not refreshing? SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { invalidateSelf(); FrameGraphics.refresh(true); } }); // NOTE TO REPEAT: Pick up a linked track and delete it directly from freespace case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_REMOVED_VIA_OVERLAY: // TODO revise - and in sampled track widget case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_HIDDEN: // Remove observers SoundDesk.getInstance().removeObserver(this); MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().removeObserver(this); masterMix.removeObserver(this); setState(NOT_INITIALIZED); break; } } @Override public void onDelete() { super.onDelete(); // Resume any layouts suspended by this track widget FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().resumeLayout(this); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setLink(String link, Text linker) { String oldABSLink = getAbsoluteLink(); super.setLink(link, linker); String newABSLink = getAbsoluteLink(); if (StringEx.equals(oldABSLink, newABSLink)) return; Frame parent = this.getParentFrame(); String parentName = (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null; // Changing the link is the same as removing a track-link in the graph model (if had one) AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onLinkedTrackWidgetRemoved( virtualFilename, parentName); // And adding a new one (if applicable) if (parent != null && newABSLink != null) { Mutable.Long initTime = (parent != null) ? Mutable.createMutableLong(FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getMSAtX(getX(), parent)) : getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (initTime == null) initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(0); String newName = (linker != null && linker.getText() != null) ? linker.getText() : getName(); if (newName != getName()) { setName(newName); } AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onLinkedTrackWidgetAnchored( virtualFilename, parentName, initTime.value, // TODO: Revise: actually would be better to get from model .. if possible newABSLink, newName, getY()); } // Reload track graph setState(LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void onSizeChanged() { super.onSizeChanged(); // Re-adjust track sizes updateGraphLayout(); } /** * @return * The virtual filename. Never null. */ public String getVirtualFilename() { return virtualFilename; } /** * Determines the running time from the meta data. * * @return * The running time or this track in MS. * -1 if unavilable. */ public long getRunningMSTimeFromMeta() { return getStrippedDataLong(TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG, new Long(-1)); } /** * Determines the initiation time from the meta data. * * @return * The initiation time or this track in MS. * null if unavilable. */ public Mutable.Long getInitiationTimeFromMeta() { Long l = getStrippedDataLong(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG, null); if (l != null) return Mutable.createMutableLong(l.longValue()); return null; } /** * Adjusts the initiation time for this track - to the exact millisecond. * * The x-position is updated (which will be eventually done with possibly better * accuracy if the layout daemon is on) * * @param specificInitTime * The new initiation time for this track in milliseconds */ public void setInitiationTime(long specificInitTime) { Frame parent = getParentFrame(); // Update x position if it can if (parent != null) { Timeline tl = FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getTimeline(parent); if (tl != null) { this.setPosition(tl.getXAtMSTime(specificInitTime), getY()); } } updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + specificInitTime); AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onLinkedTrackWidgetPositionChanged( virtualFilename, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, specificInitTime, getY()); } public void setYPosition(int newY) { if (getY() == newY || isFloating()) return; Frame parent = getParentFrame(); Mutable.Long initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (initTime == null) return; setPosition(getX(), newY); AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onLinkedTrackWidgetPositionChanged( virtualFilename, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, initTime.value, newY); } /** * @return * The name given to this widget... can be null. */ public String getName() { String name = nameLabel.getText(); if (name == null) { name = getStrippedDataString(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG); } return name; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { if (Browser._theBrowser == null) return; // Ensure that load bar or any text doesn't spill over widgets invalidation area Area clip = FrameGraphics.getCurrentClip(); Shape clipBackUp = g.getClip(); Area tmpClip = (clip != null) ? clip : new Area(new Rectangle(0, 0, Browser._theBrowser.getContentPane().getWidth(), Browser._theBrowser.getContentPane().getHeight())); tmpClip.intersect(new Area(getBounds())); if (tmpClip.isEmpty()) return; g.setClip(tmpClip); // Paint backing g.setColor(SampledTrackGraphView.