/** * Picture.java * Copyright (C) 2010 New Zealand Digital Library, http://expeditee.org * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ package org.expeditee.items; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.CropImageFilter; import java.awt.image.FilteredImageSource; import java.awt.image.ImageObserver; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameGraphics; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameMouseActions; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameUtils; import org.expeditee.stats.Logger; /** * This class represents an Image loaded from a file which is shown on the * screen. Loading of the Image from disk occurs in the constructor, and takes * approximately one second per mb of the Image file size.
* Currently Supported (Tested) Image formats:
* GIF (Animated)
* Currently only the default size of the Image is supported, but future * versions may support scaling. * * @author jdm18 * */ public class Picture extends XRayable { private static final int MINIMUM_WIDTH = 10; public static final int WIDTH = 0; public static final int RATIO = 1; protected Image _image = null; private int _scaleType = RATIO; private float _scale = 1.0f; // Start of the crop relative to START private Point _cropStart = null; // Start of the crop relative to END private Point _cropEnd = null; private Point _start = new Point(0, 0); private Point _end = new Point(0, 0); private double _rotate = 0; private boolean _flipX = false; private boolean _flipY = false; private boolean _showCropping = false; private String _path = ""; private String _size = ""; private String _fileName = null; // used to repaint animated GIF images, among other things. protected ImageObserver _imageObserver = null; protected Picture(Text source, ImageObserver observer, Image image) { super(source); _imageObserver = observer; _image = image; refresh(); if (_image != null) parseSize(); } /** * Creates a new Picture from the given path. The ImageObserver is optional * and can be set to NULL.
* Note: It is assumed that the file described in path has already been * checked to exist. * * @param source * The Text Item that was used to create this Picture * @param fileName * the name of the file as it should be displayed in the source * text * @param path * The Path of the Image to load from disk. * @param observer * The ImageObserver to assign when painting the Image on the * screen. */ public Picture(Text source, String fileName, String path, String size, ImageObserver observer) { super(source); _imageObserver = observer; _fileName = fileName; _path = path; _size = size; refresh(); parseSize(); } protected String getImageSize() { return _size; } protected void parseSize() { String size = getImageSize(); if (_end.x != 0 || _end.y != 0) return; // set the default values for start and end _start.setLocation(0, 0); if (_image == null) _end.setLocation(0, 0); else _end.setLocation(_image.getWidth(null), _image.getHeight(null)); size = size.trim(); String sizeLower = size.toLowerCase(); String[] values = size.split("\\s+"); // Now get the cropping values if there are any try { if (values.length > 2) { int startX = Integer.parseInt(values[1]); int startY = Integer.parseInt(values[2]); _start = new Point(startX, startY); if (values.length > 4) { int endX = Integer.parseInt(values[3]); int endY = Integer.parseInt(values[4]); _end = new Point(endX, endY); } scaleCrop(); } } catch (Exception e) { } if(sizeLower.contains("flipx")) { _flipX = true; } if(sizeLower.contains("flipy")) { _flipY = true; } int index = sizeLower.indexOf("rotation="); if(index != -1) { int tmp = sizeLower.indexOf(" ", index); String rotation; if(tmp == -1) { rotation = sizeLower.substring(index + "rotation=".length()); } else { rotation = sizeLower.substring(index + "rotation=".length(), index + tmp); } _rotate = Double.parseDouble(rotation); } try { if (size.length() == 0) { size = "" + _image.getWidth(null); _source.setText(getTagText() + size); return; } size = values[0]; // parse width or ratio from text if (size.contains(".")) { // this is a ratio _scale = Float.parseFloat(size); _scaleType = RATIO; } else if (size.length() > 0) { // this is an absolute width int width = Integer.parseInt(size); _scaleType = WIDTH; setWidth(width); } } catch (Exception e) { _scale = 1F; } } public void setStartCrop(int x, int y) { invalidateCroppedArea(); _cropStart = new Point(x - getX(), y - getY()); invalidateCroppedArea(); } public void setEndCrop(int x, int y) { invalidateCroppedArea(); _cropEnd = new Point(x - getX(), y - getY()); invalidateCroppedArea(); } private void invalidateCroppedArea() { if (_cropStart != null && _cropEnd != null) { Point topLeft = getTopLeftCrop(); Point bottomRight = getBottomRightCrop(); int startX = getX() + topLeft.x - _highlightThickness; int startY = getY() + topLeft.y - _highlightThickness; int border = 2 * _highlightThickness; invalidate(new Rectangle(startX, startY, bottomRight.x - topLeft.x + 2 * border, bottomRight.y - topLeft.y + 2 * border)); invalidateAll(); } else { invalidateAll(); } } public Point getTopLeftCrop() { return new Point(Math.min(_cropStart.x, _cropEnd.x), Math.min( _cropStart.y, _cropEnd.y)); } public Point getBottomRightCrop() { return new Point(Math.max(_cropStart.x, _cropEnd.x), Math.max( _cropStart.y, _cropEnd.y)); } public void setShowCrop(boolean value) { // invalidateCroppedArea(); _showCropping = value; invalidateCroppedArea(); } public boolean isCropTooSmall() { if (_cropStart == null || _cropEnd == null) return true; int cropWidth = Math.abs(_cropEnd.x - _cropStart.x); int cropHeight = Math.abs(_cropEnd.y - _cropStart.y); return cropWidth < MINIMUM_WIDTH || cropHeight < MINIMUM_WIDTH; } public void clearCropping() { invalidateCroppedArea(); _cropStart = null; _cropEnd = null; setShowCrop(false); } public void updatePolygon() { if (_image == null) { refresh(); parseSize(); } Point[] ori = new Point[4]; Point2D[] rot = new Point2D[4]; Point centre = new Point(); if (_cropStart == null || _cropEnd == null) { int width = getWidth(); int height = getHeight(); centre.x = _source.getX() + width / 2; centre.y = _source.getY() + height / 2; int xdiff = -MARGIN_RIGHT; // -getLeftMargin(); // extra pixel around the image so the highlighting is visible // _poly.addPoint(_source.getX() + 1 + xdiff, _source.getY() - 1); // _poly.addPoint(_source.getX() + width, _source.getY() - 1); // _poly.addPoint(_source.getX() + width, _source.getY() + height); // _poly.addPoint(_source.getX() + 1 + xdiff, _source.getY() + height); ori[0] = new Point(_source.getX() + 1 + xdiff, _source.getY() - 1); ori[1] = new Point(_source.getX() + width, _source.getY() - 1); ori[2] = new Point(_source.getX() + width, _source.getY() + height); ori[3] = new Point(_source.getX() + 1 + xdiff, _source.getY() + height); } else { Point topLeft = getTopLeftCrop(); Point bottomRight = getBottomRightCrop(); centre.x = _source.getX() + (bottomRight.x - topLeft.x) / 2; centre.y = _source.getY() + (bottomRight.y - topLeft.y) / 2; Rectangle clip = new Rectangle(topLeft.x + _source.getX(), topLeft.y + _source.getY(), bottomRight.x - topLeft.x, bottomRight.y - topLeft.y).getBounds(); // _poly.addPoint((int) clip.getMinX() - 1, (int) clip.getMinY() - 1); // _poly.addPoint((int) clip.getMinX() - 1, (int) clip.getMaxY()); // _poly.addPoint((int) clip.getMaxX(), (int) clip.getMaxY()); // _poly.addPoint((int) clip.getMaxX(), (int) clip.getMinY() - 1); ori[0] = new Point((int) clip.getMinX() - 1, (int) clip.getMinY() - 1); ori[1] = new Point((int) clip.getMinX() - 1, (int) clip.getMaxY()); ori[2] = new Point((int) clip.getMaxX(), (int) clip.getMaxY()); ori[3] = new Point((int) clip.getMaxX(), (int) clip.getMinY() - 1); } AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(Math.PI * _rotate / 180, centre.x, centre.y).transform(ori, 0, rot, 0, 4); _poly = new Polygon(); for(Point2D p : rot) { _poly.addPoint((int)p.getX(), (int)p.getY()); } } @Override