source: trunk/src/org/expeditee/auth/ 1331

Last change on this file since 1331 was 1331, checked in by bln4, 5 years ago

Added support for running with the old regime but with authentication. There is a slight limitation in that the new default profile frameset must be copied over upon resources extraction. This means that any existing changes to the default frameset are whipped when this occurs. However, this only occurs if resources are being extracted, so should only ever happen once. This means the user is able to restore their changes to the default after this has happened.

File size: 32.3 KB
1package org.expeditee.auth;
7import java.nio.file.Files;
8import java.nio.file.Path;
9import java.nio.file.Paths;
10import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
23import java.sql.SQLException;
24import java.text.ParseException;
25import java.util.Base64;
26import java.util.Collection;
27import java.util.HashMap;
28import java.util.List;
29import java.util.Map;
30import java.util.Optional;
31import java.util.Random;
32import java.util.function.Consumer;
35import javax.crypto.BadPaddingException;
36import javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException;
37import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException;
38import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
39import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
42import org.expeditee.agents.ExistingFramesetException;
43import org.expeditee.agents.InvalidFramesetNameException;
44import org.expeditee.auth.Mail.MailEntry;
45import org.expeditee.auth.account.Authenticate;
46import org.expeditee.auth.account.Authenticate.AuthenticationResult;
47import org.expeditee.auth.gui.MailBay;
48import org.expeditee.auth.tags.AuthenticationTag;
49import org.expeditee.auth.tags.Constants;
50import org.expeditee.core.Colour;
51import org.expeditee.gui.DisplayController;
52import org.expeditee.gui.Frame;
53import org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO;
54import org.expeditee.gui.MessageBay;
55import org.expeditee.gui.MessageBay.Progress;
57import org.expeditee.items.Item;
58import org.expeditee.items.PermissionPair;
59import org.expeditee.items.Text;
60import org.expeditee.items.UserAppliedPermission;
61import org.expeditee.setting.GenericSetting;
62import org.expeditee.setting.Setting;
63import org.expeditee.setting.TextSetting;
64import org.expeditee.settings.UserSettings;
65import org.expeditee.settings.folders.FolderSettings;
66import org.expeditee.settings.identity.secrets.KeyList;
67import org.expeditee.stats.Formatter;
68import org.ngikm.cryptography.CryptographyConstants;
70public class Actions implements CryptographyConstants {
72 //Debug Functions
73 public static void SendTestMessage(String colleagueName) throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, FileNotFoundException, KeyStoreException, CertificateException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException {
74 String time = org.expeditee.stats.Formatter.getDateTime();
75 String sender = UserSettings.UserName.get();
76 String topic = "Test Message";
77 String message = "This is a test message.";
78 Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
79 options.put("Neat", "Beep");
80 MailEntry mail = new MailEntry(time, sender, colleagueName, topic, message, options);
81 Mail.sendMail(mail, colleagueName);
82 MessageBay.displayMessage("Test message sent.");
83 }
84 public static void SendTestMessageHemi(String param) {
85 String time = Formatter.getDateTime();
86 String sender = UserSettings.UserName.get();
87 String recipient = param.split(" ")[0];
88 String message = param.split(" ")[1];
89 Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
90 options.put("Accept", "beep");
91 options.put("Reject", "beep");
92 MailEntry mail = new MailEntry(time, sender, recipient, "Have a key", message, options);
93 Mail.sendMail(mail, recipient);
94 MessageBay.displayMessage("Test message sent.");
95 }
97 private static String userbackup = "authadmin";
98 public static void ToggleAuth() {
99 String backup = UserSettings.UserName.get();
100 UserSettings.UserName.set(userbackup);
101 userbackup = backup;
102 }
104 /**
105 * Display Expeditee Mail
106 * @throws IOException
107 * @throws SQLException
108 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
109 * @throws CertificateException
110 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
111 * @throws FileNotFoundException
112 * @throws KeyStoreException
113 * @throws ParseException
114 * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
115 * @throws BadPaddingException
116 * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException
117 * @throws NoSuchPaddingException
118 * @throws InvalidKeyException
119 */
120 public static void ToggleBay() throws KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException, ParseException, InvalidKeySpecException, InvalidKeyException, NoSuchPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException {
121 if (!AuthenticatorBrowser.isAuthenticated()) return;
122 if (!DisplayController.isMailMode()) {
123 MailBay.ensureLink();
124 Mail.clear();
125 String keyEncoded = KeyList.PrivateKey.get().getData().get(0);
126 byte[] keyBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(keyEncoded);
127 PrivateKey key = KeyFactory.getInstance(AsymmetricAlgorithm).generatePrivate(new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(keyBytes));
128 Mail.checkMail(key);
129 }
130 DisplayController.ToggleMailMode();
131 }
133 /**
134 * Action used to navigate the authorised user back to their desktop.
