package org.apollo.widgets; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException; import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apollo.ApolloGestureActions; import org.apollo.ApolloKBMGestureTranslator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apollo.gui.EditableSampledTrackGraphView; import org.apollo.gui.ExpandedTrackManager; import org.apollo.gui.FrameLayoutDaemon; import org.apollo.gui.PlaybackControlPopup; import org.apollo.gui.SampledTrackGraphView; import org.apollo.gui.Strokes; import org.apollo.gui.SampledTrackGraphView.EffecientInvalidator; import; import; import; import; import org.apollo.items.EmulatedTextItem; import org.apollo.items.EmulatedTextItem.TextChangeListener; import org.apollo.mvc.Observer; import org.apollo.mvc.Subject; import org.apollo.mvc.SubjectChangedEvent; import org.apollo.util.AudioMath; import org.apollo.util.Mutable; import org.apollo.util.TrackModelHandler; import org.apollo.util.TrackModelLoadManager; import org.apollo.util.TrackNameCreator; import org.expeditee.Util; import org.expeditee.core.Colour; import org.expeditee.core.Point; import org.expeditee.core.Stroke; import org.expeditee.core.bounds.AxisAlignedBoxBounds; import org.expeditee.gio.gesture.StandardGestureActions; import org.expeditee.gio.swing.MouseEventRouter; import org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingConversions; import org.expeditee.gio.swing.SwingMiscManager; import org.expeditee.gui.DisplayController; import org.expeditee.gui.Frame; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO; import org.expeditee.gui.PopupManager; import org.expeditee.items.ItemParentStateChangedEvent; import org.expeditee.items.ItemUtils; import org.expeditee.items.Text; import org.expeditee.items.widgets.HeavyDutyInteractiveWidget; import org.expeditee.items.widgets.InteractiveWidgetInitialisationFailedException; import org.expeditee.items.widgets.InteractiveWidgetNotAvailableException; import org.expeditee.items.widgets.Widget; /** * The sampled track widgets in apollo. * * @author Brook Novak * */ public class SampledTrack extends HeavyDutyInteractiveWidget implements TrackModelHandler, EffecientInvalidator, Observer { /** The observered subject. Can be null */ private SampledTrackModel trackModel = null; /** Used for the loading phase. Can change several times of a lifetime. for example after import and save it becomes local */ private String loadFilenameArgument = null; // preproceeds with ARG_IMPORT_TAG if importing. private String localFileName; // Immutable - assigned on construction /** Used for dumping audio to a temp file when deleted - to free memory. * Protocol: Set when the widget is deleted. Unset when loaded. */ private File recoveryFile = null; private boolean shouldOmitAudioIndexing = false; private EditableSampledTrackGraphView fulltrackView; private EmulatedTextItem nameLabel; private PlaybackPopup playbackControlPopup = null; private TrackMixSubject trackMix; // immutable - like local filename /** The amount of load bar that is allocated to file loading */ private static final float FILE_LOADING_PERCENT_RANGE = 0.95f; /** For parsing arguments */ public static final String ARG_IMPORT_TAG = "if="; /** For parsing metadata */ public static final String META_LOCALNAME_TAG = "ln="; private static final Stroke FREESPACE_OUTLINING = Strokes.SOLID_2; private static final Colour SEMI_TRANSPARENT_FREESPACE_BACKCOLOR = new Colour( FREESPACE_BACKCOLOR.getRed(), FREESPACE_BACKCOLOR.getGreen(), FREESPACE_BACKCOLOR.getBlue(), Colour.FromComponent255(128)); /** If a track widget has a data string thaty contains META_SHOULD_INDEX_AUDIO_TAG, then * the track should not be indexed for searching the audio.... default isdoes not exist */ public static final String META_DONT_INDEX_AUDIO_TAG = "dontindexaudio"; /** * Constructor used for loading directly from given bytes. * * @param source * * @param audioBytes * * @param format * * @param mixTemplate * Can be null * */ private SampledTrack(Text source, byte[] audioBytes, AudioFormat format, TrackMixSubject mixTemplate) { super(source, new EditableSampledTrackGraphView(), 100, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, TrackWidgetCommons.CACHE_DEPTH, true); // Must set upon construction - always localFileName = AudioPathManager.generateLocateFileName("wav"); updateData(META_LOCALNAME_TAG, META_LOCALNAME_TAG + localFileName); trackModel = new SampledTrackModel(audioBytes, format, localFileName); // Ensure that the model is marked as modified so that it will save trackModel.setAudioModifiedFlag(true); trackModel.setName(getStrippedDataString(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG)); // Create the immutable mix subject if (mixTemplate == null) trackMix = SoundDesk.getInstance().getOrCreateMix(SoundDesk.createPureLocalChannelID(this)); else trackMix = SoundDesk.getInstance().createMix( SoundDesk.createPureLocalChannelID(this), mixTemplate.getVolume(), mixTemplate.isMuted()); // Keep meta as constant as possible for best results updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG + getRunningMSTimeFromRawAudio()); createGUI(); initObservers(); } @Override public void onMoved() { if (nameLabel != null) nameLabel.setPosition(new Point(getX() + 10, getY() + 20)); } /** * Constructor called by Expeditee. Eventually loads audio from file. * * @param source * * @param args * Can have a ARG_IMPORT_TAG argument... */ public SampledTrack(Text source, String[] args) { super(source, new EditableSampledTrackGraphView(), 100, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, TrackWidgetCommons.CACHE_DEPTH); // Read the metadata localFileName = getStrippedDataString(META_LOCALNAME_TAG); // Ensure the local filename is assigned - even if file does not exist... // Also it could be importing a file... if (localFileName == null) { localFileName = AudioPathManager.generateLocateFileName("wav"); updateData(META_LOCALNAME_TAG, META_LOCALNAME_TAG + localFileName); } trackMix = SoundDesk.getInstance().getOrCreateMix(SoundDesk.createPureLocalChannelID(this)); loadFilenameArgument = localFileName; if (args != null) { // parse args for (String arg : args) { if (arg != null && arg.length() > ARG_IMPORT_TAG.length()) { loadFilenameArgument = arg; } } } createGUI(); } private void initObservers() { // Listen for model events trackModel.addObserver(this); trackModel.addObserver(fulltrackView); fulltrackView.setMix(trackMix); // use the same mix/channel for playback ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().addObserver(this); // Show graph as being selected if expanded / pending to expand. if (ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().isTrackInExpansionSelection(trackModel)) { fulltrackView.setBackColor(new Color(100, 100, 100), new Color(120, 120, 120)); } else { fulltrackView.setBackColor(SampledTrackGraphView.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, SampledTrackGraphView.