public double getEnclosedArea() { return getWidth() * getHeight(); } @Override public void setWidth(Integer width) { _scale = width * 1F / (_end.x - _start.x); } public Point getStart() { return _start; } public Point getEnd() { return _end; } /** * Gets the width with which the picture is displayed on the screen. */ @Override public Integer getWidth() { return Math.round(getUnscaledWidth() * _scale); } /** * Gets the height with which the picture is displayed on the screen. */ @Override public int getHeight() { return Math.round(getUnscaledHeight() * _scale); } /** * Dont paint links in audience mode for images. */ @Override protected void paintLink(Graphics2D g) { if (FrameGraphics.isAudienceMode()) return; super.paintLink(g); } public void paintImageTiling(Graphics2D g) { if (_image == null) { return; } int iw = _image.getWidth(null); int ih = _image.getHeight(null); if(iw <= 0 || ih <= 0) { return; } int dX1 = _source.getX(); int dY1 = _source.getY(); int dX2 = _source.getX() + getWidth(); int dY2 = _source.getY() + getHeight(); BufferedImage tmp = new BufferedImage(getWidth(), getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g2d = tmp.createGraphics(); int offX = (tmp.getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2; int offY = (tmp.getHeight() - getHeight()) / 2; // g2d.rotate(rotate, tmp.getWidth() / 2, tmp.getHeight() / 2); int cropStartX = _start.x; int cropEndX = _end.x; if(cropEndX > iw) { cropEndX = iw; } for(int x = dX1; x < dX2; ) { // end - start = (cropEnd - cropStart) * scale // => cropEnd = cropStart + (end - start) / scale int w = (int) ((cropEndX - cropStartX) * _scale); int endX = x + w; if(endX > dX2) { endX = dX2; cropEndX = cropStartX + (int) ((dX2 - x) / _scale); } int cropStartY = _start.y; int cropEndY = _end.y; if(cropEndY > ih) { cropEndY = ih; } for(int y = dY1; y < dY2; ) { int h = (int) ((cropEndY - cropStartY) * _scale); int endY = y + h; if(endY > dY2) { endY = dY2; cropEndY = cropStartY + (int) ((dY2 - y) / _scale); } int sx = _flipX ? cropEndX : cropStartX; int ex = _flipX ? cropStartX : cropEndX; int sy = _flipY ? cropEndY : cropStartY; int ey = _flipY ? cropStartY : cropEndY; g2d.drawImage(_image, x - dX1 + offX, y - dY1 + offY, endX - dX1 + offX, endY - dY1 + offY, sx, sy, ex, ey, null); cropStartY = 0; cropEndY = ih; y = endY; } cropStartX = 0; cropEndX = iw; x = endX; } AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform(); at.translate(dX1, dY1); at.rotate(Math.PI * _rotate / 180, tmp.getWidth() / 2, tmp.getHeight() / 2); g.drawImage(tmp, at, _imageObserver); // g.drawImage(tmp, dX1, dY1, dX2, dY2, 0, 0, tmp.getWidth(), tmp.getHeight(), _imageObserver); } @Override public void paint(Graphics2D g) { if (_image == null) return; paintLink(g); // if we are showing the cropping, then show the original as transparent if (_showCropping && !isCropTooSmall()) { // show the full image as transparent float alpha = .5f; g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, alpha)); paintImageTiling(g); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1.0f)); // show the cropped area normally Point topLeft = getTopLeftCrop(); Point bottomRight = getBottomRightCrop(); Shape clip = new Rectangle(_source.getX() + topLeft.x, _source.getY() + topLeft.y, bottomRight.x - topLeft.x, bottomRight.y - topLeft.y); g.setColor(getPaintHighlightColor()); g.draw(clip); g.setClip(clip); paintImageTiling(g); g.draw(clip); // if the image is cropped, but we are not showing the cropping // otherwise, paint normally } else { paintImageTiling(g); } if (hasVisibleBorder()) { g.setColor(getPaintBorderColor()); Stroke borderStroke = new BasicStroke(getThickness(), CAP, JOIN); g.setStroke(borderStroke); g.drawPolygon(getPolygon()); } if (isHighlighted()) { Stroke borderStroke = new BasicStroke(1, CAP, JOIN); g.setStroke(borderStroke); g.setColor(getHighlightColor()); g.drawPolygon(getPolygon()); } //System.out.print("p_"); } @Override public