135 */
136 public static void AuthGoToDesktop() {
137 DisplayController.setCurrentFrame(FrameIO.LoadFrame(UserSettings.HomeFrame.get()), true);
138 }
140 /**
141 * Action used to created a new user account.
142 * Attempts to use content from text items on frame, will default to java properties if they cannot be found.
143 * Will fail if it cannot find content from text items on frame and all required java properties are not present.
144 * @throws SQLException
145 * @throws IOException
146 * @throws ExistingFramesetException
147 * @throws InvalidFramesetNameException
148 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
149 * @throws FileNotFoundException
150 * @throws CertificateException
151 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
152 * @throws KeyStoreException
153 * @throws BadPaddingException
154 * @throws IllegalBlockSizeException
155 * @throws NoSuchPaddingException
156 * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
157 * @throws InvalidKeyException
158 * @throws ParseException
159 * @throws Exception
160 */
161 public static void AuthCreateAccount() throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, InvalidFramesetNameException, ExistingFramesetException, IOException, SQLException, InvalidKeyException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException, ParseException {
162 Collection<Text> textItems = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame().getTextItems();
163 Optional<Map<AuthenticationTag, String>> userdata =
164 AuthenticationTag.fetchUserData(textItems, false,
165 AuthenticationTag.Username,
166 AuthenticationTag.Password,
167 AuthenticationTag.PasswordAgain,
168 AuthenticationTag.Email,
169 AuthenticationTag.EmailAgain);
171 if (userdata.isPresent()) {
172 Map<AuthenticationTag, String> userData = userdata.get();
174 // A profile already existing with 'username' means an account cannot be created with that username.
175 if (FrameIO.getProfilesList().contains(userData.get(AuthenticationTag.Username))) {
176 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_PROFILE_NAME_PREEXISTS);
177 return;
178 }
180 // The chosen username must be a valid frameset name.
181 if (!FrameIO.isValidFramesetName(userData.get(AuthenticationTag.Username))) {
182 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_INVALID_USERNAME);
183 return;
184 }
186 // The passwords provided must match
187 if (userData.get(AuthenticationTag.Password).compareTo(userData.get(AuthenticationTag.PasswordAgain)) != 0) {
188 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_MISMATCH_PASSWORDS);
189 return;
190 }
192 // The emails provided must match
193 if (userData.get(AuthenticationTag.Email).compareTo(userData.get(AuthenticationTag.EmailAgain)) != 0) {
194 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_MISMATCH_EMAILS);
195 return;
196 }
198 createAccount(userData);
199 Authenticate.login(userData);
200 AuthenticatorBrowser.Authenticated = true;
201 } else {
203 }
204 }
206 /**
207 * Action used to start authentication as a specified user.
208 * Attempts to use content from text items on frame, will default to java properties if they cannot be found.
209 * Will fail if it cannot find content from text items on frame and all required java properties are not present.
