

15:41 Changeset [426] by ra33
15:39 Changeset [425] by ra33
14:46 Changeset [424] by ra33


17:07 Changeset [423] by ra33
17:05 Changeset [422] by ra33
15:24 Changeset [421] by ra33
Can now move lines while the mouse button is depressed
10:47 Changeset [420] by ra33
10:46 Changeset [419] by ra33
Refactored DateTime format code... so all formats are determined in a …


15:41 Changeset [418] by ra33
Added start time to session stats
15:32 Changeset [417] by ra33
Fixed formatting problem for times.. which did not work for times …
14:36 Changeset [416] by ra33
Renamed "FramesEdited.stats" Added @NoSave tag
14:24 Changeset [415] by ra33
Added @autoFormat tag
14:16 Changeset [414] by ra33
Tree stats now DONT include the stats for the current session…
09:35 Changeset [413] by ra33
09:34 Changeset [412] by ra33
Added getWindowSize action


16:56 Changeset [411] by ra33
16:43 Changeset [410] by ra33
Completed several tasks specified by Rob... 1. Changing the resize …
10:07 Changeset [409] by ra33
Fixed bug causing SIMPLE program run from an overlay to backup to that …


16:36 Changeset [408] by ra33
Made changes so that clicking back still counts as accessing a frame …
16:12 Changeset [407] by ra33
fixed bug causing GHOST arrowheads to be left behind when unreeling…
15:49 Changeset [406] by ra33
changed pngFrame etc.. to send images into the exports directory
15:38 Changeset [405] by ra33
15:35 Changeset [404] by ra33
fixed getmail so it splits text items
13:37 Changeset [403] by ra33
13:37 Changeset [402] by ra33
Changes so that Expeditee will run on Java 1.5
13:35 Changeset [401] by ra33
13:34 Changeset [400] by ra33
Changed the way justification works so that... Width field has a …
10:15 Changeset [399] by ra33
10:15 Changeset [398] by ra33
09:29 Changeset [397] by ra33
09:27 Changeset [396] by ra33
09:27 Changeset [395] by ra33
09:25 Changeset [394] by ra33
09:24 Changeset [393] by ra33
09:14 Changeset [392] by ra33
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.