package; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.expeditee.gui.Frame; import org.expeditee.gui.MessageBay; import org.expeditee.items.Constraint; import org.expeditee.items.Dot; import org.expeditee.items.Item; import org.expeditee.items.Line; import org.expeditee.items.Text; import org.expeditee.stats.SessionStats; /** * Reads in KMS format files and constructs the Frame and Item objects they * contain. * * @author jdm18 * */ public class KMSReader extends DefaultFrameReader { private BufferedReader _reader = null; private static LinkedHashMap _ItemTags = null; private static LinkedHashMap _FrameTags = null; /** * Does nothing, location must be set before use */ public KMSReader() { if (_ItemTags != null && _FrameTags != null) return; _ItemTags = new LinkedHashMap(); _FrameTags = new LinkedHashMap(); try { _FrameTags.put("A", Frame.class.getMethod("setName", pString)); _FrameTags.put("V", Frame.class.getMethod("setVersion", pInt)); _FrameTags .put("p", Frame.class.getMethod("setPermission", pPermission)); _FrameTags.put("U", Frame.class.getMethod("setOwner", pString)); _FrameTags.put("D", Frame.class .getMethod("setDateCreated", pString)); _FrameTags.put("M", Frame.class.getMethod("setLastModifyUser", pString)); _FrameTags.put("d", Frame.class.getMethod("setLastModifyDate", pString)); _FrameTags .put("F", Frame.class.getMethod("setFrozenDate", pString)); _FrameTags.put("O", Frame.class.getMethod("setForegroundColor", pColor)); _FrameTags.put("B", Frame.class.getMethod("setBackgroundColor", pColor)); _ItemTags.put("S", Item.class.getMethod("setID", pInt)); _ItemTags.put("s", Item.class.getMethod("setDateCreated", pString)); _ItemTags.put("d", Item.class.getMethod("setColor", pColor)); _ItemTags.put("G", Item.class.getMethod("setBackgroundColor", pColor)); _ItemTags.put("P", Item.class.getMethod("setPosition", pPoint)); _ItemTags.put("F", Item.class.getMethod("setLink", pString)); _ItemTags.put("J", Item.class.getMethod("setFormula", pString)); _ItemTags.put("X", Item.class.getMethod("setActions", pList)); _ItemTags.put("x", Item.class.getMethod("setActionMark", pBool)); _ItemTags.put("U", Item.class.getMethod("setActionCursorEnter", pList)); _ItemTags.put("V", Item.class.getMethod("setActionCursorLeave", pList)); _ItemTags.put("W", Item.class.getMethod("setActionEnterFrame", pList)); _ItemTags.put("Y", Item.class.getMethod("setActionLeaveFrame", pList)); _ItemTags.put("D", Item.class.getMethod("setData", pList)); _ItemTags.put("u", Item.class.getMethod("setHighlight", pBool)); _ItemTags.put("e", Item.class.getMethod("setFillColor", pColor)); _ItemTags.put("E", Item.class.getMethod("setGradientColor", pColor)); _ItemTags.put("Q", Item.class.getMethod("setGradientAngle", pInt)); _ItemTags.put("i", Item.class.getMethod("setFillPattern", pString)); _ItemTags.put("o", Item.class.getMethod("setOwner", pString)); _ItemTags.put("n", Item.class.getMethod("setLinkMark", pBool)); _ItemTags .put("q", Item.class.getMethod("setLinkFrameset", pString)); _ItemTags .put("y", Item.class.getMethod("setLinkTemplate", pString)); _ItemTags.put("g", Item.class .getMethod("setLinePattern", pIntArray)); _ItemTags.put("j", Item.class.getMethod("setArrow", pArrow)); _ItemTags.put("f", Text.class.getMethod("setFont", pFont)); _ItemTags.put("t", Text.class.getMethod("setSpacing", pInt)); _ItemTags.put("T", Text.class.getMethod("appendText", pString)); _ItemTags.put("a", Text.class.getMethod("setWordSpacing", pInt)); _ItemTags.put("b", Text.class.getMethod("setLetterSpacing", pInt)); _ItemTags.put("m", Text.class.getMethod("setInitialSpacing", pInt)); _ItemTags.put("w", Text.class.getMethod("setWidth", pIntO)); _ItemTags.put("k", Text.class.getMethod("setJustification", pJustification)); _ItemTags.put("h", Item.class.getMethod("setThickness", pFloat)); _ItemTags.put("l", Item.class.getMethod("setLineIDs", pString)); _ItemTags.put("c", Item.class .getMethod("setConstraintIDs", pString)); // Lines and constraints are created differently _ItemTags.put("L", Line.class.getMethod("setStartItem", pItem)); // _ItemTags.put("g", null); _ItemTags.put("C", Constraint.class.getMethod("getID", (Class[]) null)); // _ItemTags.put("s2", null); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Determines whether a string begins with a KMS tag. * * @param s * a line of text * @return true if s begins with a KMS tag */ private static boolean isValidLine(String s) { return