210 * @throws Exception
211 */
212 public static void AuthLogin() {
213 final Collection<Text> textItems = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame().getTextItems();
214 final Optional<Map<AuthenticationTag, String>> userdata = AuthenticationTag.fetchUserData(textItems, false, AuthenticationTag.Username, AuthenticationTag.Password);
215 if (userdata.isPresent()) {
216 AuthenticationResult result = Authenticate.login(userdata.get());
217 if (result == AuthenticationResult.SuccessLogin) {
218 MessageBay.displayMessage(result.toString());
219 } else {
220 MessageBay.errorMessage(result.toString());
221 }
222 //login(userdata.get());
223 AuthenticatorBrowser.Authenticated = true;
224 } else {
226 }
227 }
229 public static void AuthLogout() {
230 MessageBay.displayMessage(Authenticate.logout().toString());
231 }
233 /**
234 * Action used to change the currently authenticated users password.
235 * Attempts to use content from text items on frame, will default to java properties if they cannot be found.
236 * Will fail if it cannot find content from text items on frame and all required java properties are not present.
237 * Will fail if no user is currently logged in.
238 * @throws IOException
239 * @throws CertificateException
240 * @throws FileNotFoundException
241 * @throws KeyStoreException
242 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
243 * @throws SQLException
244 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
245 */
246 public static void AuthChangePassword() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, CertificateException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
247 final Collection<Text> textItems = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame().getTextItems();
249 if (!AuthenticatorBrowser.Authenticated) {
250 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_MUST_BE_LOGGED_IN);
251 } else {
252 final Optional<Map<AuthenticationTag, String>> userdata = AuthenticationTag.fetchUserData(textItems, false, AuthenticationTag.Password, AuthenticationTag.NewPassword, AuthenticationTag.NewPasswordAgain);
253 if (userdata.isPresent()) {
254 final Map<AuthenticationTag, String> userData = userdata.get();
255 if (userData.get(AuthenticationTag.NewPassword).compareTo(userData.get(AuthenticationTag.NewPasswordAgain)) != 0) {
256 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_MISMATCH_PASSWORDS);
257 } else {
258 userData.put(AuthenticationTag.Username, UserSettings.UserName.get());
259 changePassword(userData);
260 }
261 } else {
263 }
264 }
265 }
267 public static void AuthGotoAccountManagement() {
268 if (AuthenticatorBrowser.Authenticated) {
269 DisplayController.setCurrentFrame(FrameIO.LoadFrame(Constants.FRAME_MULTIUSER1), false);
270 } else {
271 DisplayController.setCurrentFrame(FrameIO.LoadFrame(Constants.FRAME_AUTHENTICATION1), false);
272 }
273 }
275 public static void AuthShareFrameset() throws IOException {
276 Collection<Text> textItems = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame().getTextItems();
278 Optional<Map<AuthenticationTag, String>> userdata = AuthenticationTag.fetchUserData(textItems, false, AuthenticationTag.Frameset);
279 if (userdata.isPresent()) {
280 Map<AuthenticationTag, String> userData = userdata.get();
281 FrameIO.SuspendCache();
282 Frame toShare = FrameIO.LoadFrame(userData.get(AuthenticationTag.Frameset) + 1);
283 FrameIO.ResumeCache();
285 if (toShare == null) {
286 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_INFORMATION);
287 return;
288 }
290 shareFrameset(toShare);
291 }
292 }
294 /**
295 * Navigation action for progressing the process of recruiting colleagues to assist in password recovery.
296 * Hides certain content that AuthSubmitPWCollegues goes onto show if it does not fail.
297 */
298 public static void AuthGotoColleagueSubmissionFrame() {
299 Frame destination = FrameIO.LoadFrame(Constants.FRAME_COLLEAGUE_SUBMISSION_FRAME);
300 DisplayController.setCurrentFrame(destination, true);
301 Collection<Item> toHide = getByData(destination, Constants.DATA_SHOW_ON_PROGRESS);
302 for (Item i: toHide) {
303 i.setVisible(false);
304 }
305 }
307 /**
308 * Action used to start the process of formalising the password recovery process.