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_HIGHTLIGHTS_COLOR); } } private void createGUI() { // Set widget as a fixed size widget- using width from last recorded width in the meta data. int width = getStrippedDataInt(TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG, -1); if (width >= 0 && width < FrameLayoutDaemon.MIN_TRACK_WIDGET_WIDTH) { width = FrameLayoutDaemon.MIN_TRACK_WIDGET_WIDTH; } if (width < 0) { setSize(-1, -1, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_DEFAULT_WIDTH, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT); } else { setSize(width, width, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT, width, FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_HEIGHT); } shouldOmitAudioIndexing = containsDataTrimmedIgnoreCase(META_DONT_INDEX_AUDIO_TAG); playbackControlPopup = new PlaybackPopup(); fulltrackView = (EditableSampledTrackGraphView)_swingComponent; fulltrackView.setAlwaysFullView(true); /*fulltrackView.setInvalidator(new EffecientInvalidator() { public void onGraphDirty(SampledTrackGraphView graph, Rectangle dirty) { dirty.translate(getX(), getY() - 1); FrameGraphics.invalidateArea(dirty); FrameGraphics.refresh(true); } });*/ // Auto-show playback popup. // Block messages if the track is expanded fulltrackView.addMouseMotionListener(new MouseMotionListener() { public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { if (nameLabel != null) { if (nameLabel.onMouseDragged(e)) { e.consume(); } } } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { if (nameLabel != null) { nameLabel.gainFocus(); } if (playbackControlPopup == null) { playbackControlPopup = new PlaybackPopup(); } // Only show popup iff there is nothing expanded / expanding. if (!PopupManager.getInstance().isShowing(playbackControlPopup) && !ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().doesExpandedTrackExist()) { // Get rid of all popups PopupManager.getInstance().hideAutoHidePopups(); Rectangle animationSource = _swingComponent.getBounds(); // Determine where popup should show int x = SampledTrack.this.getX(); int y = SampledTrack.this.getY() - playbackControlPopup.getFullBounds().getHeight() - 2; // by default show above // I get sick.dizzy from the popup expanding from the whole thing... animationSource.height = 1; animationSource.width = Math.min(animationSource.width, playbackControlPopup.getFullBounds().getWidth()); if (y < 0) { y = SampledTrack.this.getY() + SampledTrack.this.getHeight() + 2; animationSource.y = y - 2; } // Animate the popup playbackControlPopup.getAutoHideTime().setLifetime(TrackWidgetCommons.POPUP_LIFETIME); PopupManager.getInstance().add(playbackControlPopup);; } else {; } } }); // Expand on double click // Block messages if the track is expanded fulltrackView.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (trackModel == null) return; if (nameLabel != null) { if (nameLabel.onMouseClicked(e)) { e.consume(); return; } } if (e.getClickCount() >= 2) { expand(e.isControlDown()); } } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (nameLabel != null) { if (nameLabel.onMousePressed(e)) { e.consume(); return; } } // Consume events if track is selected for expansion if (ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().isTrackInExpansionSelection(trackModel) && e.getButton() != MouseEvent.BUTTON1) { // but allow selection only e.consume(); } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { if (nameLabel != null) { if (nameLabel.onMouseReleased(e)) { e.consume(); } } if (!e.isConsumed() && e.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2) { if (split(true)) e.consume(); } // Consume events if track is selected for expansion if (ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().isTrackInExpansionSelection(trackModel)) { e.consume(); } } }); fulltrackView.addKeyListener(new KeyListener() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { // Toggle pitch-track indexing if (e.isControlDown() && e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_I) { setShouldOmitIndexAudio(!shouldOmitIndexAudio()); DisplayController.requestRefresh(true); } // Delete-and-Split audio command else if (!e.isControlDown() && e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE) { if (split(false)) // try Perform delete-split e.consume(); } // Convert to linked track else if (e.isControlDown() && e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_L) { Frame current = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame(); if (current != null) { String name = getName(); if (name == null) name = "Unamed"; Mutable.Long initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (initTime == null) initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(0); Text linkSource = new Text(current.getNextItemID()); linkSource.addToData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG + name); linkSource.setPosition(getPosition()); linkSource.setParent(current); LinkedTrack linkedVersion = new LinkedTrack(linkSource, null); // Save any changes in the audio - or save for the first time if (trackModel.isAudioModified()) saveWidgetData(); // a little lag is OK .. could make smarter if really need to // Create a new frame to hold the track Frame newFrame = FrameIO.CreateNewFrame(SampledTrack.this.getFirstCorner()); // Remove track from current frame removeSelf(); // Add to new frame newFrame.addAllItems(getItems()); // Save changes FrameIO.SaveFrame(newFrame); // Link it linkedVersion.setLink(newFrame.getName(), null); // Add the new link current.addAllItems(linkedVersion.getItems()); // Ensure initiation times are retained to the exact frame... avoiding loss due to resolution linkedVersion.setInitiationTime(initTime.value); } } else if (e.isControlDown()) { if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) { e.consume(); ApolloGestureActions.adjustInitiationTime(SampledTrack.this, -ApolloKBMGestureTranslator.TRACK_WIDGET_TIMELINE_ADJUSTMENT); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) { e.consume(); ApolloGestureActions.adjustInitiationTime(SampledTrack.this, ApolloKBMGestureTranslator.TRACK_WIDGET_TIMELINE_ADJUSTMENT); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP) { e.consume(); ApolloGestureActions.adjustVerticalPosition(SampledTrack.this, -ApolloKBMGestureTranslator.TRACK_WIDGET_VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) { e.consume(); ApolloGestureActions.adjustVerticalPosition(SampledTrack.this, ApolloKBMGestureTranslator.TRACK_WIDGET_VERTICAL_ADJUSTMENT); } } } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } }); nameLabel = new EmulatedTextItem("", (new Point(10, 20)).add(getBounds().getTopLeft())); nameLabel.setBackgroundColor(Colour.WHITE); String metaName = getStrippedDataString(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG); if (metaName == null) metaName = "Untitled"; nameLabel.setText(metaName); nameLabel.addTextChangeListener(new TextChangeListener() { // a little bit loopy! public void onTextChanged(Object source, String newLabel) { if (trackModel != null && !nameLabel.getText().equals(trackModel.getName())) { trackModel.setName(nameLabel.getText()); SampledTrack.this.updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG, trackModel.getName()); } } }); // Make sure the above mouse listeners get first serve fulltrackView.reAddListeners(); // Make sure border color is correct updateBorderColor(); setWidgetEdgeThickness(TrackWidgetCommons.STOPPED_TRACK_EDGE_THICKNESS); } /** * Creates a {@link SampledTrack} instantly from audio bytes in memory and adds it to a given frame. * * @param audioBytes * The audio samples. * * @param format * The format of the audio samples. * * @param targetFrame * The frame that the widget will reside. * * @param x * * @param yinitTime * * @param name * The name of the new track. If null then a default name will be used. * * @param mixTemplate * The mix data to clone for the new sampled tracks mix. * If null then default mix settings will be used. * * @return The {@link SampledTrack} instance added to the given frame. * */ public static SampledTrack createFromMemory( byte[] audioBytes, AudioFormat format, Frame targetFrame, int x, int y, String name, TrackMixSubject mixTemplate) { assert (targetFrame != null); assert (audioBytes != null); assert (format != null); Text source = new Text(targetFrame.getNextItemID()); source.setParent(targetFrame); long runningtime = AudioMath.framesToMilliseconds( audioBytes.length / format.getFrameSize(), format); Timeline tl = FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getTimeline(targetFrame); int width = -1; if (tl != null) { width = (int)((double)runningtime / tl.getTimePerPixel()); } // Clamp width to something reasonable. if (width > 0 && width < FrameLayoutDaemon.MIN_TRACK_WIDGET_WIDTH) width = FrameLayoutDaemon.MIN_TRACK_WIDGET_WIDTH; long initTime = (tl == null) ? 0 : tl.getMSTimeAtX(x); source.setPosition(x, y); // Setup metadata LinkedList data = new LinkedList(); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + initTime); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG + width); // although layout manager will handle, just to quick set if (name != null) data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG + name); source.setData(data); SampledTrack strack = new SampledTrack(source, audioBytes, format, mixTemplate); return strack; } /** * Creates a {@link SampledTrack} from file - which is tyo be imported into apollos * * @param targetFrame * The frame that the widget will reside. * * @param file * The audio file to import * * @return The {@link SampledTrack} instance added to the given frame. * */ public static SampledTrack createFromFile(File file, Frame targetFrame, int x, int y) { assert (targetFrame != null); assert (file != null); String[] args = new String[] { ARG_IMPORT_TAG + file.getAbsolutePath() }; Text source = new Text( targetFrame.getNextItemID(), ItemUtils.GetTag(ItemUtils.TAG_IWIDGET) + ":" + Util.formatArgs(args)); source.setParent(targetFrame); source.setPosition(x, y); long initTime = FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getMSAtX(x, targetFrame); // Setup metadata LinkedList data = new LinkedList(); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + initTime); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG + FrameLayoutDaemon.TRACK_WIDGET_DEFAULT_WIDTH); // once loaded then the layout will handle proper size int extIndex = file.getName().lastIndexOf('.'); String name = (extIndex > 0) ? file.getName().substring(0, extIndex) : file.getName(); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG + name); source.setData(data); SampledTrack strack = new SampledTrack(source, args); return strack; } @Override protected String[] getArgs() { return null; } @Override protected List getData() { List data = new LinkedList(); data.add(META_LOCALNAME_TAG + localFileName); if (shouldOmitAudioIndexing) data.add(META_DONT_INDEX_AUDIO_TAG); String lastName = getName(); if (lastName != null) data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG + lastName); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG + getWidth()); Mutable.Long initTime = null; Frame f = getParentFrame(); if (f != null) { TrackGraphNode tinf = AudioStructureModel.getInstance().getTrackGraphInfo(localFileName, f.getName()); if (tinf != null) { initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(tinf.getInitiationTime()); } } if (initTime == null) initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); // old meta if (initTime == null) initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(0L); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + initTime); data.add(TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG + getRunningMSTimeFromRawAudio()); return data; } @Override public Widget copy() throws InteractiveWidgetNotAvailableException, InteractiveWidgetInitialisationFailedException { if (trackModel == null) { return super.copy(); } else { return SampledTrack.createFromMemory( trackModel.getAllAudioBytesCopy(), trackModel.getFormat(), getSource().getParentOrCurrentFrame(), getX(), getY(), TrackNameCreator.getNameCopy(trackModel.getName()), trackMix); } } @Override public int getLoadDelayTime() { return 0; } @Override protected float loadWidgetData() { // Load audio from file File f = null; boolean isImporting = false; if (recoveryFile != null) { // are we recovering? setLoadScreenMessage("Recovering audio file..."); if (recoveryFile.exists()) f = recoveryFile; } if (f == null) { // must be importing or loading from local repository if (loadFilenameArgument != null && loadFilenameArgument.startsWith(ARG_IMPORT_TAG)) { // importing a file? setLoadScreenMessage("Importing audio file..."); isImporting = true; f = new File(loadFilenameArgument.substring(ARG_IMPORT_TAG.length())); } else { // local assert(loadFilenameArgument == null || loadFilenameArgument == localFileName); setLoadScreenMessage("Loading audio file..."); f = new File( AudioPathManager.AUDIO_HOME_DIRECTORY + localFileName); } // Nullify if (!f.exists() || !f.isFile()) f = null; } if (f == null) { if (recoveryFile != null) { setLoadScreenMessage("Recovery file missing"); } else { setLoadScreenMessage("File missing"); } return LOAD_STATE_FAILED; } if (trackModel != null && trackModel.getFilepath() != null && trackModel.equals(f.getPath())) { // already have loaded assert(!isImporting); } else { try { trackModel = TrackModelLoadManager.getInstance().load(f.getPath(), localFileName, this, false); if (trackModel == null) { // load operation canceled assert(hasCancelBeenRequested()); return LOAD_STATE_INCOMPLETED; } else if(isImporting) { // ensure that file path is null - since not yet saved trackModel.setFilepath(null); } else if (recoveryFile != null) { // If recovering - might be recovering an existing track that had been // saved to the repository .. thus re-use the old file trackModel.setFilepath(AudioPathManager.AUDIO_HOME_DIRECTORY + localFileName); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); setLoadScreenMessage("Failed to load audio file"); return