s.length() >= 3 && s.charAt(0) == '+' && s.charAt(2) == '+' && Character.isLetter(s.charAt(1)); } /** * Reads a KMS file with the given name from disk. * * @param frameName * the name of the Frame to read in from a file. * @return A new Frame object that contains any Items described in the file. * @throws IOException * Any exceptions occured by the BufferedReader. */ public Frame readFrame(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { _reader = reader; Frame newFrame = null; String next = ""; boolean header = true; // clear hashmap and line list _data.clear(); _linePoints.clear(); // First read the header try { while (_reader.ready()) { next = _reader.readLine(); if (isValidLine(next)) { if (header) { // Create the frame when the first +S+ is reached // And set the flag to indicate the end of the header if (getTag(next).equals("S")) { newFrame = readFrameClass(); header = false; _data.clear(); processBodyLine(newFrame, next); } else processHeaderLine(next); } else processBodyLine(newFrame, next); } else if (next.startsWith(SessionStats.ACTIVE_TIME_ATTRIBUTE)) { try { String value = next.substring(SessionStats.ACTIVE_TIME_ATTRIBUTE.length()).trim(); newFrame.setActiveTime(value); } catch (Exception e) { } } else if (next.startsWith(SessionStats.DARK_TIME_ATTRIBUTE)) { try { String value = next.substring(SessionStats.DARK_TIME_ATTRIBUTE.length()).trim(); newFrame.setDarkTime(value); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error reading bodyLine: " + next + " " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } // if the frame contains no items (Default.0 does this) if (newFrame == null) newFrame = readFrameClass(); _reader.close(); if (newFrame != null) { //newFrame.refreshItemPermissions(); newFrame.setChanged(false); } return newFrame; } // stores the data of the Item to be created next private LinkedHashMap _data = new LinkedHashMap( 20); // creates an item from the last batch of data read from the file private Item createItem() { // creates an item based on the information in the hashmap try { return readItemClass(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } // Stores points used when constructing lines private HashMap _linePoints = new HashMap(); /** * Adds any lines stored in _lineStarts and _lineEnds to the given Frame. * * @param frame * The Frame to add the newly created Line objects to. */ private Line createLine() { String s = _data.get("L"); _data.remove("L"); // get the line ID and type java.awt.Point idtype = separateValues(s); // get the end points s = _data.get("s"); _data.remove("s"); java.awt.Point startend = separateValues(s); int start = startend.x; int end = startend.y; if (_linePoints.get(start) != null && _linePoints.get(end) != null) { Line line = new Line(_linePoints.get(start), _linePoints.get(end), idtype.x); return line; } // System.out.println(_linePoints.size()); // for (int i : _linePoints.keySet()) // System.out.println(i + " - " // + _linePoints.get(i).getClass().getSimpleName()); // // System.out.println("Error: Line " + idtype.x // + " has missing end point(s) + (Looking for: " + start + " , " // + end + ")"); return null; } /* * Creates a constraint from the data containted in _data */ private void createConstraint() { java.awt.Point idtype = separateValues(_data.get("C")); java.awt.Point startend = separateValues(_data.get("s")); Item a = _linePoints.get(startend.x); Item b = _linePoints.get(startend.y); new Constraint(a, b, idtype.x, idtype.y); } /** * Processes the body section of the KMS file, which contains all Items * * @param frame * The Frame to add any created Items to. * @param line * The line of text read in from the file to process. */ private void processBodyLine(Frame frame, String line) { // separate the tag from the value String tag = getTag(line); line = getValue(line); // if this is the start of a new item, a line, or a constraint // then add the last item to the frame if (tag.charAt(0) == 'S' || tag.charAt(0) == 'L' || tag.charAt(0) == 'C') { frame.addItem(createItem()); _data.clear(); _data.put(tag, line); return; } // if this is the end of the file, then add the last item to the frame if (tag.charAt(0) == 'Z') { frame.addItem(createItem()); _data.clear(); return; } // check for duplicate tags (multiple lines of text) String newtag = tag; int i = 0; // only executes if there are duplicate tags for this Item while (_data.containsKey(newtag)) { newtag = tag + i; i++; } // All values are stored in a HashMap until the end of the Item is // found. _data.put(newtag, line); } private static String getTag(String line) { assert (line.charAt(0) == '+'); assert (line.length() > 2); return line.substring(1, 2); } private static String getValue(String line) { assert (line.charAt(0) == '+'); if (line.length() > 4) return line.substring(4); else return ""; } /** * Reads the header section of the file, which contains information about * the Frame. * * @param frame * The Frame to assign the read values to. * @param line * The line from the file to process. * @return False if the end of the header has been reached, True otherwise. */ private void processHeaderLine(String line) throws IOException { // first separate the tag from the text String tag = getTag(line); String value = getValue(line); if (tag.equals("Z")) return; if (_FrameTags.get(tag) == null) { if (!tag.equals("t") && !tag.equals("v")) MessageBay.errorMessage("Tag '" + tag + "' in '" + line + "' is not supported."); return; } _data.put(tag, value); } // returns two ints separated by a space from the given String private java.awt.Point separateValues(String line) { int x = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(0, line.indexOf(" "))); int y = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(line.indexOf(" ") + 1)); return new java.awt.Point(x, y); } private Frame readFrameClass() throws IOException { if (_data.size() == 0) { MessageBay .errorMessage("IO Error: File contains no valid KMS lines."); return null; } Frame toMake = new Frame(); Iterator it = _data.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String datatag =; Method toRun = _FrameTags.get(datatag); Object[] vals = Conversion.Convert(toRun, _data.get(datatag)); try { toRun.invoke(toMake, vals); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return toMake; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Item readItemClass() throws IOException { Iterator tags = _data.keySet().iterator(); Class toCreate = null; // loop through all attributes read in for this item while (tags.hasNext()) { String next =; Method m = _ItemTags.get(next); if (m != null && _ItemTags.get(next + "2") == null) { if (!m.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName().equals("Item")) { toCreate = m.getDeclaringClass(); break; } } } if (toCreate == null) { if (_data.size() > 0) toCreate = Dot.class; else return null; } Item toMake = null; try { if (toCreate == Line.class) toMake = createLine(); else if (toCreate == Constraint.class) { createConstraint(); return null; } else if (toCreate == Item.class && _data.size() == 2) { toCreate = Dot.class; } else if (toCreate == Item.class) { for (String s : _data.keySet()) System.out.println(s + " -> " + _data.get(s)); return null; } else { Object[] params = { -1 }; Constructor con = toCreate.getConstructor(int.class); toMake = (Item) con.newInstance(params); } } catch (InstantiationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } if (toMake == null) return null; Iterator it = _data.keySet().iterator(); String last = ""; int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String tag =; if (_data.containsKey("" + tag.charAt(0) + count)) { if (last.length() == 0) last = _data.get(tag); else last += "\n" + _data.get(tag); count++; } else { Method toRun = _ItemTags.get("" + tag.charAt(0)); if (toRun == null){ System.out.println("Error accessing tag method: " + tag.charAt(0)); } Object[] vals; if (last.length() > 0) vals = Conversion.Convert(toRun, last + "\n" + _data.get(tag)); else vals = Conversion.Convert(toRun, _data.get(tag)); try { if (vals != null) { toRun.invoke(toMake, vals); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { System.out.println(toRun.getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } count = 0; last = ""; } } if (!(toMake instanceof Line)) _linePoints.put(toMake.getID(), toMake); return toMake; } public static int getVersion(String fullpath) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fullpath)); String next = ""; // First read the header lines until we get the version number while (reader.ready() && (next = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (isValidLine(next)) { char tag = getTag(next).charAt(0); String value = getValue(next); if (tag == 'V') return Integer.parseInt(value); else if (tag == 'Z') return 0; } } } catch (Exception e) { } return -1; } }