309 * @throws SQLException
310 * @throws IOException
311 * @throws ClassNotFoundException
312 * @throws CertificateException
313 * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
314 * @throws FileNotFoundException
315 * @throws KeyStoreException
316 * @throws InvalidKeySpecException
317 */
318 public static void AuthSubmitPWColleagues() throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, CertificateException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException {
319 Frame currentFrame = DisplayController.getCurrentFrame();
320 Collection<Text> textItems = currentFrame.getTextItems();
322 if (!AuthenticatorBrowser.Authenticated) {
323 MessageBay.errorMessage(Constants.ERROR_MUST_BE_LOGGED_IN);
324 return;
325 }
327 Optional<Map<AuthenticationTag, String>> userdata = AuthenticationTag.fetchUserData(textItems, false, AuthenticationTag.ColleagueOne, AuthenticationTag.ColleagueTwo);
328 if (userdata.isPresent()) {
329 Map<AuthenticationTag, String> userData = userdata.get();
330 String colleagueOne = userData.get(AuthenticationTag.ColleagueOne);
331 Path colleagueOnePath = Paths.get(FrameIO.CONTACTS_PATH).resolve(colleagueOne + "-credentials");
332 String colleagueTwo = userData.get(AuthenticationTag.ColleagueTwo);
333 Path colleagueTwoPath = Paths.get(FrameIO.CONTACTS_PATH).resolve(colleagueTwo + "-credentials");
334 if (!colleagueOnePath.toFile().exists()) {
335 MessageBay.errorMessage("Your nominated colleague: " + colleagueOne + " must exist in your contacts.");
336 } else if (!colleagueTwoPath.toFile().exists()) {
337 MessageBay.errorMessage("Your nominated colleague: " + colleagueTwo + " must exist in your contacts.");
338 } else {
339 userData.put(AuthenticationTag.Username, UserSettings.UserName.get());
340 boolean success = submitPWColleagues(userData);
341 if (success) {
342 Collection<Item> toShow = getByData(currentFrame, Constants.DATA_SHOW_ON_PROGRESS);
343 for (Item i: toShow) {
344 i.setVisible(true);
345 }
346 currentFrame.change();
347 MessageBay.displayMessage("-------Messages sent-------");
348 }
349 FrameIO.SaveFrame(currentFrame);
350 DisplayController.requestRefresh(false);
351 }
352 }
353 }
355// public static void AuthSetupPasswordRecovery() throws KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException, UnrecoverableEntryException {
356// if (!UserSettings.Authenticated.get()) {
357// MessageBay.errorMessage("You must be logged in to perform this action.");
358// } else if (!Authenticator.getInstance().hasRegisteredEmail(UserSettings.UserName.get())) {
359// Frame registerEmailFrame = FrameIO.LoadFrame("authentication4");
360// DisplayController.setCurrentFrame(registerEmailFrame, true);
361// } else if (!Authenticator.getInstance().hasRequestedColleagues(UserSettings.UserName.get()) && Authenticator.getInstance().getColleagues(UserSettings.UserName.get()) == null) {
362// Frame submitColleaguesFrame = FrameIO.LoadFrame("authentication5");
363// DisplayController.setCurrentFrame(submitColleaguesFrame, true);
364// } else if (Authenticator.getInstance().hasRequestedColleagues(UserSettings.UserName.get()) && Authenticator.getInstance().getColleagues(UserSettings.UserName.get()) == null) {
365// MessageBay.displayMessage("You have already nominated two colleagues to assist you in the process of password recovery and are awaiting their response."
366// + " You will be alerted on Expeditee startup when they have both responded.");
367// } else if (Authenticator.getInstance().getColleagues(UserSettings.UserName.get()) != null) {
368// MessageBay.displayMessage("You have completed the Password Recovery Setup process, there is nothing more to do here.");
369// }
370// }
372 public static void AuthConfirmPasswordColleagueRelationship(String colleagueName) {
374 }
376 public static void AuthDenyPasswordColleagueRelationship(String colleagueName) throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
377 KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, CertificateException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException {
378 denyPasswordColleagueRelationship(colleagueName);
379 }
381 public static void AuthClearPWColleaguesNominated() {
383 }
385 /**
386 * Create a user account using the specified information in userdata. Creates and stores user keys.