LOAD_STATE_FAILED; } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { e.printStackTrace(); setLoadScreenMessage("Format not supported"); return LOAD_STATE_FAILED; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { e.printStackTrace(); setLoadScreenMessage("Out of memory"); return LOAD_STATE_FAILED; } } // If was imported / recovered, then set as being modified if (isImporting || recoveryFile != null) { trackModel.setAudioModifiedFlag(true); } // Set the name for this track String name = getStrippedDataString(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG); if (name != null) trackModel.setName(name); initObservers(); // sets default name if non set // If was recovering - get rid of temp data if (recoveryFile != null) { recoveryFile.delete(); recoveryFile = null; // ensure that out of a recovery state } // Keep meta as constant as possible for best results updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG + getRunningMSTimeFromRawAudio()); // Must make sure that this track is on the track graph model try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { Frame parent = getParentFrame(); String pfname = (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null; TrackGraphNode tinf = AudioStructureModel.getInstance().getTrackGraphInfo(localFileName, pfname); if (tinf == null) { // Determine new initation time according to position long initTime = (parent != null) ? FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getMSAtX(getX(), parent) : 0; // Keep TrackGraphModel consistant AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetAnchored( localFileName, pfname, initTime, AudioMath.framesToMilliseconds(trackModel.getFrameCount(), trackModel.getFormat()), getName(), getY()); } } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Notify layout manager - not really needed but to be extra safe force the daemon // to be super consistant FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().forceRecheck(); return LOAD_STATE_COMPLETED; } /** * Used by save manager */ public boolean doesNeedSaving() { return (trackModel != null && (trackModel.isAudioModified() || trackModel.getFilepath() == null)); } /** * Used by save manager */ public String getSaveName() { if (trackModel != null && trackModel.getName() != null) return "Sampled Track: " + trackModel.getName(); else return "A Sampled Track"; } /** * Saves audio if the audio is loaded and modified / unsaved. * Blocking. */ public void saveAudio() { if (trackModel != null && trackModel.isAudioModified()) { saveWidgetData(); } } /** * Saves the audio bytes to file */ @Override protected void saveWidgetData() { if (trackModel == null) return; // nothing to save // If saving for the file time then get a filename if (trackModel.getFilepath() == null) { trackModel.setFilepath(AudioPathManager.AUDIO_HOME_DIRECTORY + localFileName); loadFilenameArgument = localFileName; // set to now local, next load will be local } // Save audio bytes. try { AudioIO.savePCMAudioToWaveFile( trackModel.getFilepath(), trackModel.getAllAudioBytes(), // Safe: arrays are immutable trackModel.getFormat()); // Reset modified flag trackModel.setAudioModifiedFlag(false); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Ensure audio bytes can be collected if this has expired if (isExpired()) { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { releaseMemory(true); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void onDelete() { super.onDelete(); // Its nice to keep everything layed out as much as possible FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().resumeLayout(this); } @Override protected void unloadWidgetData() { // Still needs to save? if (doesNeedSaving() || trackModel == null) return; // Release memory later when saved try { // Release memory - on swing thread to avoid nullified model data wil painting / editing. SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { releaseMemory(true); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override protected void tempUnloadWidgetData() { // basically this is deleting // Need unloading? if (trackModel == null) return; // Get rid of old temporary files if (recoveryFile != null && recoveryFile.exists()) { recoveryFile.delete(); } // Get rid of local file File oldLocalFile = new File(AudioPathManager.AUDIO_HOME_DIRECTORY + localFileName); if (oldLocalFile.isFile() && oldLocalFile.exists()) { try { oldLocalFile.delete(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // Dump memory to a temp file try { // Always be unique String uniqueID = AudioPathManager.generateLocateFileName("wav"); recoveryFile = File.createTempFile("APOLLO_BACKUP" + uniqueID, null); // To avoid filling up the end-users hardisk, mark file to be // deleted on exit (if not already deleted). recoveryFile.deleteOnExit(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; // cannot dump ... must keep in memory. } // Dump audio to file try { AudioIO.savePCMAudioToWaveFile( recoveryFile.getAbsolutePath(), trackModel.getAllAudioBytes(), trackModel.getFormat()); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return; // cannot dump ... must keep in memory. } catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return; // cannot dump ... must keep in memory. } try { // Release memory - on swing thread to avoid nullified model data wil painting / editing. SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { releaseMemory(false); } }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * To be called by the swing thread only * This is nessessary to avoid runtime memory leaks!! */ private void releaseMemory(boolean onlyIfExpired) { if (!onlyIfExpired || (onlyIfExpired && isExpired())) { if (trackModel != null) { trackModel.removeObserver(fulltrackView); trackModel.removeObserver(this); trackModel = null; assert (fulltrackView.getObservedSubject() == null); assert (fulltrackView.getMix() == null); } fulltrackView.releaseBuffer(); ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().removeObserver(this); } } /** * Global Track model re-use .... */ public SampledTrackModel getSharedSampledTrackModel(String localfilename) { if (trackModel != null && trackModel.getLocalFilename().equals(localfilename)) { assert(localfilename.equals(localFileName)); return trackModel; } return null; } /** * @see #getAudioFormat() * * @return * The audio bytes for this track widget. Null if not loaded. */ public byte[] getAudioBytes() { return (trackModel != null) ? trackModel.getAllAudioBytes() : null; } /** * @see #getAudioBytes() * * @return * The audio format of the audio bytes for this track widget. Null if not loaded. */ public AudioFormat getAudioFormat() { return (trackModel != null) ? trackModel.getFormat() : null; } /** * Warning if the path happens to be a path of a recovery file * then it is deleted if the widget is reloaded. * * @return * A full filepath to load the audio from. Never null. The path * may lead to a out of date file or no file. */ public String getLatestSavedAudioPath() { if (recoveryFile != null && recoveryFile.exists()) { return recoveryFile.getAbsolutePath(); } return AudioPathManager.AUDIO_HOME_DIRECTORY + localFileName; } public void onGraphDirty(SampledTrackGraphView graph, Rectangle dirty) { dirty.translate(getX(), getY() - 1); DisplayController.invalidateArea(SwingConversions.fromSwingRectangle(dirty)); DisplayController.requestRefresh(true); } public Subject getObservedSubject() { return null; } @Override protected void onSizeChanged() { super.onSizeChanged(); // Keep meta as constant as possible for best reults updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_LAST_WIDTH_TAG + getWidth()); } /** * Responds to model changed events by updating the GUI ... */ public void modelChanged(Subject source, SubjectChangedEvent event) { // If the expansion selection has changed - check to see if was for this if (source == ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance()) { // Show graph as being selected if expanded / pending to expand. if (trackModel != null && ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().isTrackInExpansionSelection(trackModel)) { fulltrackView.setBackColor(new Color(100, 100, 100), new Color(120, 120, 120)); } else { fulltrackView.setBackColor(SampledTrackGraphView.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR, SampledTrackGraphView.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_HIGHTLIGHTS_COLOR); } return; } Frame parent = null; switch (event.getID()) { case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.LOAD_STATUS_REPORT: // If this widget is loading - then update the load status if (isInLoadProgress()) { // If the load has been cancelled, then cancel the loader if (hasCancelBeenRequested()) { AudioFileLoader loader = (AudioFileLoader)source; loader.cancelLoad(); } else { float perc = ((Float)event.getState()).floatValue(); if (perc > 1.0f) perc = 1.0f; perc *= FILE_LOADING_PERCENT_RANGE; // Dont stretch load to all of bar - still will have more work to do updateLoadPercentage(perc); } } break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.NAME_CHANGED: if (trackModel != null && !nameLabel.getText().equals(trackModel.getName())) { nameLabel.setText(trackModel.getName()); } // Get graph model consistant parent = getParentFrame(); String pfname = (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null; AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetNameChanged( localFileName, pfname, getName()); break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.AUDIO_INSERTED: case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.AUDIO_REMOVED: long newRunningTime = getRunningMSTimeFromRawAudio(); assert(newRunningTime > 0); long oldRunningTime = getRunningMSTimeFromMeta(); // Keep meta as constant as possible for best reults updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG + newRunningTime); if (trackModel != null) { parent = getParentFrame(); // Keep TrackGraphModel consistant AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetAudioEdited( localFileName, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, newRunningTime); if (trackModel.getSelectionStart() == 0 && oldRunningTime > newRunningTime) { Mutable.Long inittime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (inittime == null) inittime = Mutable.createMutableLong(0); inittime.value += (oldRunningTime - newRunningTime); updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + inittime); AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetRemoved(localFileName, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null); AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetAnchored(localFileName, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, inittime.value, newRunningTime, getName(), getY()); } } break; } } public void setObservedSubject(Subject parent) { } @Override public void paintInFreeSpace() { paintInFreeSpace(false); } public void paintInFreeSpace(boolean isAtFinalPass) { Graphics g = SwingMiscManager.getIfUsingSwingGraphicsManager().getCurrentSurface(); if (isLoaded()) { if (ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().isAnyExpandedTrackVisible() && !isAtFinalPass) { // If a expanded track is in view .. then must render lastly return; } // Check to see if dragging over a EditableSampledTrackGraphView MouseEvent me = MouseEventRouter.getCurrentMouseEvent(); if (me != null) { if (me.getComponent() != fulltrackView && me.getComponent() instanceof EditableSampledTrackGraphView && !((EditableSampledTrackGraphView)me.getComponent()).isPlaying()) { Point containerPoint = SwingConversions.fromSwingPoint(SwingUtilities.convertPoint(me.getComponent(), new java.awt.Point(0,0), SwingMiscManager.getIfUsingSwingGraphicsManager().getContentPane())); Shape clipBackUp = g.getClip(); g.setClip(null); g.setColor(SwingConversions.toSwingColor(Colour.ORANGE)); ((Graphics2D)g).setStroke(EditableSampledTrackGraphView.GRAPH_BAR_STROKE); g.drawLine( containerPoint.x + me.getX(), containerPoint.y, containerPoint.x + me.getX(), containerPoint.y + me.getComponent().getHeight()); DisplayController.invalidateArea(new AxisAlignedBoxBounds( containerPoint.x + me.getX(), containerPoint.y, 1, containerPoint.y + me.getComponent().getHeight() + 1)); // Restore clip g.setClip(clipBackUp); g.setColor(SwingConversions.toSwingColor(SEMI_TRANSPARENT_FREESPACE_BACKCOLOR)); g.fillRect(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); if (isAtFinalPass) { // final pass does not draw the borders... so must manually draw them g.setColor(SwingConversions.toSwingColor(Colour.BLACK)); ((Graphics2D)g).setStroke(SwingConversions.toSwingStroke(FREESPACE_OUTLINING)); g.drawRect(getX(), getY(), getWidth(), getHeight()); } return; } } } super.paintInFreeSpace(); if (isLoaded()) { Shape clipBackUp = g.getClip(); Rectangle tmpClip = (clipBackUp != null) ? clipBackUp.getBounds() : new Rectangle(0, 0, SwingMiscManager.getIfUsingSwingGraphicsManager().getContentPane().getWidth(), SwingMiscManager.getIfUsingSwingGraphicsManager().getContentPane().getHeight()); g.setClip(tmpClip.intersection(SwingConversions.toSwingRectangle(getBounds()))); // Draw the name String name = getName(); if (name == null) name = "Unnamed"; g.setFont(SwingMiscManager.getIfUsingSwingFontManager().getInternalFont(TrackWidgetCommons.FREESPACE_TRACKNAME_FONT)); g.setColor(SwingConversions.toSwingColor(TrackWidgetCommons.FREESPACE_TRACKNAME_TEXT_COLOR)); // Center track name FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(SwingMiscManager.getIfUsingSwingFontManager().getInternalFont(TrackWidgetCommons.FREESPACE_TRACKNAME_FONT)); Rectangle2D rect = fm.getStringBounds(name, g); g.drawString( name, this.getX() + (int)((getWidth() - rect.getWidth()) / 2), this.getY() + (int)((getHeight() - rect.getHeight()) / 2) + (int)rect.getHeight() ); g.setClip(clipBackUp); } } @Override public void paintHeavyDutyWidget(Graphics2D g) { super.paintHeavyDutyWidget(g); if (isLoaded() && nameLabel != null) { nameLabel.paint(); if (shouldOmitIndexAudio()) { int shiftOffset = SoundDesk.getInstance().isPlaying(trackMix.getChannelID()) ? -20 : 0; /*IconRepository.getIcon("omitindexed.png").paintIcon( _swingComponent, g, getX() + getWidth() - EditableSampledTrackGraphView.LOCK_ICON_CORNER_OFFSET + shiftOffset, getY() + EditableSampledTrackGraphView.LOCK_ICON_CORNER_OFFSET - 16);*/ g.drawImage(SwingMiscManager.getIfUsingSwingImageManager().getInternalImage(IconRepository.getIcon("omitindexed.png")), getX() + getWidth() - EditableSampledTrackGraphView.LOCK_ICON_CORNER_OFFSET + shiftOffset, getY() + EditableSampledTrackGraphView.LOCK_ICON_CORNER_OFFSET - 16, null); } } } private boolean ignoreInjection = false; private MouseEvent lastInsertME = null; @Override protected void onParentStateChanged(int eventType) { super.onParentStateChanged(eventType); Frame parent = null; switch (eventType) { // Logic for injecting audio tracks into EditableSampledTrackGraphView's case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ADDED: case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ADDED_VIA_OVERLAY: // Resume any layouts suspended by this track widget FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().resumeLayout(this); if (trackModel != null) { parent = getParentFrame(); // Determine new initation time according to anchored position... Mutable.Long initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); // If the user is restricting-y-axis movement then they might be moving // this tracks Y-position only for layout reasons as opposed to repositioning // where in the audio timeline the track should be. This must be accurate and // avoid loosing the exact initiation time due to pixel-resolutoin issues if (parent != null) { boolean inferInitTime = true; if (ApolloGestureActions.isYAxisRestictionOn()) { Mutable.Long ms = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (ms != null) { Mutable.Long timex = FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getXAtMS( ms.value, parent); if (timex != null && timex.value == getX()) { initTime = ms; inferInitTime = false; } } } // Also must not set initiation time if the frame is simply being displayed //inferInitTime &= (AudioFrameMouseActions.isMouseAnchoring() || AudioFrameMouseActions.isMouseStamping()); inferInitTime &= (eventType == ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_ADDED); if (inferInitTime) initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getMSAtX(getX(), parent)); } updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + initTime); // Keep TrackGraphModel consistant AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetAnchored( localFileName, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, initTime.value, AudioMath.framesToMilliseconds(trackModel.getFrameCount(), trackModel.getFormat()), getName(), getY()); MouseEvent me = MouseEventRouter.getCurrentMouseEvent(); if (!ignoreInjection && me != null && me != lastInsertME && (me.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2 || me.getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON3)) { // Although widgets filter out multiple parent changed events per mouse event - // it also considers the event type, and because this it remove itself from the frame/freespace // it jumbles up the filtering so that this will be invoked for each corner. lastInsertME = me; if (me.getComponent() != fulltrackView && me.getComponent() instanceof EditableSampledTrackGraphView) { EditableSampledTrackGraphView editableSampledTrack = (EditableSampledTrackGraphView)me.getComponent(); // Inject this into the widget try { injectAudio(editableSampledTrack, me.getX(), true); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (!ignoreInjection && me == lastInsertME) { // Note due to a injection removing this widget while in the midst of // anchoring, the widget parent event filtering will not work thus // must keep removing self until the mouse event has done. removeSelf(); } // Wakeup the daemon to note that it should recheck -- in the case that a track is // added to a non-overdubbed frame the audio structure model will not bother // adding the track until something requests for it. FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().forceRecheck(); } case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_SHOWN: case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_SHOWN_VIA_OVERLAY: /* // Listen for volume or mute changed events trackMix.addObserver(this); // Listen for solo events and track sequence creation events MixDesk.getInstance().addObserver(this); */ break; case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_REMOVED: case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_REMOVED_VIA_OVERLAY: // If yanking this from the frame into free space suspend the layout daemon // for this frame if (MouseEventRouter.getCurrentMouseEvent() != null && MouseEventRouter.getCurrentMouseEvent().getButton() == MouseEvent.BUTTON2 && MouseEventRouter.getCurrentMouseEvent() != lastInsertME) { Frame suspended = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame(); if (suspended != null) { FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().suspendLayout(suspended, this); } } if (trackModel != null) { parent = getParentFrame(); // Keep TrackGraphModel consistant AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetRemoved(localFileName, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null); } case ItemParentStateChangedEvent.EVENT_TYPE_HIDDEN: /* trackMix.removeObserver(this); MixDesk.getInstance().removeObserver(this);*/ break; } } /** * Injects this widgets bytes into a EditableSampledTrackGraphView * and removes this widget from freespace/parent-frame. * * Doesn't inject bytes if the target EditableSampledTrackGraphView is in a playing state. * * @param target * The target EditableSampledTrackGraphView to inject this widgets bytes into * * @param graphX * The X pixel in the target's graph. Must be in valid range. * * @param destroySelf * If want to destroy this widget * * @throws IOException * If the insert failed ... can occur if bytes need to be * converted into targets format. */ public void injectAudio(EditableSampledTrackGraphView target, int graphX, boolean destroySelf) throws IOException { assert(target != null); assert(graphX >= 0); assert(graphX <= target.getWidth()); // Cannot inject into EditableSampledTrackGraphView's while playing, although // won't break anything, this would be confusing for the user. if (target.isPlaying()) return; // Inject the audio at the graph poistion int insertFramePoint = target.frameAtX(graphX); // Inject audio target.insertAudio( trackModel.getAllAudioBytes(), trackModel.getFormat(), insertFramePoint); // Note: if removed from free space .. then there should be no // more references to this item therefore the memory will be freed // eventually after this invoke if (destroySelf) removeSelf(); } /** * * @return * The unique loval filename for this track. Auto-assigned - and rememered. Never null. */ public String getLocalFileName() { return localFileName; } /** * Determines the running time from the raw audio in memory. * * @return * The running time or this track in MS. * -1 if not loaded. */ public long getRunningMSTimeFromRawAudio() { if (this.trackModel != null) { return AudioMath.framesToMilliseconds(trackModel.getFrameCount(), trackModel.getFormat()); } return -1; } /** * Determines the running time from the meta data. * * @return * The running time or this track in MS. * -1 if unavilable. */ public long getRunningMSTimeFromMeta() { return getStrippedDataLong(TrackWidgetCommons.META_RUNNINGMSTIME_TAG, new Long(-1)); } /** * @return * The name given to this widget... can be null. */ public String getName() { if (this.trackModel != null) return trackModel.getName(); else if (this.nameLabel != null) { return nameLabel.getText(); } return getStrippedDataString(TrackWidgetCommons.META_NAME_TAG); } /** * Determines the initiation time from the meta data. * * @return * The initiation time or this track in MS. * null if unavilable. */ public Mutable.Long getInitiationTimeFromMeta() { Long l = getStrippedDataLong(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG, null); if (l != null) return Mutable.createMutableLong(l.longValue()); return null; } /** * Adjusts the initiation time for this track - to the exact millisecond. * * The x-position is updated (which will be eventually done with possibly better * accuracy if the layout daemon is on) * * @param specificInitTime * The new initiation time for this track in milliseconds */ public void setInitiationTime(long specificInitTime) { Frame parent = getParentFrame(); // Update x position if it can if (parent != null) { Timeline tl = FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getTimeline(parent); if (tl != null) { this.setPosition(tl.getXAtMSTime(specificInitTime), getY()); } } updateData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG, TrackWidgetCommons.META_INITIATIONTIME_TAG + specificInitTime); AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetPositionChanged( localFileName, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, specificInitTime, getY()); } /** * Sets Y position - retaining the init time. * @param newY */ public void setYPosition(int newY) { if (getY() == newY || isFloating()) return; Frame parent = getParentFrame(); Mutable.Long initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (initTime == null) return; setPosition(getX(), newY); AudioStructureModel.getInstance().onTrackWidgetPositionChanged( localFileName, (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null, initTime.value, newY); } private void updateBorderColor() { // Get border color currently used Colour oldC = getSource().getBorderColor(); Colour newC = TrackWidgetCommons.getBorderColor( SoundDesk.getInstance().isSolo(trackMix.getChannelID()), trackMix.isMuted()); // Update the color if (!newC.equals(oldC)) { setWidgetEdgeColor(newC); } } /** * State icons live at the top right corner * */ private void invalidateStateIcons() { this.invalidateSelf(); // TODO } private void setShouldOmitIndexAudio(boolean shouldOmit) { this.shouldOmitAudioIndexing = shouldOmit; if (!shouldOmit) { removeData(META_DONT_INDEX_AUDIO_TAG); } else { addDataIfCaseInsensitiveNotExists(META_DONT_INDEX_AUDIO_TAG); } invalidateStateIcons(); } public boolean shouldOmitIndexAudio() { return shouldOmitAudioIndexing; } // /** // * Invalidates. // * @param shouldLayout // */ // private void setShouldLayout(boolean shouldLayout) { // // if (shouldLayout) { // removeData(TrackWidgetCommons.META_OMIT_LAYOUT_TAG); // } else { // addDataIfCaseInsensitiveNotExists(TrackWidgetCommons.META_OMIT_LAYOUT_TAG); // } // // invalidateStateIcons(); // } // // // public boolean shouldLayout() { // // return (!containsDataTrimmedIgnoreCase(TrackWidgetCommons.META_OMIT_LAYOUT_TAG)); // } private boolean split(boolean extractSelection) { // First is operation valid? if (trackModel != null && trackModel.getSelectionLength() > 1 && !fulltrackView.isPlaying() && (trackModel.getFrameCount() - trackModel.getSelectionLength()) > EditableSampledTrackGraphView.MIN_FRAME_SELECTION_SIZE) { // If so... can a slip be performed? i.e. is there unselected audio to // the left and right of selection if (trackModel.getSelectionStart() > 0 && (trackModel.getSelectionStart() + trackModel.getSelectionLength()) < trackModel.getFrameCount()) { // Perform split int rightSideStartFrame = trackModel.getSelectionStart() + trackModel.getSelectionLength(); // Create a new track widget to contain the right-side audio byte[] rightsideAudio = new byte[(trackModel.getFrameCount() - rightSideStartFrame) * trackModel.getFormat().getFrameSize()]; // Copy bytes into new location System.arraycopy( trackModel.getAllAudioBytes(), rightSideStartFrame * trackModel.getFormat().getFrameSize(), rightsideAudio, 0, rightsideAudio.length); byte[] selectedBytes = (extractSelection) ? trackModel.getSelectedFramesCopy() : null; // Let this widget keep the left-side audio trackModel.setSelection(trackModel.getSelectionStart(), trackModel.getFrameCount() - trackModel.getSelectionStart()); trackModel.removeSelectedBytes(); trackModel.setSelection(0,0); // Build the new neighbouring widget Frame target = getParentFrame(); if (target == null) target = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame(); // Determine init time Mutable.Long initTime = getInitiationTimeFromMeta(); if (initTime == null) initTime = Mutable.createMutableLong(0); initTime.value += AudioMath.framesToMilliseconds(rightSideStartFrame, trackModel.getFormat()); SampledTrack rightSideTrack = SampledTrack.createFromMemory( rightsideAudio, trackModel.getFormat(), target, 0, // X Coord overridden getY(), getName() + " part", trackMix); // Anchor it rightSideTrack.ignoreInjection = true; target.addAllItems(rightSideTrack.getItems()); rightSideTrack.ignoreInjection = false; // Adjust initiation time to be exact rightSideTrack.setInitiationTime(initTime.value); // If extracting audio then attatch it to the cursor if (selectedBytes != null) { assert(extractSelection); SampledTrack extractedTrack = SampledTrack.createFromMemory( selectedBytes, trackModel.getFormat(), target, getX(), // X Coord overridden getY(), getName() + " part", trackMix); StandardGestureActions.pickup(extractedTrack.getItems()); } } return true; } return false; } /** * Doesn't expand if not anchored ... * @param addToExpand */ private void expand(boolean addToExpand) { Frame parent = getParentFrame(); String pfname = (parent != null) ? parent.getName() : null; if (pfname == null) return; if (!ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().isTrackInExpansionSelection(trackModel)) { if (addToExpand) { // Show the expanded view for this track once control has been released ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().addTrackToSelection( trackModel, pfname, SwingConversions.fromSwingRectangle(_swingComponent.getBounds()), trackMix); } else { // Get rid of all popups PopupManager.getInstance().hideAutoHidePopups(); int start = trackModel.getSelectionStart(); int length = trackModel.getSelectionLength(); if (length <= 1) { start = 0; length = trackModel.getFrameCount(); } // Show the expanded view for this track ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().expandSingleTrack( trackModel, SwingConversions.fromSwingRectangle(_swingComponent.getBounds()), trackMix, pfname, start, length ); } } else { // Take away track from being selected. ExpandedTrackManager.getInstance().removeTrackFromSelection(trackModel); } } /** * The small popup for common actions. * * @author Brook Novak * */ private class PlaybackPopup extends PlaybackControlPopup implements Observer { public PlaybackPopup() { miscButton.setActionCommand("expand"); SwingMiscManager.setJButtonIcon(miscButton, IconRepository.getIcon("expand.png")); miscButton.setToolTipText("Expand"); } @Override public void onHide() { // Listen for volume or mute changed events trackMix.removeObserver(this); // Listen for solo events and track sequence creation events SoundDesk.getInstance().removeObserver(this); } @Override public void onShow() { // Listen for volume or mute changed events trackMix.addObserver(this); // Listen for solo events and track sequence creation events SoundDesk.getInstance().addObserver(this); updateVolume((int)(100 * trackMix.getVolume())); updateMute(trackMix.isMuted()); updateSolo(SoundDesk.getInstance().isSolo(trackMix.getChannelID())); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (trackModel == null) return; if (e.getSource() == playPauseButton) { try { if (!SoundDesk.getInstance().isPlaying(trackMix.getChannelID())) { // play / resume int startFrame = -1, endFrame = -1; // Resume playback? if (SoundDesk.getInstance().isPaused(trackMix.getChannelID())) { startFrame = SoundDesk.getInstance().getLastPlayedFramePosition(trackMix.getChannelID()); if (startFrame >= 0 && startFrame < trackModel.getFrameCount()) { // The user may have edited the audio track and reselected it // since the last pause. Thus select an appropriate end frame endFrame = (trackModel.getSelectionLength() > 1) ? trackModel.getSelectionStart() + trackModel.getSelectionLength(): trackModel.getFrameCount() - 1; // Changed selection? it play range invalid? if (endFrame <= startFrame || startFrame < trackModel.getSelectionStart()) { startFrame = -1; // Play new selection (see below) } else if (endFrame >= trackModel.getFrameCount()) { endFrame = trackModel.getFrameCount() - 1; } } } // Play from beginning of selection to end of selection if (startFrame < 0) { startFrame = trackModel.getSelectionStart(); endFrame = (trackModel.getSelectionLength() > 1) ? startFrame + trackModel.getSelectionLength(): trackModel.getFrameCount() - 1; } // Safety clamp: if (endFrame >= trackModel.getFrameCount()) { endFrame = trackModel.getFrameCount() - 1; } if (startFrame < endFrame) { SoundDesk.getInstance().playSampledTrackModel( trackModel, trackMix.getChannelID(), startFrame, endFrame, 0); } } else { // pause TrackSequence ts = SoundDesk.getInstance().getTrackSequence(trackMix.getChannelID()); if (ts != null && ts.isPlaying()) { // Mark channel as paused. SoundDesk.getInstance().setPaused(trackMix.getChannelID(), true); // Stop playback for this channel ApolloPlaybackMixer.getInstance().stop(ts); } } } catch (LineUnavailableException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } else if (e.getSource() == stopButton) { TrackSequence ts = SoundDesk.getInstance().getTrackSequence(trackMix.getChannelID()); // reset any paused mark SoundDesk.getInstance().setPaused(trackMix.getChannelID(), false); if (ts != null && ts.isPlaying()) { // Stop playback ApolloPlaybackMixer.getInstance().stop(ts); } } else if (e.getSource() == rewindButton) { trackModel.setSelection(0, 0); SoundDesk.getInstance().setPaused(trackMix.getChannelID(), false); } else if (e.getSource() == miscButton) { expand(false); } } public Subject getObservedSubject() { return null; } public void setObservedSubject(Subject parent) { } /** * Receives events from the track model OR from the observed track sequence. */ public void modelChanged(Subject source, SubjectChangedEvent event) { // Synch GUI with track state switch (event.getID()) { case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.TRACK_SEQUENCE_CREATED: // from sound desk if (event.getState().equals(trackMix.getChannelID())) { // The channel being played is the same as this one ... // even if the track model is unloaded must enter into a playing state // if the created track sequence will play TrackSequence ts = SoundDesk.getInstance().getTrackSequence(trackMix.getChannelID()); assert(ts != null); assert(!ts.hasFinished()); assert(!ts.isPlaying()); ts.addObserver(this); } break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.PLAYBACK_STARTED: // From observed track sequence stopButton.setEnabled(true); rewindButton.setEnabled(false); SwingMiscManager.setJButtonIcon(playPauseButton, IconRepository.getIcon("pause.png")); invalidateStateIcons(); SampledTrack.this.setWidgetEdgeThickness(TrackWidgetCommons.PLAYING_TRACK_EDGE_THICKNESS); //FrameGraphics.refresh(true); break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.PLAYBACK_STOPPED: // From observed track sequence invalidateStateIcons(); rewindButton.setEnabled(true); stopButton.setEnabled(false); SwingMiscManager.setJButtonIcon(playPauseButton, IconRepository.getIcon("play.png")); // Note: // No need to remove self from observing the dead track since the track references this // and will get garbage collected SampledTrack.this.setWidgetEdgeThickness(TrackWidgetCommons.STOPPED_TRACK_EDGE_THICKNESS); break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.PAUSE_MARK_CHANGED: // When stopped or paused /* if (ae.getState().equals(trackMix.getChannelID())) { if (MixDesk.getInstance().isPaused(trackMix.getChannelID())) { // Do nothing .. the paused mark is set prior to a stop } else { // Esnure that the GUI represents a stopped state stopButton.setEnabled(false); playPauseButton.setIcon(IconRepository.getIcon("play.png")); } }*/ break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.VOLUME: // From obseved track mix updateVolume((int)(100 * trackMix.getVolume())); break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.MUTE: // From obseved track mix updateMute(trackMix.isMuted()); updateBorderColor(); break; case ApolloSubjectChangedEvent.SOLO_PREFIX_CHANGED: // From mix desk updateSolo(SoundDesk.getInstance().isSolo(trackMix.getChannelID())); updateBorderColor(); break; } } @Override protected void volumeChanged() { trackMix.setVolume(((float)volumeSlider.getValue()) / 100.0f); } @Override protected void muteChanged() { trackMix.setMuted(muteButton.isSelected()); } @Override protected void soloChanged() { SoundDesk.getInstance().setSoloIDPrefix(soloButton.isSelected() ? trackMix.getChannelID() : null ); } } @Override public boolean isWidgetEdgeThicknessAdjustable() { return false; } }