Color getHighlightColor() { if (_highlightColor.equals(getBorderColor())) return ALTERNATE_HIGHLIGHT; return _highlightColor; } @Override public int setHighlightColor() { super.setHighlightColor(); return Item.DEFAULT_CURSOR; } protected Picture createPicture() { return ItemUtils.CreatePicture((Text) _source.copy(), _imageObserver); } @Override public Picture copy() { Picture p = createPicture(); p._image = _image; p._mode = _mode; // Doing Duplicate item duplicates link mark which we dont want to do // when in audience mode because the linkMark will be copied incorrectly // Get all properties from the source if (!isCropTooSmall() && _cropStart != null && _cropEnd != null) { assert (_cropEnd != null); // make the start be the top left // make the end be the bottom right Point topLeft = getTopLeftCrop(); Point bottomRight = getBottomRightCrop(); int startX = Math.round(topLeft.x / _scale) + _start.x; int startY = Math.round(topLeft.y / _scale) + _start.y; int endX = Math.round(bottomRight.x / _scale + _start.x); int endY = Math.round(bottomRight.y / _scale + _start.y); int width = _image.getWidth(null); int height = _image.getHeight(null); // adjust our start and end if the user has dragged outside of the // shape if (endX > width) { endX = width; } if (endY > height) { endY = height; } if (startX < 0) { startX = 0; } if (startY < 0) { startY = 0; } p._start = new Point(startX, startY); p._end = new Point(endX, endY); p._source.setPosition(topLeft.x + _source.getX(), topLeft.y + _source.getY()); } else { p._start = new Point(_start); p._end = new Point(_end); } p._scale = _scale; p._scaleType = _scaleType; p._path = _path; p._fileName = _fileName; p.updateSource(); p.updatePolygon(); return p; } public float getScale() { return _scale; } public void setScale(float scale) { _scale = scale; } public void scaleCrop() { // scale crop values to within image bounds int iw = _image.getWidth(null); int ih = _image.getHeight(null); if(iw > 0 || ih > 0) { while(_start.x >= iw) { _start.x -= iw; _end.x -= iw; } while(_start.y >= ih) { _start.y -= ih; _end.y -= ih; } while(_start.x < 0) { _start.x += iw; _end.x += iw; } while(_start.y < 0) { _start.y += ih; _end.y += ih; } } } public void setCrop(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) { _start = new Point(startX, startY); _end = new Point(endX, endY); updateSource(); } @Override public float getSize() { return _source.getSize(); } @Override public void setSize(float size) { float diff = size - _source.getSize(); float oldScale = _scale; float multiplier = (1000F + diff * 40F) / 1000F; _scale = _scale * multiplier; // picture must still be at least XX pixels wide if (getWidth() < MINIMUM_WIDTH) { _scale = oldScale; } else { _source.translate(new Point2D.Float(FrameMouseActions.MouseX, FrameMouseActions.MouseY), multiplier); } updateSource(); updatePolygon(); // Make sure items that are resized display the border invalidateAll(); } @Override public void setAnnotation(boolean val) { } /** * Returns the Image that this Picture object is painting on the screen. * This is used by Frame to repaint animated GIFs. * * @return The Image that this Picture object represents. */ public Image getImage() { return _image; } public Image getCroppedImage() { if (_image == null) return null; if (!isCropped()) { return _image; } return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage( new FilteredImageSource(_image.getSource(), new CropImageFilter(_start.x, _start.y, getUnscaledWidth(), getUnscaledHeight()))); } public int getUnscaledWidth() { return _end.x - _start.x; } public int getUnscaledHeight() { return _end.y - _start.y; } /** * @return true if this is a cropped image. */ public boolean isCropped() { return (_end.x != 0 && _end.x != _image.getWidth(null)) || (_end.y != 0 && _end.y != _image.getHeight(null)) || _start.y != 0 || _start.x != 0; } @Override public boolean refresh() { // ImageIcon is faster, but cannot handle some formats // (notably.bmp) hence, we