387 * @param userdata Should contain username, password and email.
388 */
389 private static void createAccount(Map<AuthenticationTag, String> userdata) throws InvalidFramesetNameException, ExistingFramesetException,
390 KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, FileNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException {
391 // Track progress
392 String message = "Creating new user account...";
393 int progress = 0;
394 int step = 16;
396 // Extract user details
397 String username = userdata.get(AuthenticationTag.Username);
398 String password = userdata.get(AuthenticationTag.Password);
399 String email = userdata.get(AuthenticationTag.Email);
401 Progress progressBar = MessageBay.displayProgress(message);
402 try {
403 progressBar.UpdateMessage(message + "Generating Keys.", progress += step);
404 } catch (Exception e) {
405 e.printStackTrace();
406 }
407 DisplayController.refreshBayArea();
409 // Generate keys
410 // Personal key
411 Random rand = new SecureRandom();
412 byte[] keyBytes = new byte[16];
413 rand.nextBytes(keyBytes);
414 SecretKey key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, SymmetricAlgorithm);
415 AuthenticatorBrowser.getInstance().putKey(username, password, key);
416 String personalKey = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(key.getEncoded());
417 // Public and private keys
418 KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance(AsymmetricAlgorithm);
419 keyGen.initialize(1024);
420 KeyPair keyPair = keyGen.generateKeyPair();
421 String publicKey = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(keyPair.getPublic().getEncoded());
422 String privateKey = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(keyPair.getPrivate().getEncoded());
424 try {
425 progressBar.UpdateMessage(message + "Creating Profile Frameset.", progress += step);
426 } catch (Exception e) {
427 e.printStackTrace();
428 }
429 DisplayController.refreshBayArea();
431 // Update in memory settings
432 System.setProperty("", username);
433 UserSettings.UserName.set(username);
434 UserSettings.ProfileName.set(username);
435 UserSettings.setupDefaultFolders();
437 // Establish the initial settings for the created user.
438 Map<String, Setting> initialSettings = new HashMap<String, Setting>();
439 initialSettings.put(Constants.SETTINGS_AUTH_SECRETS_PERSONAL_KEY, constructTextSetting(Constants.TOOLTIP_SETTING_PERSONAL_KEY, "PersonalKey", personalKey));
440 initialSettings.put(Constants.SETTINGS_AUTH_SECRETS_PRIVATE_KEY, constructTextSetting(Constants.TOOLTIP_SETTING_PRIVATE_KEY, "PrivateKey", privateKey));
441 initialSettings.put(Constants.SETTINGS_AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY, constructTextSetting(Constants.TOOLTIP_SETTING_PUBLIC_KEY, "PublicKey", publicKey));
442 initialSettings.put(Constants.SETTINGS_AUTH_EMAIL, constructGenericSetting(String.class, Constants.TOOLTIP_SETTING_EMAIL, "Email", email, username));
443 initialSettings.put(Constants.SETTINGS_USER_SETTINGS_USER_NAME, constructGenericSetting(String.class, Constants.LABEL_USERNAME, Constants.LABEL_USERNAME, username, username));
