package org.apollo; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.UIManager; import org.apollo.actions.ApolloActions; import org.apollo.agents.MelodySearch; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apollo.gui.FrameLayoutDaemon; import org.apollo.gui.FramePlaybackBarRenderer; import org.apollo.gui.FrameRenderPasses; import; import org.apollo.util.ApolloSystemLog; import org.apollo.util.Mutable; import org.apollo.widgets.FramePlayer; import org.expeditee.actions.Actions; import org.expeditee.core.BlockingRunnable; import org.expeditee.gio.EcosystemManager; import org.expeditee.gio.EcosystemManager.Ecosystem; import org.expeditee.gio.GraphicsManager; import org.expeditee.gio.InputManager.WindowEventListener; import org.expeditee.gio.InputManager.WindowEventType; import org.expeditee.gui.Browser; import org.expeditee.gui.Frame; import org.expeditee.gui.FrameIO; import org.expeditee.items.Item; import org.expeditee.items.Text; import org.expeditee.settings.UserSettings; /** * Provides initialization and shutdown services for the Apollo system. * * @author Brook Novak * */ public final class ApolloSystem { private static final String APOLLO_ICON = "org/apollo/icons/mainicon.png"; // TODO: Create actual frames public static final String SYSTEM_FRAMESET_NAME = "apollosystem"; public static final String HELP_TOP_FRAMENAME = SYSTEM_FRAMESET_NAME + 2; // TODO: How to get good results: collection (moteef) and querry // TODO: How to omit indexing on tracks public static final String HELP_MELODYSEARCH_FRAMENAME = SYSTEM_FRAMESET_NAME + 3; public static final String SETTINGS_NAME_TIMELINE_RMARGIN = "timelinerightmargin"; public static final String SETTINGS_NAME_TIMELINE_LMARGIN = "timelineleftmargin"; public static boolean useQualityGraphics = true; private static boolean hasInitialized = false; private ApolloSystem() { } /** * Initializes Apollo mod for expeditee - prepares all subsystems. */ public static void initialize() { if (hasInitialized) return; ApolloSystemLog.println("Initializing..."); // Ensure that resources are released before the application is closed. EcosystemManager.getInputManager().addWindowEventListener(new WindowEventListener() { @Override public void onWindowEvent(WindowEventType type) { if (type != WindowEventType.WINDOW_CLOSED) return; ApolloSystem.shutdown(); } }); EcosystemManager.getInputManager().registerGestureListener(ApolloGestureActions.getInstance()); EcosystemManager.getInputManager().addInputEventToGestureTranslator(new ApolloKBMGestureTranslator()); // Set title //Browser._theBrowser.setTitle("Apollo"); loadSettings(); ApolloSystemLog.println(" Preparing sub-systems..."); SampledAudioManager.getInstance(); RecordManager.getInstance(); ApolloPlaybackMixer.getInstance(); FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance(); FrameRenderPasses.getInstance(); PlaybackClock.getInstance(); FramePlaybackBarRenderer.getInstance(); // Setup for importing audio EcosystemManager.getDragAndDropManager().addCustomFileImporter(new SampledAudioFileImporter()); ApolloSystemLog.println(" Loading actions and agents..."); // Add apollo actions Actions.LoadMethods(ApolloActions.class); Set agents = new HashSet(); agents.add(MelodySearch.class.getName()); Collection omitted = Actions.addAgents(agents); for (String agent : omitted) { if (agent == null || agent.length() == 0) continue; String name = agent; int index = agent.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index > 0 && agent.length() > (index - 1)) { name = agent.substring(index); } ApolloSystemLog.println(" WARNING: Failed to add agent \"" + name + "\""); } ApolloSystemLog.println(" Loading banks..."); SoundDesk.getInstance(); // loads upon creation ApolloSystemLog.println("Initialized"); hasInitialized = true; } /** * TODO: This is temporary and should be integrated with expeditees settings system.. once it is desinged * to support plugins... * * When invoked, the apollo setting frame is loaded and parsed... setting apollo-specific settings. */ public static void loadSettings() { // Load apollo settings frame from the default profile Frame profile = FrameIO.LoadProfile(UserSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME); if (profile == null) { try { profile = FrameIO.CreateNewProfile(UserSettings.DEFAULT_PROFILE_NAME, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } assert(profile != null); for (Item i : profile.getSortedItems()) { if (i instanceof Text) { Text textItem = (Text)i; if (textItem.getText().toLowerCase().trim().startsWith(SETTINGS_NAME_TIMELINE_LMARGIN)) { Mutable.Integer val = stripNameValueStringInteger(textItem.getText()); if (val != null) { FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().setTimelineMargins( val.value, FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getRightMargin()); } } else if (textItem.getText().toLowerCase().trim().startsWith(SETTINGS_NAME_TIMELINE_RMARGIN)) { Mutable.Integer val = stripNameValueStringInteger(textItem.getText()); if (val != null) { FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().setTimelineMargins( FrameLayoutDaemon.getInstance().getLeftMargin(), val.value); } } } } } private static Mutable.Integer stripNameValueStringInteger(String namevalue) { assert (namevalue != null); int valueIndex = namevalue.indexOf(':') + 1; if (valueIndex == 0 || valueIndex >= (namevalue.length() - 1)) return null; try { int value = Integer.parseInt(namevalue.substring(valueIndex)); return Mutable.createMutableInteger(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { /* Consume*/ } return null; } /** * Releases all resources currently used by the SampledAudioManager. */ public static void shutdown() { ApolloSystemLog.println("Saving banks..."); SoundDesk.getInstance().saveMasterMix(); SoundDesk.getInstance().saveMixes(); FramePlayer.saveTypedFrames(); ApolloSystemLog.println("Releasing resources..."); ApolloPlaybackMixer.getInstance().releaseResources(); RecordManager.getInstance().releaseResources(); // blocking MultiTrackPlaybackController.getInstance().releaseResources(); ApolloSystemLog.println("Subsystems shutdown"); } /** * @return * True if has initialized. */ public static boolean isInitialized() { return hasInitialized; } /** * The apollo main just ensures that apollo is initialized during startup. * * This may eventually become redundant once Expeditee implements a plugin system * that allows a plugin / mod to initialize itself at started... * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (Browser.ECOSYSTEM_TYPE == Ecosystem.Swing) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel("javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } // Window icon must be set before initialisation GraphicsManager.setWindowIcon(APOLLO_ICON); // Run expeditee Browser.main(args); EcosystemManager.getMiscManager().runOnGIOThread(new BlockingRunnable() { public void execute() { ApolloSystem.initialize(); } }); } }