

16:02 Changeset [1414] by bln4
More amendments to the way surrogates are handled. Including renaming …


13:57 Changeset [1413] by bln4
Changed surrogates to work the way discussed with David. …


15:19 Changeset [1412] by bln4
15:19 Changeset [1411] by bln4
Amendment to previous commit. Some stuff was committed that I didn't …
15:16 Changeset [1410] by bln4
Fixed bug with surrogate inheritance.
12:14 Changeset [1409] by bln4
Moved Label.java to Surrogates folder as it makes more sense there.
12:12 Changeset [1408] by bln4
Implementation of the surrogate system. When you set an item to have a …


14:34 Changeset [1407] by bln4
Group level permission is now completely a thing. If a frame has a …
13:03 Changeset [1406] by bln4
You can now create groups. Make a text item of the format "Group: …
11:28 Changeset [1405] by bln4
Added Group attribute to frames. Some early logic on using the …
10:23 Changeset [1404] by bln4
Updated group about file.


16:39 Changeset [1403] by bln4
Added groups path. Will be used to store framesets whose contents …
14:29 Changeset [1402] by bln4
Permission is now a triple rather than a pair. The new second bit is …


16:29 Changeset [1401] by bln4
Refactoring on how labels are resolved.
11:39 Changeset [1400] by bln4
Can now encrypt specific items on an encrypted frame.
10:13 Changeset [1399] by bln4
Migrate EncryptedExpReader/EncryptedExpWriter to encryption package …
10:10 Changeset [1398] by bln4
Items can now have an encryption label. New functionality using this …


13:14 Changeset [1397] by bln4
Permissions for tabing (with tab index) on text items.
12:59 Changeset [1396] by bln4
Updated tab index for authentication frames.
12:41 Changeset [1395] by bln4
12:40 Changeset [1394] by bln4
EncPermission setting is now represented as a full mask. An invalid …
11:09 Changeset [1393] by bln4
Maintain caseing for settings.
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