444 initialSettings.put(Constants.SETTINGS_USER_SETTINGS_PROFILE_NAME, constructGenericSetting(String.class, Constants.LABEL_PROFILENAME, Constants.LABEL_PROFILENAME, username, username));
445 initialSettings.put("settings.UserSettings.HomeFrame", constructGenericSetting(String.class, "The home frame", "HomeFrame", username + 1, username));
446 initialSettings.put("org.expeditee.gui.folders.FolderSettings.FrameDirs", FolderSettings.FrameDirs);
447 initialSettings.put("org.expeditee.gui.folders.FolderSettings.ImageDirs", FolderSettings.ImageDirs);
448 initialSettings.put("org.expeditee.gui.folders.FolderSettings.AudioDirs", FolderSettings.AudioDirs);
450 // Record the credentials frame number
451 Map<String, Consumer<Frame>> notifiers = new HashMap<String, Consumer<Frame>>();
452 notifiers.put(Constants.SETTINGS_AUTH, frame -> {
453 AuthenticatorBrowser.CREDENTIALS_FRAME = frame.getNumber();
454 frame.addToData("MultiuserCredentials");
455 Collection<Text> textItems = frame.getTextItems();
456 for (Text t: textItems) {
457 if (t.getText().equals("Secrets")) {
458 t.setPermission(new PermissionPair(UserAppliedPermission.followLinks, UserAppliedPermission.denied));
459 break;
460 }
461 }
462 });
464 // Create users profile
465 Frame profile = FrameIO.CreateNewProfile(username, initialSettings, notifiers);
466 int lastNumber = FrameIO.getLastNumber(profile.getFramesetName());
467 for (int i = 1; i <= lastNumber; i++) {
468 Frame f = FrameIO.LoadFrame(profile.getFramesetName() + i);
469 Text titleItem = f.getTitleItem();
470 if (i == 1 && titleItem != null) {
471 titleItem.delete();
472 f.setBackgroundColor(new Colour(1, 1, 0.39f));
473 }
474 f.setOwner(username);
475 f.getAllItems().stream().forEach(item -> item.setOwner(username));
476 f.setChanged(true);
477 if (f.getNumber() != AuthenticatorBrowser.CREDENTIALS_FRAME) {
478 f.setEncryptionLabel(AuthenticatorBrowser.PROFILEENCRYPTIONLABEL);
479 }
480 Collection<Item> secretsLink = getByContent(f, "Secrets");
481 Collection<Item> publicKeyItem = getByContent(f, "PublicKey");
482 if (!secretsLink.isEmpty() && !publicKeyItem.isEmpty()) {
483 //Then we are on credentials frame
484 f.addToData("MultiuserCredentials");
485 }
486 Text backupPersonalKey = KeyList.PersonalKey.get();
487 Text tempPersonalKey = KeyList.PersonalKey.generateText();
488 tempPersonalKey.setData(personalKey);
489 KeyList.PersonalKey.setSetting(tempPersonalKey);
490 FrameIO.SaveFrame(f);
491 KeyList.PersonalKey.setSetting(backupPersonalKey);
492 }
494 if (AuthenticatorBrowser.CREDENTIALS_FRAME == -1) {
495 System.err.println("authActions::Unable to establish credentials frame for new profile frame. Account creation failed.");
496 return;
497 }
499 try {
500 progressBar.UpdateMessage(message + "Establishing user credentials.", progress += step);
501 } catch (Exception e) {
502 e.printStackTrace();
503 }
504 DisplayController.refreshBayArea();
506 // Create credentials
507 File credentialsDir = new File(profile.getFramesetPath() + username + "-credentials");
508 credentialsDir.mkdir();
509 // credentials.inf file.
