package org.expeditee.gui; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.image.VolatileImage; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.expeditee.actions.Misc; import org.expeditee.items.Item; import org.expeditee.items.Text; /** * The bay at the bottom of the expeditee browser which displays messages. TODO * make it thread safe! * */ public final class MessageBay { public static final int MESSAGE_BUFFER_HEIGHT = 100; private static final int MESSAGE_LINK_Y_OFFSET = 100; private static final int MESSAGE_LINK_X = 50; public static final Color ERROR_COLOR =; public static final String MESSAGES_FRAMESET_NAME = "Messages"; // messages shown in the message window private static Text[] _messages = new Text[3]; private static Text _status = null; // buffer of the message window private static VolatileImage _messageBuffer = null; // creator for creating the message frames private static FrameCreator _creator = null; // font used for the messages private static Font _messageFont = Font.decode("Serif-Plain-16"); // the number of messages currently shown (used for scrolling up) private static int _messageCount = 0; // if true, error messages are not shown to the user private static boolean _supressMessages = false; // The link to the message frameset private static Item _messageLink = new Text(-2, "@" + MESSAGES_FRAMESET_NAME,, Color.white); private static List _dirtyAreas = new LinkedList(); private static String _lastMessage = null; private MessageBay() { } /** * Syncs messsage bay size according to FrameGraphics max size. * */ static void updateSize() { _messageBuffer = null; for (int i = 0; i < _messages.length; i++) { if (_messages[i] != null) { _messages[i].setOffset(0, -FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().height); // _messages[i].setMaxWidth(FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().width); } } _messageLink.setOffset(0, -FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().height); // _messageLink.setMaxWidth(FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().width); // _messageLink.setPosition(FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().width // - MESSAGE_LINK_Y_OFFSET, MESSAGE_LINK_X); updateLink(); initBuffer(); } /** * @param i * @return True if i is an item in the message bay */ public static boolean isMessageItem(Item i) { if (_messages != null) { for (Text txt : _messages) { if (txt == i) return true; } } return i == _messageLink; } public synchronized static void addDirtyArea(Rectangle r) { _dirtyAreas.add(r); } static synchronized int getMessageBufferHeight() { if (_messageBuffer != null) return _messageBuffer.getHeight(); return 0; } public synchronized static Item getMessageLink() { return _messageLink; } public synchronized static Text[] getMessages() { return _messages; } public synchronized static boolean isDirty() { return !_dirtyAreas.isEmpty(); } public synchronized static void invalidateFullBay() { if (_messageBuffer != null) { _dirtyAreas.clear(); addDirtyArea(new Rectangle(0, FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().height, _messageBuffer .getWidth(), _messageBuffer.getHeight())); } } private synchronized static boolean initBuffer() { if (_messageBuffer == null) { if (FrameGraphics.isAudienceMode() || FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width <= 0) return false; GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment .getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); _messageBuffer = ge.getDefaultScreenDevice() .getDefaultConfiguration().createCompatibleVolatileImage( FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width, MESSAGE_BUFFER_HEIGHT); } return true; } private static boolean isLinkInitialized = false; private static void updateLink() { if (!isLinkInitialized && FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width > 0) { // set up 'Messages' link on the right hand side _messageLink.setPosition(FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width - MESSAGE_LINK_Y_OFFSET, MESSAGE_LINK_X); _messageLink.setOffset(0, -FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().height); isLinkInitialized = true; } else { _messageLink.setPosition(FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width - MESSAGE_LINK_Y_OFFSET, MESSAGE_LINK_X); } } /** * Repaints the message bay. Updates the message bay buffer and draws to * given graphics. * * @param useInvalidation * Set to true of repinting dirty areas only. Otherwise false for * full-repaint. * * @param g * * @param background * The color of the message background */ public static synchronized void refresh(boolean useInvalidation, Graphics g, Color background) { if (FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width <= 0) return; Area clip = null; if (useInvalidation) { // build clip if (!_dirtyAreas.isEmpty()) { for (Rectangle r : _dirtyAreas) { r.y = (r.y < 0) ? 0 : r.y; r.x = (r.x < 0) ? 0 : r.x; if (clip == null) clip = new Area(r); else clip.add(new Area(r)); } } else return; // nothing to render } _dirtyAreas.clear(); // Update the buffer updateBuffer(background, clip); // Now repaint to screen if (!FrameGraphics.isAudienceMode()) { // Translate clip to messagebox coords // clip.transform(t) // TODO // g.setClip(clip); g.drawImage(_messageBuffer, 0, FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().height, null); } } private static void updateBuffer(Color background, Area clip) { if (!initBuffer()) return; Graphics2D g = _messageBuffer.createGraphics(); g.setClip(clip); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.setColor(background); g.fillRect(0, 0, FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width, MESSAGE_BUFFER_HEIGHT); g.setFont(_messageFont); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawLine(0, 0, FrameGraphics.getMaxSize().width, 0); for (Item t : _messages) { if (t == null) continue; if (clip == null || t.isInDrawingArea(clip)) FrameGraphics.PaintItem(g, t); } if(_status != null) FrameGraphics.PaintItem(g, _status); if (// _messageLink.getLink() != null // && (clip == null || _messageLink.isInDrawingArea(clip))) { FrameGraphics.PaintItem(g, _messageLink); } g.dispose(); } private static Text displayMessage(String message, String link, List actions, Color color) { return displayMessage(message, link, actions, color, true); } public synchronized static Text displayMessage(String message, String link, Color color, boolean displayAlways, String action) { List actions = new LinkedList(); if (action != null) actions.add(action); return displayMessage(message, link, actions, color, displayAlways); } public synchronized static Text displayMessage(String message, String link, List actions, Color color, boolean displayAlways) { System.out.println(message); assert (message != null); // Invalidate whole area invalidateFullBay(); if (_supressMessages) return null; if (!displayAlways && message.equals(_lastMessage)) { Misc.beep(); return null; } _lastMessage = message; if (_creator == null) { _creator = new FrameCreator(MESSAGES_FRAMESET_NAME, FrameIO.MESSAGES_PATH, MESSAGES_FRAMESET_NAME, true, false); } // set up 'Messages' link on the right hand side updateLink(); // if the message slots have not all been used yet if (_messageCount <= _messages.length) { int pos = 15; // find the next empty slot, and create the new message for (int i = 0; i < _messages.length; i++) { if (_messages[i] == null) { _messages[i] = new Text(getMessagePrefix(true) + message); _messages[i].setPosition(20, pos); _messages[i].setOffset(0, -FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().height); // _messages[i].setMaxWidth(FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().width); _messages[i].setColor(color); _messages[i].setLink(link); _messages[i].setActions(actions); _messages[i].setFont(_messageFont); _creator.addItem(_messages[i].copy(), true); _messageLink.setLink(_creator.getCurrent()); Graphics g = FrameGraphics.createGraphics(); if (g != null) { refresh(false, g, Item.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND); } return _messages[i]; } pos += 25; } } // if we have not returned then all message slots are used for (int i = 0; i < _messages.length - 1; i++) { _messages[i].setText(_messages[i + 1].getFirstLine()); _messages[i].setColor(_messages[i + 1].getColor()); _messages[i].setLink(_messages[i + 1].getLink()); _messages[i].setActions(_messages[i + 1].getAction()); } // show the new message Text last = _messages[_messages.length - 1]; last.setColor(color); // Set the text for the new message last.setText(getMessagePrefix(true) + message); last.setLink(link); last.setActions(actions); _creator.addItem(last.copy(), true); // update the link to the latest message frame _messageLink.setLink(_creator.getCurrent()); Graphics g = FrameGraphics.createGraphics(); if (g != null) { refresh(false, g, Item.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND); } return last; } public synchronized static void overwriteMessage(String message) { overwriteMessage(message, null); } public synchronized static void overwriteMessage(String message, Color color) { for (int ind = _messages.length - 1; ind >= 0; ind--) { if (_messages[ind] != null) { _messages[ind].setColor(color); _messages[ind].setText(getMessagePrefix(false) + message); refresh(false, FrameGraphics.createGraphics(), Item.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND); return; } } // if we have not returned, then there are no messages yet displayMessage(message, Color.darkGray); } private static String getMessagePrefix(boolean incrementCounter) { if (incrementCounter) _messageCount++; return "@" + _messageCount + ": "; } /** * Checks if the error message ends with a frame name after the * frameNameSeparator symbol * * @param message * the message to be displayed */ public synchronized static Text linkedErrorMessage(String message) { if (_supressMessages) return null; Misc.beep(); String[] tokens = message.split(Text.FRAME_NAME_SEPARATOR); String link = null; if (tokens.length > 1) link = tokens[tokens.length - 1]; return displayMessage(message, link, null, ERROR_COLOR); } public synchronized static Text errorMessage(String message) { if (_supressMessages) return null; Misc.beep(); return displayMessage(message, null, null, ERROR_COLOR, false); } /** * Displays the given message in the message area of the Frame, any previous * message is cleared from the screen. * * @param message * The message to display to the user in the message area */ public synchronized static Text displayMessage(String message) { return displayMessageAlways(message); } public synchronized static Text displayMessageOnce(String message) { return displayMessage(message, null, null, Color.BLACK, false); } public synchronized static Text displayMessage(String message, Color textColor) { return displayMessage(message, null, null, textColor); // Misc.Beep(); } public synchronized static Text displayMessage(Text message) { Text t = null; String link = message.getLink(); List action = message.getAction(); Color color = message.getColor(); for (String s : message.getTextList()) { t = displayMessage(s, link, action, color); } return t; // Misc.Beep(); } public synchronized static Text displayMessageAlways(String message) { return displayMessage(message, null, null, Color.BLACK); // Misc.Beep(); } public synchronized static Text warningMessage(String message) { return displayMessage(message, null, null, Color.MAGENTA); // Misc.Beep(); } public synchronized static void supressMessages(boolean val) { _supressMessages = val; } public synchronized static void setStatus(String status) { if (_status == null) { _status = new Text(status); _status.setPosition(0, 90); _status.setOffset(0, FrameGraphics.getMaxFrameSize().height); _status.setLink(null); // maybe link to a help frame? _status.setFont(Font.decode(Text.MONOSPACED_FONT)); } else { _status.setText(status); } Graphics g = FrameGraphics.createGraphics(); if (g != null) { refresh(false, g, Item.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND); } } }