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR); g.fillRect(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); String centralizedMessage = null; // Render according to the currently widget state switch(state) { case NOT_INITIALIZED: // became invisible break; case FAILED_STATE: case EMPTY_STATE: case LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH: if (state == FAILED_STATE) { centralizedMessage = failMessage; assert(failMessage != null); g.setColor(FAILED_MESSAGE_COLOR); } else if (state == LOADING_TRACK_GRAPH){ centralizedMessage = "Loading..."; g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); } else { // empty if (getLink() == null) { centralizedMessage = "Click to create"; } else { centralizedMessage = "Nothing to play"; } g.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); } break; case STOPPED: case PLAYBACK_LOADING: case PLAYING: int x = getX(); int y = getY(); Track selected = null; for (Track track : tracks) { track.paintTrackArea((Graphics2D)g, x, y); if (track.isSelected) { selected = track; } else { track.paintTrackBorder(g, x, y); if (track.area.height > 15) { // don't clutter up busy linked tracks drawTrackName(track, g, Color.DARK_GRAY); } } } // Selection can spill over other track areas so to avoid z fighting always ensure that // the selected border is drawn last if (selected != null) { selected.paintTrackBorder(g, x, y); drawTrackName(selected, g, Color.BLACK); } if (abortMessage != null) { String name = getName(); if (name == null) name = "Unamed"; MessageBay.errorMessage(name + " linked track: " + abortMessage); } if (state == PLAYBACK_LOADING) { centralizedMessage = "Loading dubs..."; g.setColor(Color.BLACK); } else { // Paint the selection range int selLeftX = XatFrame(selectionStart); if (selectionLength > 1) { g.setColor(SELECTION_COLOR); g.fillRect( getX() + selLeftX, getY(), XatFrame(selectionStart + selectionLength) - selLeftX, getHeight()); } // Draw selection start bar ((Graphics2D)g).setStroke(SampledTrackGraphView.GRAPH_BAR_STROKE); // Note that if the start line is near the edges of the panel it can be concealed - thus // set a thick line on the edges x = selLeftX + getX(); if (x == 0) { x = 1; } else if (x == getWidth()){ x = getWidth() - 1; } g.setColor(Color.RED); g.drawLine( x, getY(), x, getY() + getHeight()); // Paint the playback bar if (currentPlaybackFramePosition >= 0 && linkedOverdubbedFrame != null) { x = XatFrame(currentPlaybackFramePosition) + getX(); ((Graphics2D)g).setStroke(SampledTrackGraphView.GRAPH_BAR_STROKE); g.setColor(SampledTrackGraphView.PLAYBACK_BAR_COLOR); g.drawLine(x, getY(), x, getY() + getHeight()); } } break; } // Draw centralized message string if (centralizedMessage != null) { FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(MESSAGE_FONT); Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(centralizedMessage, g); // Calc centered position int x = getX() + ((getWidth() / 2) - (int)(rect.getWidth() / 2)); int y = getY() + ((getHeight() / 2) + (int)(rect.getHeight() / 2) - 4); // Draw text g.setFont(MESSAGE_FONT); g.drawString(centralizedMessage, x, y); // Draw add icon if waiting for a link if (getLink() == null) { IconRepository.getIcon("goto.png").paintIcon(null, g, x - 34, getY() + (getHeight() / 2) - 12); } } // Paint name label over everything if (state != NOT_INITIALIZED && state != FAILED_STATE && state != EMPTY_STATE) nameLabel.paint(g); g.setClip(clipBackUp); super.paintLink((Graphics2D)g); } private void drawTrackName(Track track, Graphics g, Color textColor) { // Draw helper message for user to give meaningful information of what they // are actually highlighting String helperMessage = track.getTrackName(); if (helperMessage == null) helperMessage = ""; helperMessage = helperMessage + " (" + track.getParentFrameName() + ")"; FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(HELPER_FONT); Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(helperMessage, g); // Calc centered position on track bounds -- which can be smaller than the font bounds` int xoff = (int)((track.area.width - rect.getWidth()) / 2); int yoff = (int)((track.area.height / 2) + (rect.getHeight() / 2)); xoff += (getX() + track.area.x); yoff += (getY() + track.area.y); if (xoff < getX()) xoff = getX(); else if ((xoff + rect.getWidth()) > (getX() + getWidth())) xoff = (int)(getX() + getWidth() - rect.getWidth()); // Draw text g.setColor(textColor); g.setFont(HELPER_FONT); g.drawString(helperMessage, xoff, yoff); } @Override protected void paintInFreeSpace(Graphics g) { super.paintInFreeSpace(g); Shape clipBackUp = g.getClip(); Rectangle tmpClip = (clipBackUp != null) ? clipBackUp.getBounds() : new Rectangle(0, 0, Browser._theBrowser.getContentPane().getWidth(), Browser._theBrowser.getContentPane().getHeight()); g.setClip(tmpClip.intersection(getBounds())); // Draw the name String name = getName(); if (name == null) { name = "Unnamed"; } g.setFont(TrackWidgetCommons.FREESPACE_TRACKNAME_FONT); g.setColor(TrackWidgetCommons.FREESPACE_TRACKNAME_TEXT_COLOR); // Center track name FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(TrackWidgetCommons.FREESPACE_TRACKNAME_FONT); Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(name, g); g.drawString( name, this.getX() + (int)((getWidth() - rect.getWidth()) / 2), this.getY() + (int)((getHeight() - rect.getHeight()) / 2) + (int)rect.getHeight() ); g.setClip(clipBackUp); } private void updatePlaybackPosition(int absFramePos) { if (currentPlaybackFramePosition != absFramePos) { int height = getHeight(); int offsetX = getX(); int offsetY = getY(); int x; // Invalidate old pos if (currentPlaybackFramePosition >= 0) { x = XatFrame(currentPlaybackFramePosition); FrameGraphics.invalidateArea(new Rectangle( x + offsetX, offsetY, SampledTrackGraphView.GRAPH_BAR_NWIDTH, // be consistent height)); } // Set new pos currentPlaybackFramePosition = absFramePos; if (currentPlaybackFramePosition >= 0) { // Invalidate new pos x = XatFrame(currentPlaybackFramePosition); FrameGraphics.invalidateArea(new Rectangle( x + offsetX , offsetY, SampledTrackGraphView.GRAPH_BAR_NWIDTH, // be consistent height)); } } } private int XatFrame(int frame) { float width = getWidth(); float div = totalFrameLength; div = ((float)frame) / div; return (int)(width * div); } private int frameAtX(int x) { float totalFrames = totalFrameLength; float div = getWidth(); div = ((float)x) / div; return (int)(totalFrames * div); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * Once a result is received, the graph is build */ public void receiveResult(OverdubbedFrame odFrame, TrackGraphLoopException loopEx) { linkedOverdubbedFrame = odFrame; pendingGraphFetchCount --; // If there are new requests pending for rebuilding the graph then leave the state // as loading graph. if (pendingGraphFetchCount > 0) { linkedOverdubbedFrame = null; return; } // Reset tracks tracks.clear(); uniqueLocalTrackCount = 0; totalFrameLength = 0; // Only continue to build the graph iff this widget is still actaully visible // If allowed the graph to build, then could consume up precious memory :( if (!isVisible()) return; // Before any construction of a graph - the requested graph is only for the overdubbed // frame that this widget is linking to. However, this linked widget may not be // at all valid, that is, it might be the cause of a loop! If it is then this widget // would be un-usable. Frame parent = getParentFrame(); String parentFrameName = (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null; if (parentFrameName != null) { OverdubbedFrame odframe = AudioStructureModel.getInstance().getOverdubbedFrame(parentFrameName); if (odframe != null && !odframe.containsLinkedTrack(virtualFilename)) { failMessage = "Bad link: contains a loop"; setState(FAILED_STATE); return; } } if (loopEx != null) { failMessage = "Bad link: contains a loop"; setState(FAILED_STATE); } else if (odFrame == null) { // In this case either the frame does not exist or is an empty OD frame setState(EMPTY_STATE); } else { // Infer total frame length totalFrameLength = AudioMath.millisecondsToFrames( odFrame.calculateRunningTime(), SampledAudioManager.getInstance().getDefaultPlaybackFormat()); List absNodes = odFrame.getAbsoluteTrackLayoutDeep( masterMix.getChannelID()); if (absNodes.isEmpty()) { setState(EMPTY_STATE); } else { while (!absNodes.isEmpty()) { // Group tracks in list by type so can be rendered such that they look // like they represent the same audio... but also retaining the virtual y // ordering... String localFilename = absNodes.get(0).getTrackNode().getLocalFilename(); for (int i = 0; i < absNodes.size(); i++) { AbsoluteTrackNode node = absNodes.get(i); if (node.getTrackNode().getLocalFilename().equals(localFilename)) { tracks.add(new Track(absNodes.remove(i))); i--; } } uniqueLocalTrackCount++; } // Update the layout updateGraphLayout(); // Evaluate the state of this add set the state accordingly if (MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().isLoading( linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID())) { // Ensure