510 String credentialsPath = credentialsDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "credentials.inf";
511 File credentialsFile = new File(credentialsPath);
512 credentialsFile.createNewFile();
513 FileWriter out = new FileWriter(credentialsFile);
514 out.write(AuthenticatorBrowser.CREDENTIALS_FRAME + ".exp");
515 out.flush();
516 out.close();
517 // migrate credentials frame
518 Frame credentialsFrame = FrameIO.LoadFrame(username + AuthenticatorBrowser.CREDENTIALS_FRAME);
519 Path destinationDirectory = Paths.get(credentialsDir.getAbsolutePath());
520 Path destinationFile = destinationDirectory.resolve(AuthenticatorBrowser.CREDENTIALS_FRAME + ExpReader.EXTENTION);
521 FrameIO.migrateFrame(credentialsFrame, destinationFile);
523 try {
524 progressBar.UpdateMessage(message + "Creating Individual Space.", progress += step);
525 } catch (Exception e) {
526 e.printStackTrace();
527 }
528 DisplayController.refreshBayArea();
530 // Copy private resources to personal area
531 Path personalResources = UserSettings.PublicAndPrivateResources ? FrameIO.setupPersonalResources(username) : Paths.get(FrameIO.PARENT_FOLDER);
533 File contactsDir = new File(personalResources.resolve("contacts").toAbsolutePath().toString());
534 contactsDir.mkdir();
536 try {
537 progressBar.UpdateMessage(message + "Creating Space For Dead Drops.", progress += step);
538 } catch (Exception e) {
539 e.printStackTrace();
540 }
541 DisplayController.refreshBayArea();
543 File deadDropsDir = new File(personalResources.resolve("deaddrops").toAbsolutePath().toString());
544 deadDropsDir.mkdir();
546 System.err.println("**** Hardwired call in Apollo's AuthioPathManager");
547 AudioPathManager.activateAndScanAudioDir(); // ****
549 try {
550 progressBar.UpdateMessage(message + "Done.", 100);
551 } catch (Exception e) {
552 e.printStackTrace();
553 }
554 DisplayController.refreshBayArea();
556 }
558 /*
559 * Function to share a specified frameset.
560 * Currently, this moves the frameset to the 'Shared By Me' directory and then relies on the user to use Google Drive functionality to share it appropriately.
561 */
562 private static void shareFrameset(Frame toShare) throws IOException {
563 File destinationDir = new File(FrameIO.SHARED_FRAMESETS_PATH + File.separator + toShare.getFramesetName());
564 File sourceDir = new File(toShare.getFramesetPath());
566 if (destinationDir.exists()) {
567 MessageBay.errorMessage("A frameset by this name already exists.");
568 return;
569 }
571 destinationDir.mkdir();
572 List<Path> files = Files.walk(sourceDir.toPath()).collect(Collectors.toList());
573 Files.move(files.get(0), destinationDir.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
575 MessageBay.displayMessage("The frameset " + toShare.getFramesetName() + " has been moved to " + destinationDir + ". Google Drive functionality can now be used to share it with colleagues.");
576 }
578 private static void denyPasswordColleagueRelationship(String colleagueName) throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, CertificateException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException {
579 String time = org.expeditee.stats.Formatter.getDateTime();
580 String sender = UserSettings.UserName.get();
581 String message = "You have received a reply from " + sender + " reguarding your request for assistance.";
582 String message2 = "Unfortunately " + sender + " has indicated that they are unable to help you with your potential password recovery.";
583 Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<String, String>();
584 options.put("Clear Preview Colleague Nominations", "AuthClearPWColleaguesNominated");
585 MailEntry mail = new MailEntry(time, sender, colleagueName, message, message2, options);
586 Mail.sendMail(mail, colleagueName);
587 }
589 private static boolean submitPWColleagues(Map<AuthenticationTag, String> userData) throws InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, CertificateException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException {
590 String colleagueOne = userData.get(AuthenticationTag.ColleagueOne);
591 String colleagueTwo = userData.get(AuthenticationTag.ColleagueTwo);
592 PublicKey colleagueOneKey = AuthenticatorBrowser.getInstance().getPublicKey(colleagueOne);
593 PublicKey colleagueTwoKey = AuthenticatorBrowser.getInstance().getPublicKey(colleagueTwo);
594 if (colleagueOneKey == null) {
595 MessageBay.errorMessage("Unable to get public key for colleague: " + colleagueOne);
596 return false;
597 } else if (colleagueTwoKey == null) {
598 MessageBay.errorMessage("Unable to get public key for colleague: " + colleagueTwo);
599 return false;
600 } else {
601 String time = org.expeditee.stats.Formatter.getDateTime();
602 String sender = userData.get(AuthenticationTag.Username);
