package org.apollo.meldex; import; import java.util.ArrayList; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // code in java 1.4 public class Transcriber { // The values of these constants are taken directly from Rodger's code final double RMS_WINDOW = 10.0; final double RMS_STEP = (RMS_WINDOW / 2); // The sample rate (frequency) of the loaded sample int sampleRate; // Create instances of our classes PitchTracker pitchTracker = new PitchTracker(); NoteRounder noteRounder = new NoteRounder(); /** * * @param sample * * @return * The wave sample converted into a RogTrack structure if successful. * Null if unsuccessful. * * @throws IOException * If conversion to standardized form fails */ public RogTrack transcribeSample(WavSample sample) throws IOException { // This shouldn't have to be fixed... sampleRate = 22050; // sampleRate = (int)SampledAudioManager.PLAYBACK_SAMPLE_RATE; // These are values that should end up being parameters int tempoBPM = 120; int minRestLength = 4, minNoteLength = 2; boolean addRestLeftovers = true; // Check that the sample is valid if (sample == null || sample.getFormat() == null || sample.getRawAudio() == null) { return null; } // Get the standardised unsigned 8-bit mono data //byte[] stdData = sample.getStandardisedData(true); // THis is bad of memory - was getting lots heap errors // AudioFormat standardizedFormat = new AudioFormat( // //sample.getFormat().getSampleRate(), // sampleRate, // //sample.getFormat().getSampleRate(), // 8, // 8-bit // 1, // mono // false, // unsigned // true); // Big endian // // byte[] stdData = AudioIO.convertAudioBytes( // sample.getRawAudio(), // sample.getFormat(), // standardizedFormat); byte[] stdData = MeldexConversion.toStandardizedFormat( sample.getRawAudio(), sample.getFormat(), sampleRate); if (stdData == null) { return null; } // Create a new RogTrack to store the result of the transcription RogTrack track = new RogTrack(); // We don't know the time signature track.addTimeSignature(0, 0); // Calculate the Root Mean Squared data for the loaded sample float[] rmsData = calculateRMS(stdData, stdData.length); // Check that we have some data to process if (rmsData.length <= 0) { return null; } // int rmsStep = 111; // !! PURE-ROG!! int rmsStep = (sampleRate / 200); //int rmsStep = (sampleRate / 1000); // Calculate the number of RMS steps per sixteenth note int rmsStepsPer16th = (int) ((60F / (float) (tempoBPM * 4F)) / (RMS_STEP / 1000F)); // Calculate the sum of the squared RMS data double sumRMSDataSquared = 0; for (int rmsPos = 0; rmsPos < rmsData.length; rmsPos++) { sumRMSDataSquared += (rmsData[rmsPos] * rmsData[rmsPos]); } // Calculate the upper and lower thresholds (asymmetrical??) double threshold = Math.sqrt(sumRMSDataSquared / rmsData.length); float upperThreshold = (float) (threshold * 0.55); float lowerThreshold = (float) (threshold * 0.35); // Now we find all of the notes in the sample... int lastCents = -1, lastStart = 0, lastEnd = 0; int restLen, noteLen; for (int rmsPos = 0; rmsPos < rmsData.length; rmsPos++) { // Have we found the start of a note?? if (rmsData[rmsPos] >= upperThreshold) { // Yes, so find the end of the note int noteStart = rmsPos; while (rmsPos < rmsData.length) { if (rmsData[rmsPos] <= lowerThreshold) { break; } rmsPos++; } int noteEnd = rmsPos; // If it is longer than 1/3 of the minimum note length, process it if ((noteEnd - noteStart) >= ((minNoteLength * rmsStepsPer16th) / 3)) { // Create a new array for the interesting data int noteLength = (noteEnd - noteStart) * rmsStep; byte[] noteData = new byte[noteLength]; for (int notePos = 0; notePos < noteLength; notePos++) { noteData[notePos] = stdData[(noteStart * rmsStep) + notePos]; } // Process the note int cents = processNote(noteData, noteLength); if (cents > 1000) { // If it is the first note then initialise the NoteRounder if (lastCents < 0) { int noteRound = (noteRounder.roundCents(cents) - cents); noteRounder.setInitialValue(noteRound); } // Otherwise we calculate the note and rest values else { int finalNote = noteRounder.roundNote(lastCents, true); // Calculate the rest length int rmsRestLeft = 0; if (rmsStepsPer16th <= 0) { restLen = 0; } else { int rmsRestLen = (noteStart - lastEnd); int mult = (minRestLength * rmsStepsPer16th); int roundRest = noteRounder.round(rmsRestLen, mult); restLen = (roundRest / rmsStepsPer16th); if (addRestLeftovers == true) { rmsRestLeft = rmsRestLen - (restLen * rmsStepsPer16th); } } // Calculate the note length if (rmsStepsPer16th <= 0) { noteLen = 0; } else { int rmsNoteLen = (lastEnd - lastStart); int mult = (minNoteLength * rmsStepsPer16th); if (addRestLeftovers == true && rmsRestLeft > 0) { rmsNoteLen += rmsRestLeft; } int roundNote = noteRounder.round(rmsNoteLen, mult); noteLen = (roundNote / rmsStepsPer16th); } // Add the notes and rests to the track track.addNote(noteLen, (finalNote / 100), 0); track.addRest(restLen); } lastCents = cents; lastStart = noteStart; lastEnd = noteEnd; } } } } // Deal with the last note (if there is one) if (lastCents > 0) { int