that am receiving notifiactions: List loaded = MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().attachLoadListener(this); assert(loaded != null); setState(PLAYBACK_LOADING); // Update GUI according to current load state for (String ln : loaded) setTrackState(ln, TRACK_LOADED); } else if (MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().isPlaying( linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID())) { setState(PLAYING); } else { setState(STOPPED); } } } } /** * Lays out any tracks to fix the current widget size. */ private void updateGraphLayout() { if (tracks.isEmpty() || !this.isVisible() || linkedOverdubbedFrame == null) return; long totalRunningTime = linkedOverdubbedFrame.calculateRunningTime(); // Tracks are assumed to be ordered such that they are grouped. (If not then // graph may look confusing). String groupLocalFilename = tracks.get(0).getLocalFilename(); int currentColorIndex = 0; float currentY = 0; // Helpers: int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); float trackHeight = (float)height / uniqueLocalTrackCount; int nTrackHeight = (int)trackHeight; if (nTrackHeight == 0) nTrackHeight = 1; for (Track track : tracks) { float x = track.getABSStartTime(); x /= totalRunningTime; float trackWidth = track.getRunningTime(); trackWidth /= totalRunningTime; if (!groupLocalFilename.equals(track.getLocalFilename())) { currentColorIndex++; if (currentColorIndex >= TRACK_COLOR_WHEEL.length) currentColorIndex = 0; currentY += trackHeight; groupLocalFilename = track.getLocalFilename(); } track.area = new Rectangle( (int) (x * width), (int) currentY, (int) (trackWidth * width), nTrackHeight ); // Have some give to become selectable / viewable if (track.area.width <= 1) { track.area.width = 2; if ((track.area.x + 2) > width) track.area.x = width - 2; } track.baseColor = TRACK_COLOR_WHEEL[currentColorIndex]; } } /** * Sets the selection. Invalidates * * @param start * In frames. Clamped to be positive * @param length * In frames. If less or equal to one, then the selection length is one frame. * Otherwise selection is ranged. */ public void setSelection(int start, int length) { if (start < 0) start = 0; selectionStart = start; selectionLength = length; invalidateSelf(); } private void setTrackState(String localFilename, int newState) { assert(localFilename != null); for (Track track : tracks) { if (localFilename.equals(track.getLocalFilename())) { track.state = newState; } } } private void setTrackState(Track track, int newState) { track.state = newState; } private static final int TRACKSTATE_READY = 1; private static final int TRACKSTATE_LOADING = 2; private static final int TRACKSTATE_FAILED = 3; private void updateBorderColor() { // Get border color currently used Color oldC = getSource().getBorderColor(); Color newC = TrackWidgetCommons.getBorderColor( SoundDesk.getInstance().isSolo(masterMix.getChannelID()), masterMix.isMuted()); // Update the color if (!newC.equals(oldC)) { setWidgetEdgeColor(newC); } } /** * Updates the volume GUI for all views */ public void updateVolume() { int volume = (int)(100 * masterMix.getVolume()); if (playbackControlPopup != null) playbackControlPopup.updateVolume(volume); // if (soundDeskPopup != null) // soundDeskPopup.updateVolume(volume); } /** * Updates the mute button GUI for all views. */ public void updateMute() { if (playbackControlPopup != null) playbackControlPopup.updateMute(masterMix.isMuted()); // if (soundDeskPopup != null) // soundDeskPopup.updateMute(masterMix.isMuted()); } /** * Updates the solo button GUI for all views. */ public void updateSolo() { boolean isSolo = SoundDesk.getInstance().isSolo(masterMix.getChannelID()); if (playbackControlPopup != null) playbackControlPopup.updateSolo(isSolo); // if (soundDeskPopup != null) // soundDeskPopup.updateSolo(isSolo); } /** * The small popup for common actions. * * @author Brook Novak * */ private class PlaybackPopup extends PlaybackControlPopup { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public PlaybackPopup() { miscButton.setActionCommand("goto"); miscButton.setIcon(IconRepository.getIcon("goto.png")); miscButton.setToolTipText("Goto linked frame"); } @Override public void onHide() { super.onHide(); } @Override public void onShow() { super.onShow(); updateVolume((int)(100 * masterMix.getVolume())); updateMute(masterMix.isMuted()); updateSolo(SoundDesk.getInstance().isSolo(masterMix.getChannelID())); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == miscButton) { String absLink = LinkedTrack.this.getAbsoluteLink(); if (absLink != null) { FrameUtils.DisplayFrame(absLink); } } else { // Relay shared action masterActionListener.actionPerformed(e); } } @Override protected void volumeChanged() { masterActionListener.volumeChanged(volumeSlider); } @Override protected void muteChanged() { masterActionListener.muteChanged(muteButton); } @Override protected void soloChanged() { masterActionListener.soloChanged(soloButton); } } /** * Common actions shared by the small playback popup and the sound desk popup. * Unlike the track widget these are managed within the linked widget since they * only are visible if the track widget is in view. * * @author Brook Novak */ private class MasterControlActionListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (!(state == PLAYING || state == STOPPED)) return; assert(linkedOverdubbedFrame != null); String actionCommand = (e.getActionCommand() == null) ? "" : e.getActionCommand(); if (actionCommand.equals("playpause")) { if (!MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().isPlaying( linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID())) { int startFrame = -1, endFrame = -1; // Resume playback? if (MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().isMarkedAsPaused( linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID())) { startFrame = MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().getLastSuspendedFrame(); if (startFrame >= 0 && startFrame < totalFrameLength) { assert(selectionStart >= 0); // The user may have edited the audio track and reselected it // since the last pause. Thus select an appropriate end frame endFrame = (int)((selectionLength > 1) ? selectionStart + selectionLength : totalFrameLength - 1); // Changed selection? it play range invalid? if (endFrame <= startFrame || startFrame < selectionStart) { startFrame = -1; // Play new selection (see below) } else if (endFrame >= totalFrameLength) { endFrame = (int)totalFrameLength - 1; } } } // Play from beginning of selection to end of selection if (startFrame < 0) { startFrame = selectionStart; endFrame = (int)((selectionLength > 1) ? startFrame + selectionLength: totalFrameLength - 1); } if (startFrame < endFrame) { MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().playFrame( LinkedTrack.this, linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID(), false, // TODO: Set appropriatly startFrame, endFrame); setState(PLAYBACK_LOADING); } } else { // pause MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().setPauseMark(true); MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().stopPlayback(); } } else if (actionCommand.equals("stop")) { if (MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().isCurrentPlaybackSubject( linkedOverdubbedFrame.getFrameName(), masterMix.getChannelID())) { MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().setPauseMark(false); MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().stopPlayback(); } } else if (actionCommand.equals("rewind")) { assert(state != PLAYING); MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().setPauseMark(false); currentPlaybackFramePosition = -1; setSelection(0, 0); // invalidates FrameGraphics.refresh(true); } } public void volumeChanged(JSlider volumeSlider) { masterMix.setVolume(((float)volumeSlider.getValue()) / 100.0f); } public void muteChanged(JToggleButton muteButton) { masterMix.setMuted(muteButton.isSelected()); } public void soloChanged(JToggleButton soloButton) { SoundDesk.getInstance().setSoloIDPrefix(soloButton.isSelected() ? masterMix.getChannelID() : null ); } } private class MouseActions implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { assert(state != EMPTY_STATE); if (state != PLAYING && state != STOPPED) return; if (nameLabel.onMouseClicked(e)) { e.consume(); return; } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { assert(state != EMPTY_STATE); } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { assert(state != EMPTY_STATE); } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { assert(state != EMPTY_STATE); if (nameLabel.onMousePressed(e)) { e.consume(); return; } selectionStartX = e.getX(); // Set selection start, and length as a single frame setSelection(frameAtX(selectionStartX), 1); FrameGraphics.refresh(true); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { assert(state != EMPTY_STATE); // Was the release a simple click if (selectionStartX == e.getX() && e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { // Traverse to the parent from of the selected track String link = null; for (Track track : tracks) { if (track.area.contains(e.getPoint())) { link = track.getParentFrameName(); break; } } if (link == null) link = LinkedTrack.this.getAbsoluteLink(); assert(link != null); // should be in an empty state otherwise FrameUtils.DisplayFrame(link); } if (nameLabel.onMouseReleased(e)) { e.consume(); return; } } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { assert(state != EMPTY_STATE); if (state != PLAYING && state != STOPPED) return; if (nameLabel.onMouseDragged(e)) { e.consume(); return; } if (selectionStartX < 0) return; // Clamp mouse selection range int width = getWidth(); int x = e.getX(); if (x > width) x = width; else if (x < 0) x = 0; // Set selection range int frameAtCursor = frameAtX(x); int frameAtStartPoint = frameAtX(selectionStartX); int start = Math.min(frameAtCursor, frameAtStartPoint); int length = Math.max(frameAtCursor, frameAtStartPoint) - start; if (length > 0) { setSelection(start, length); } FrameGraphics.refresh(true); } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { assert(state != EMPTY_STATE); if (state != PLAYING && state != STOPPED) return; if (nameLabel.onMouseMoved(e, _swingComponent)) { e.consume(); return; } if (playbackControlPopup == null) { playbackControlPopup = new PlaybackPopup(); } // Only show popup iff there is nothing expanded / expanding. if (!PopupManager.getInstance().isShowing(playbackControlPopup) && !ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().doesExpandedTrackExist()) { // Get rid of all popups PopupManager.getInstance().hideAutohidePopups(); Rectangle animationSource = _swingComponent.getBounds(); // Determine where popup should show int x = LinkedTrack.this.getX(); int y = LinkedTrack.this.getY() - playbackControlPopup.getHeight() - 2; // by default show above // I get sick.dizzy from the popup expanding from the whole thing... animationSource.height = 1; animationSource.width = Math.min(animationSource.width, playbackControlPopup.getWidth()); if (y < 0) { y = LinkedTrack.this.getY() + LinkedTrack.this.getHeight() + 2; animationSource.y = y - 2; } // Animate the popup PopupManager.getInstance().showPopup( playbackControlPopup, new Point(x, y), _swingComponent, PopupManager.getInstance().new ExpandShrinkAnimator( animationSource, Color.LIGHT_GRAY)); PopupReaper.getInstance().initPopupLifetime( playbackControlPopup, PopupManager.getInstance().new ExpandShrinkAnimator( animationSource, Color.LIGHT_GRAY), TrackWidgetCommons.POPUP_LIFETIME); } else { PopupReaper.getInstance().revivePopup(playbackControlPopup, TrackWidgetCommons.POPUP_LIFETIME); } // Handle selection / invalidation of mouse hovering over track segments boolean isOneSelected = false; boolean shouldInvalidate = false; for (Track track : tracks) { if (isOneSelected && track.isSelected) { track.isSelected = false; shouldInvalidate = true; } else if (!isOneSelected) { isOneSelected = track.area.contains(e.getPoint()); shouldInvalidate |= (isOneSelected != track.isSelected); track.isSelected = isOneSelected; } } if (shouldInvalidate) { invalidateSelf(); FrameGraphics.refresh(true); } } } /** * A wrapper for {@link AbsoluteTrackNode} - including graphical representation data. * @author Brook Novak */ private class Track { private AbsoluteTrackNode absNode; // immutable. Never null private Rectangle area; private Color baseColor; boolean isSelected = false; private int state = TRACKSTATE_READY; Track(AbsoluteTrackNode absNode) { assert(absNode != null); this.absNode = absNode; } public String getChannelID() { return absNode.getChannelID(); } public long getABSStartTime() { return absNode.getABSStartTime(); } public String getLocalFilename() { return absNode.getTrackNode().getLocalFilename(); } public long getRunningTime() { return absNode.getTrackNode().getRunningTime(); } public String getParentFrameName() { return absNode.getParentFrameName(); } public String getTrackName() { return absNode.getTrackNode().getName(); } public void paintTrackArea(Graphics2D g, int x, int y) { if (state == TRACKSTATE_LOADING && LinkedTrack.this.state == PLAYBACK_LOADING) { g.setColor(TRACK_LOAD_COLOR); } else if (state == TRACKSTATE_FAILED) { g.setColor(TRACK_FAIL_COLOR); } else { g.setColor(baseColor); } Paint restore = g.getPaint(); if (ApolloSystem.useQualityGraphics) { GradientPaint gp = new GradientPaint( (int) (area.x + x + (area.width / 2)), area.y + y + (int)(area.height * 0.8), baseColor, (int) (area.x + x + (area.width / 2)), area.y + y, TRACK_SELECTED_BORDER_COLOR); g.setPaint(gp); } // Draw a filled rect - represented a track in the heirarchy g.fillRect(area.x + x, area.y + y, area.width, area.height); if (ApolloSystem.useQualityGraphics) { g.setPaint(restore); } } public void paintTrackBorder(Graphics g, int x, int y) { if (isSelected) { g.setColor(TRACK_SELECTED_BORDER_COLOR); ((Graphics2D)g).setStroke(TRACK_SELECTED_BORDER); } else { g.setColor(TRACK_BORDER_COLOR); ((Graphics2D)g).setStroke(TRACK_BORDER); // todo muted colors etc... } g.drawRect(area.x + x, area.y + y, area.width, area.height); } } @Override public boolean isWidgetEdgeThicknessAdjustable() { return false; } }