603 String topic = "You have received a request for cooperation from your colleague " + sender;
604 String message = "Should " + sender + " forget their password, they would like your help recoverying it.";
605 Map<String, String> arguments = new HashMap<String, String>();
606 arguments.put("I agree to assist " + sender + " if they loose access to their account.", "AuthConfirmPasswordColleagueRelationship " + sender);
607 arguments.put("I wish to excuse myself from this responsibility.", "AuthDenyPasswordColleagueRelationship " + sender);
608 MailEntry mail = new MailEntry(time, sender, colleagueOne, topic, message, arguments);
609 Mail.sendMail(mail, colleagueOne);
610 mail = new MailEntry(time, sender, colleagueTwo, topic, message, arguments);
611 Mail.sendMail(mail, colleagueTwo);
612 AuthenticatorBrowser.getInstance().markRequestedColleagues(UserSettings.UserName.get());
613 return true;
614 }
615 }
618 private static TextSetting constructTextSetting(String tooltip, String text, String data) {
619 return new TextSetting(tooltip, text) {
620 @Override
621 public Text generateText() {
622 Text t = new Text(text);
623 t.setData(data);
624 return t;
625 }
626 };
627 }
629 private static <T> GenericSetting<T> constructGenericSetting(Class<T> type, String tooltip, String name, T value, String frameset) {
630 return new GenericSetting<T>(type, tooltip, name, value) {
631 @Override
632 public Text generateRepresentation(String name, String frameset) {
633 Text t = new Text(name + ": " + value);
634 return t;
635 }
636 };
637 }
639 /*
640 * Changes the recorded password for a user in the key store.
641 */
642 private static void changePassword(final Map<AuthenticationTag, String> userdata) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyStoreException, FileNotFoundException, CertificateException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
643 final String username = userdata.get(AuthenticationTag.Username);
644 final String password = userdata.get(AuthenticationTag.Password);
645 final String newpassword = userdata.get(AuthenticationTag.NewPassword);
647 final SecretKey key = AuthenticatorBrowser.getInstance().getSecretKey(username, password);
648 if (key == null) {
649 MessageBay.errorMessage("The username + existing password combination was incorrect.");
650 } else {
651 AuthenticatorBrowser.getInstance().putKey(username, newpassword, key);
652 MessageBay.displayMessage("Password changed successfully.");
653 }
654 }
656// // establish properties
657// final String from = "[email protected]";
658// final Properties properties = System.getProperties();
660// properties.setProperty("mail.transport.protocol", "smtp");
661// properties.setProperty("", "");
662// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", "465");
663// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true");
664// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
665// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.debug", "true");
666// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
667// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
668// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", "");
669// properties.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
671// final Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties, new javax.mail.Authenticator() {
672// @Override
673// protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
674// return new PasswordAuthentication("noreply.expeditee", "intergalacticnumber");
675// };
676// });
678// // construct email message
679// final MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
680// message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
681// message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(email));
682// message.setSubject("Expeditee Password Recovery");
683// message.setText(intergalacticNumber);
685// // send email message
686// Transport.send(message);
689 public static void TickBox(final Text item) {
690 if (item.getBackgroundColor() != Colour.RED) {
691 item.setBackgroundColor(Colour.RED);
692 } else {
693 item.setBackgroundColor(Colour.GREEN);
694 }
695 }
697 /*
698 * Gets all items on a specified frame that contain the specified data.
699 */
700 public static Collection<Item> getByData(final Frame frame, final String data) {
701 final Collection<Item> allItems = frame.getAllItems();
702 allItems.removeIf(i -> i.getData() == null || !i.hasData(data));
703 return allItems;
704 }
706 public static Collection<Item> getByContent(final Frame frame, final String content) {
707 final Collection<Item> allItems = frame.getAllItems();
708 allItems.removeIf(i -> i.getText().compareTo(content) != 0);
709 return allItems;
710 }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.