try this first, then if it fails we try // ImageIO try { _image = new ImageIcon(_path).getImage(); } catch (Exception e) { } // if ImageIcon failed to read the image if (_image == null || _image.getWidth(null) <= 0) { try { _image = ImageIO.read(new File(_path)); } catch (IOException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); Logger.Log(e); _image = null; return false; } } return true; } @Override protected int getLinkYOffset() { return getBoundsHeight() / 2; } @Override public void setLinkMark(boolean state) { // TODO use the more efficient invalidiate method // The commented code below is not quite working // if(!state) // invalidateCommonTrait(ItemAppearence.LinkChanged); _source.setLinkMark(state); // if(state) // invalidateCommonTrait(ItemAppearence.LinkChanged); invalidateAll(); } @Override public void setActionMark(boolean state) { // if (!state) // invalidateCommonTrait(ItemAppearence.LinkChanged); _source.setActionMark(state); // if (state) // invalidateCommonTrait(ItemAppearence.LinkChanged); invalidateAll(); } @Override public boolean getLinkMark() { return !FrameGraphics.isAudienceMode() && _source.getLinkMark(); } @Override public boolean getActionMark() { return _source.getActionMark(); } @Override public String getName() { return _fileName; } public String getPath() { return _path; } /** * Copies the image to the default images folder and updates the reference to it in Expeditee * Used for correcting image references for FrameShare */ public void moveToImagesFolder() { File f = new File(getPath()); // if the file is not in the default images folder, copy it there if(! f.getParentFile().equals(new File(FrameIO.IMAGES_PATH))) { try { File f2 = new File(FrameIO.IMAGES_PATH + f.getName()); FrameUtils.copyFile(f, f2, false); f = f2; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); f = null; } } _path = f.getPath(); _fileName = f.getName(); updateSource(); } protected String getTagText() { return "@i: " + _fileName + " "; } /** * Updates the source text for this item to match the current size of the * image. * */ private void updateSource() { StringBuffer newText = new StringBuffer(getTagText()); switch (_scaleType) { case (RATIO): DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); newText.append(format.format(_scale)); break; case (WIDTH): newText.append(getWidth()); break; } scaleCrop(); // If the image is cropped add the position for the start and finish of // the crop to the soure text if (_start.x > 0 || _start.y > 0 || _end.x != _image.getWidth(null) || _end.y != _image.getHeight(null)) { newText.append(" ").append(_start.x).append(" ").append(_start.y); newText.append(" ").append(_end.x).append(" ").append(_end.y); } if(_flipX) { newText.append(" flipX"); } if(_flipY) { newText.append(" flipY"); } if(Double.compare(_rotate, 0) != 0) { newText.append(" rotation=" + _rotate); } _source.setText(newText.toString()); } @Override public void translate(Point2D origin, double ratio) { _scale *= ratio; updateSource(); super.translate(origin, ratio); } @Override public Rectangle[] getDrawingArea() { Rectangle[] da = super.getDrawingArea(); if (getLink() != null || hasAction()) { Rectangle[] da2 = new Rectangle[da.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(da, 0, da2, 0, da.length); da2[da.length] = getLinkPoly().getBounds(); da2[da.length].translate(getX() - LEFT_MARGIN, getY() + getLinkYOffset()); da2[da.length].width += 2; da2[da.length].height += 2; da = da2; } return da; } @Override public void scale(Float scale, int originX, int originY) { setScale(getScale() * scale); super.scale(scale, originX, originY); } public void setFlipX(boolean flip) { _flipX = flip; } public void setFlipY(boolean flip) { _flipY = flip; } public boolean getFlipX() { return _flipX; } public boolean getFlipY() { return _flipY; } public void setRotate(double rotate) { _rotate = rotate; updateSource(); updatePolygon(); } public double getRotate() { return _rotate; } }