finalNote = noteRounder.roundNote(lastCents, true); // Calculate the note length if (rmsStepsPer16th <= 0) { noteLen = 0; } else { int rmsNoteLen = (lastEnd - lastStart); int mult = (minNoteLength * rmsStepsPer16th); int roundNote = noteRounder.round(rmsNoteLen, mult); noteLen = (roundNote / rmsStepsPer16th); // Add the last note to the track track.addNote(noteLen, (finalNote / 100), 0); } } // Calculate the key signature int key = track.calculateBestKey(); // Add a key signature event to the track track.addKeySignature(key, 0); // Set the note names for the new key signature track.setNoteNames(key); // Return the Track with the transcribed data return track; } private float[] calculateRMS(byte[] stdData, int stdLength) { int accMS = 0; int accMSPrev = 0; int frameStart = 0; // int rmsStep = 111; // !! PURE ROG!! int rmsStep = (22050 / 200); // !! SEMI-PURE ROG !! // Allocate memory for the RMS data values int rmsLength = (int) (stdLength / (float) rmsStep); float[] rmsData = new float[rmsLength]; for (int stdPos = 0, rmsPos = 0; stdPos < stdLength; stdPos++) { // Calculate the accumulated Mean Squared value int value = (stdData[stdPos] & 255) - 127; // !! SHOULD 127 BE 128?? !! accMS += (value * value); // If we have finished a frame calculate a value for the output if ((stdPos - frameStart) >= rmsStep) { double result = Math.sqrt((double)(accMS+accMSPrev) / (double)(rmsStep*2)); frameStart = stdPos; accMSPrev = accMS; accMS = 0; rmsData[rmsPos] = (float) result; rmsPos++; } } return rmsData; } private int processNote(byte[] data, int length) { // Pitch track the note ArrayList pitchData = pitchTracker.process(data, length, sampleRate); // Average the pitch data int pitchLength = averagePitchData(pitchData); // Calculate the histogram of the pitch data return calculateHistogram(pitchData, pitchLength); } private int averagePitchData(ArrayList pitchData) { // Loop through the pitch values... int i = 0, k = 0; while (i < (pitchData.size() - 1)) { int startPos = ((PitchValue) pitchData.get(i)).position; double period = ((PitchValue) pitchData.get(i)).period; double averagePeriod = period; double runningPeriod = ((PitchValue) pitchData.get(i+1)).position - startPos; double numPeriods = runningPeriod / period; // Start from the next pitch int j = 1; while ((i+j) < (pitchData.size() - 1)) { // Get the next pitch estimate period = ((PitchValue) pitchData.get(i+j)).period; int position = ((PitchValue) pitchData.get(i+j)).position; // Make sure that this period is covered by the average so far if (period > (averagePeriod * 1.1) || period < (averagePeriod * 0.909)) { break; } // Stop if we have covered more than 20 msec int nextPos = ((PitchValue) pitchData.get(i+j+1)).position; // if ((nextPos - startPos) >= 445) { // !! PURE-ROG !! if ((nextPos - startPos) >= (sampleRate * 0.02)) { break; } // Add to this period runningPeriod += (nextPos - position); numPeriods += ((nextPos - position) / period); averagePeriod = runningPeriod / numPeriods; j++; } // Write over the original pitch value with the averaged pitch value pitchData.set(k, new PitchValue(averagePeriod, startPos)); k++; // Increment i i += j; } // Return the number of averaged pitch values return k; } private int calculateHistogram(ArrayList data, int length) { // This probably shouldn't be a constant final int histLength = 960; // Allocate memory for the histogram data and initialise it to zero int[] histData = new int[histLength]; for (int i = 0; i < histLength; i++) { histData[i] = 0; } // Calculate the histogram data for (int i = 0; i < (length - 1); i++) { double period = ((PitchValue) data.get(i)).period; double position = ((PitchValue) data.get(i)).position; double periodLength = ((PitchValue) data.get(i+1)).position - position; // We only need to do this if the pitch does not equal zero if (period > 0) { // Do some weird stuff... double logValue = (Math.log(period / sampleRate)) / (Math.log(10)); double cents = -(logValue / 0.000250858) - 3637.622659; int histPos = (int) (Math.floor((cents - 3600.0) / 5.0)); if (histPos >= 0 && histPos < histLength) { histData[histPos] += periodLength; } } } // Select the cents value using the histogram data return selectCents(histData, histLength); } private int selectCents(int[] histData, int histLength) { // Find the maximum average histogram value int maxHistValue = 0, maxHistPos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (histLength - 20); i++) { // Sum the next 20 histogram values (1 semitone) int histValue = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { histValue += histData[i+j]; } // Maintain the maximum histogram value if (histValue > maxHistValue) { maxHistValue = histValue; maxHistPos = i; } } // Find the average cents value of the maximum histogram int sumCents = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) { sumCents += (histData[maxHistPos+j] * (((maxHistPos+j) * 5) + 3602)); } // Calculate sum of (cents * time) divided by total time if (maxHistValue > 0) { return (sumCents / maxHistValue); } else { return 0; } } }